Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What was I thinking?: Dark Swan Series, Book 1

Format: Paperback | Pages: 361 | Release Date: August 2008 | Publisher: Zebra Books

"Storm Born" [Dark Swan Series, Book 1] by Richelle Mead

What was I thinking? : Well, I really loved Richelle's Vampire Academy Series so I thought I'd try one of her other series and what a disappointment that was. Blah ....

My Book Summary : Eugenie is a powerful shaman, who's goal is to protect her "world" (and the human race) anyway she can from gentry (the fey) and things from the "other world" who happen to attack, haunt, or just bother humans. The good thing about it is she's a mercenary so she gets to choose which cases to take and gets paid for it. However, after years of being a mercenary, her name finally becomes known by the gentry and her life completely changes. When one of her latest clients needs her to rescue his teenage sister from a gentry, Eugenie learns about a disturbing prophecy that involves her first-born who will threaten the world as she knows it. So, now she has gentry coming at her from all sides ---- to be her unborn babies daddy or to kill her --- a teenage girl to save and she needs to work out who she can learn to trust when her world is turned up-side-down.

My Book Review : 1 out of 5 stars. From what I saw after I tried to read this book is a lot of people had bad reviews about the series too ... maybe not this book in particular but definitely a few books down the line. I liked the book up until the halfway point and then the plot went a way I just didn't like and I got bored with it. *shakes head* Too bad. Basically I never finished the book ... I just couldn't force my way to do so.

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Spirit Bound

Book Teaser(s) :
Dorian's eyes flicked back to me. "Did you have any idea what a creature of nightmare you are around here? Mothers tell their children Odile Dark Swan will come for them if they're bad."
"Hey, I don't seek them out. I only come for them if they come for me first."
"Interesting," he said, arching an eyebrow. "But if that's how you like it, so be it. I always admire women who know what in the bedroom."
"Hey, that's not what I---" I hadn't realized the extent to which our slang had permeated the gentry world. Theirs was a reflection of my own; things seeped through. ~ within Chapter 8

For more information on this book and/or any other books by Richelle, then please check out her website.

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