Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When you find yourself, In some far off place, And it causes you to rethink some things ...

Did you know that Atlantis was real?? At least in "The Nymph King" [part of the Atlantis series] by Gena Showalter it is. In this book you'll find out more about Atlantis and Nymphs (of course) ... as well as Dragons and Vampires ... but it's really about Valerian (the actual Nymph King) and Shaye. Valerian is used to women falling at his feet ... or usually falling into his bed as soon as he wishes it ... so when he takes his warriors up to the surface to bring back some human woman to service them he doesn't think he'll have any problems. However, Shaye has some other ideas. She's attending her mother's 6th attempt at marriage and she in the middle of an argument with her mother (after the ceremony) when then hunky men come walking out of the water and straight for them. Her mother falls under their spell and tries to rush to them ... while Shaye tries to run in the other direction back to the wedding reception and dragging her mother with her. The men follow her and once they get into the reception room they gather up all of the single females (including Shaye) and start bringing them back to Atlantis (under Shaye's protests). Once in Atlantis, Valerian feels so drawn to Shaye he feels like would kill his friends before they could be able to touch her, and for Shaye - she just wishes to go back to her home ... but if she can't escape then she would rather be with Valerian then any of his men. The only problem is before he went to the surface he promised his men he wouldn't choose any of the woman ... so when one of them do choose her ... she make a point to let that man know she doesn't want to go with him .... and Valerian plans on keeping her even if that means to fight his cousin to the death. Also, outside forces don't like that the Nymph's have gone to the surface either and will do anything to punish Valerian and his people ... even if it means complete annihilation of the nymphs.

3 out of 5 stars. I liked the relationship between Valerian and Shaye. However, Gena threw in so many other background characters (with another love triangle) that I didn't get to read as much of them as I would have liked to. But I did like the setting she created out of Atlantis ... definitely I wish I could see it myself.

For more information on this book, series and/or any other books by Gena, then please check out her website.

** Title is from the song Find Yourself by Brad Paisley **

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