Monday, November 15, 2010

Interview with Sandra Edwards

Sandra is an award-winning romance author. She has eclectic tastes, penning tales in a variety of genres such as paranormal (mostly time travel and reincarnation), contemporary, and romantic suspense. Her books often push the envelope and step outside the boundaries of conventional romance. She lives in the U.S. (west coast) with her husband, two kids, four dogs and one very temperamental feline. [Find out more about Sandra & her books HERE!]

My Q&A with Sandra Edwards :

Jess : When and why did you being writing?

Sandy : I discovered writing when I was about thirteen, after an English assignment to write a short story. My classmates’ stories were maybe half a page and most of them had fairly large penmanship on that assignment. My story, on the other hand, was five pages long. It was then that I discovered writing and how much I loved it. All through high school I acquainted myself with the craft by entertaining my friends with short stories.

Jess : Do you have a specific writing style?

Sandy : No, at least I don’t think so. My style depends on the story I'm currently telling. I always adjust as needed.

Jess : What appeals to you, when writing a ‘paranormal’ book?

Sandy : Time travel, ghosts and reincarnation are my favorite paranormal elements to write about. I love exploring past lives and the idea of “what if you could go back in time?”. It’s always interesting to me to ponder thoughts on what an individual might do given the chance to change the past.

Jess : Do you have a favorite character that you’ve written? If so, in which book and why?

Sandy : A favorite character? That’d be like choosing a favorite child. My favorite character is always the hero and/or heroine that I’m currently writing.

Jess : What sparked the idea for your novel, Incredible Dreams?

Sandy : A fascination with ghost stories and time travel. Ghost stories where people have died tragically (and weren’t murdered) always leave me feeling sentimental. After fusing a couple of these tragic tales together with my other fascination: the 1940s, I came up with the idea for Incredible Dreams.

Jess : Is it fun to write from two different view points?

Sandy : I love writing in multiple view points. When it comes to romance I don’t feel like I’m getting the whole story if I don’t get to experience both the hero and the heroine’s POV. Likewise, if it’s a suspense, part of the story is missing if I don’t get a peak at what’s inside the “bad guy’s” head.

Jess : Which usually comes first for you, the character(s) story or the idea for the novel?

Sandy : The first book I wrote was a combination of a character/story idea. The idea for the book was sparked by a song, but it was curiosity over how the songwriter had gotten himself in this situation that began to take shape in the form of Crazy For You.

Jess : Did you put any of your personal experiences into your books? If so, which book and why?

Sandy : No, my books are all completely fiction.

Jess : How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

Sandy : I’ve completed six books, and I have a plethora of WIPs (works in progress). As with characters, my favorite book is always the one I’m currently working on.

Jess : Do you have any other projects in the works? If so, can you share a little of your current work with us?

Sandy : I’m in the process of wrapping up the second book in the Soul Searchers series titled Vegas, Baby. In this book, without giving away too much of Broken Wings’ plot (the first book in the series), let me just say that while Broken Wings was about Rio learning about her previous life, this book is about Rio and “her” life.

I’m also working on a book titled Forever For You, which reunites the cast of Crazy For You and throws them smack-dab into the middle of a murder mystery.

Jess : What book are you reading now? How do you like it so far?

Sandy : I’m currently reading Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry (something I became interested in after my husband talked me into watching the mini-series). It’s a very entertaining read even though, for me, the pacing seems to read a bit slow at times.

-- I was sooo happy about having my FIRST interview!! Thanks Sandy!! It was great talking with you and getting into your books!! --

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Incredible Dreams

Find Sandra Edwards :

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