Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Go and tell your white knight that he's handsome in hindsight, But I don't want the next best thing

Pages: 368 | Release Date: Reissue edition - April 30, 2009

"The Reluctant Heiress" [also known as Magic Flutes] by Eva Ibbotson -- Being an heiress in 1920s Austria, you are expected to live a certain way. For Tessa, Pfaffenstein Castle's young heiress, that means not being a junior wardrobe mistress at the International Opera Company in Vienna. However, money is tight for Tessa and her aunts, so when they decide to put their castle up for sale that is exactly what she becomes, while trying to maintain her anonymity and loving every minute of it.

Guy is a self-made businessman, in hopes of buying a countryside castle to win the heart of a woman he has been in love with since he was a teenager. Once in Austria, he commissions Tessa’s company to stage a production at Pfaffenstein (the castle he’s planning on purchasing) as part of a lavish ball that he’ll host, while being unaware that the current mistress of Pfaffenstein works for the company.

During the rehearsals, Tessa and Guy meet and share their love for music and art – the attraction between them is undeniable. However, Guy stays faithful to his snobby fiancĂ©e and Tessa deals with marriage proposals from a local prince. By the time the ball arrives, the truth will come out … and the question is will their relationship as friends be able to with stand the truth and if so will it turn into something more?

4 out of 5 stars! A sweet fairytale for young and old.

For more information on this book and/or any of Eva's other books, then please check out her Amazon.com Page.

** Title is from the song Fairytale by Sara Bareilles **

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1 comment :

  1. Sounds like a sweet fairytale, like you stated above, that I would really enjoy. Great review!


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