Thursday, October 7, 2010

*sigh* I'm sorry!!

Hey all .... I love having this blog and I AM NOT GIVING IT UP so please keep following me ... and I STILL plan on having monthly contests ... and reviewing as much as possible. HOWEVER, the reason I have dwindled from posting just about every two days or so to a little longer in-between is because I'M PREGNANT!!! YAY!! My husband and I have been trying for over a year and a half so we're very happy and excited. BUT that also means that I've been dealing with morning sickness for the past 3 weeks and haven't felt motivated (much) to reading as much as I was before. Which really sucks, since even though my hubby might not have liked the amount of time I put into reading books, I did like it. *hehee* =0)

*sigh* Anyway ... I'm trying to stay on track and like I said I still plan on posting as much as I can and keeping up with the monthly contests ... but I just wanted to let you know why I have suddenly slowed down from my posting.

Thanks for your support! ♥

Take care, Jess

Related Posts :
I'm Sooooo Sorry!
Another Beginning …
I'm Sorry!!
Second Sentence Saturday: Pregnant with a Royal Baby!


  1. How exciting! Congrats! When are you due? I had tons of morning sickness with my son and I was never more tired in my life. It will get better soon!

    Love your reviews and can't wait to read more!

  2. Thanks Tara!! My EDD is May 6th, so right now I'm only 10 wks along. I do hope that this sickness will get better soon. *crossing fingers* Especially since it seems that when it get really bad my motivation is shot. =0/

    Anyway ... thanks again for the kind words. =0)


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