Friday, July 8, 2011

Made the Grade: NY Girlfriends Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 375 KB | Release Date: October 2005 | Publisher: Kensington Books

"The Pregnancy Test" [NY Girlfriends Series, Book 1] by Erin McCarthy

My Book Summary : All in a short time span Mandy's life has changed ... she closed her toy shop, her boyfriend broke up with her, and she found out she is pregnant!! Now she really needs to find a job with good benefits, so she doesn't live off of her parents funds, and so she can take care of her child. Thankfully her roommate was able to set her up with an interview as an assistant. An interview where she definitely makes a lasting impression, by puking in his wastebasket in front of him (which is located between his legs at the time), and gets hired for the job. Now she just has to contend with working for a man, Damien, who has a nickname of Demon, who asks like an ogre, who has made his previous secretary cry, and who has some baggage of his own to deal with.

These seemingly different people are about to find that one person who could make everything better, only if they can trust each other and get over their pasts/baggage ... is it possible?

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars. A sweet, hot, and funny story where you root for the two main characters from the beginning!! Mandy is a great character .... her plot about being pregnant (and everything that goes along with that) is really well written and thought out. Where Damien's past is revealed in a way where you want good things for him and it makes you wish you could help him out too. The chemistry between these two just sparks off of the pages!

The only reason this novel didn't get a better/higher rating was because of how Mandy's roommates try to get involved and meddle things up .... it was very annoying and unnecessary for the plot.

Book Teaser(s) :
I was thinking about Cecilia for a girl and Simon for a boy.
Her heart swelled a little at the thought of giving a name to her child. Giving him or her an identity.
I don't know...those sound very British.
All the good feelings she'd been having fled.
I am British!
"Bloody idiot." ~ within Chapter 17

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Erin, then please check out her Amazon Page.

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