Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rock me gently, Rock me slowly, Take it easy, Don't you know ...

"Juliet, Naked" by Nick Hornby is a sweet and funny novel about friendship, loneliness, love (in all forms), and coming to terms with ones past. It's about a woman named Annie who has spent the past 15 yrs being involved with Duncan, a man who is so in awe of a singer named Tucker Crowe that Duncan has collected anything he could get about Tucker and has created a website dedicated about him, and after 15 yrs Annie has had enough. So, when Duncan breaks up with her she doesn’t have too hard of feelings for him, and then there is also the email correspondence that has just started up between her and Tucker Crowe after he read a review that she wrote about his latest CD (titled: Juliet, Naked).

It’s also about a man named Tucker Crowe who used to be a singer/songwriter until one day in 1986 he gave it all up, since then he has been ‘in hiding’, per what his fans say, and is still dealing with his past.

The email correspondence between them starts a friendship, of sorts, that is also like their own version of counseling each other. When Tucker is summoned to England to see a child of his, whom he doesn’t know that well, Annie and Tucker plan to meet and then life hits them ...

4 out of 5 stars. I liked this book ... very funny ... however, I wish the ending was written better. =0/

For more information on this book or any of Nick's other books, then please check out his website.

** Title is from the song Rock Me Gently by Andy Kim **

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