Sunday, February 28, 2010

sometimes I give myself the creeps, sometimes my mind plays tricks on me

Pages: 309 | Release Date: August 28, 2007

"Darkfever" [Fever Series, Book 1] by Karen Marie Moning -- MacKayla (Mac) likes her small town life in Georgia. The only thing missing from her days of either work or lying by the pool in her parents’ backyard is waiting for her older sister to return from her year abroad studying at Trinity College in Dublin. Yet, everything changes when Mac gets a call saying that her sister is dead, and after three weeks of waiting on the Dublin police to find some answers ... her family is told that her sister's case is being moved to the unsolved department. With that news, Mac decides to fly to Dublin to start the search herself. Once Mac arrives everything isn't what it seems in more ways then one. As she finds out that her sister hasn't been as open about what she's been up to as Mac believed, hot man that she sees in bars suddenly look like anything but human, and she's beginning to believe their might more to herself and her past then she knows. While Mac is getting deeper into her sister's secrets and the mystery of her death, she gets help from Jericho, a man who tells her little about himself and she isn't sure if she can fully trust, and is followed by V'lane, a Fae prince who makes sex an addiction for woman. Soon, Mac realizes that maybe the only way to find out who murdered her sister is to find the mysterious Sinsar Dubh, a powerful dark Fae book that her sister was in the process of searching for...

3 out of 5 stars. The story is written in a journal aspect, like Mac went through this journey and then is writing it all down afterwards so it'll be documented, you know this since there is a lot of foretelling in how the details are written. I'm not sure if I completely like that or not, since it's like you get into a scene and then the foretelling stops you from being completely there. Other then that, I think it's a great book. Action Packed! I can't wait to read the next in the series!

For more information on this book, series, and/or any of Karen's other books, then please check out her website.

** Title is from the song Basket Case by Green Day **

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