Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So come on baby, get in ... Get in, just get in ... Look at the trouble we're in

"Crossroads" [Southern Arcana, Book 2] by Moira Rogers is about two people still learning about themselves and what they want from their lives. Derek has only been a Shapeshifter (Wolf) for two years and is still learning how to control his instincts along with the supernatural world around him. However, the one thing he still hasn't been able to control is the way he feels about Nicole, those feelings have just seem to intensify throughout the two years since he's changed. Nicole has grown up as a Shapeshifter (Wolf) but for years she has been trying to escape her life as the high ranking Alpha's daughter by owning/running her bar in New Orleans. She has a thing for Derek, and plans on changing their current relationship and heating things up a bit.

The only problem is on the night that they both decide to start something, trouble comes for Nicole's family, as her sister shows up asking for help. Now while trying to get to know each other, and helping her sister, Nicole will have to dive back into the politics of her father's life that she has tried so hard to stay out of.

3 out of 5 stars. Good read ... lots of action ... I liked the characters. But still kind of too rushed. =0/

For more information on this book, series and/or any other of their books, then please check out their website.

** Title is from the song Animals by Nickelback **

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