Thursday, September 29, 2011

Feasted On: A Summer Novel, Book 3

Format: Hardcover | Pages: 291 | Release Date: April 2011 | Publisher: Simon & Schuster | Obtained: Pasquotank-Camden Library

"We'll Always Have Summer" [A Summer Novel, Book 3] by Jenny Han

My Book Summary : Two years have passed and during that time Isabel (Belly) and Jeremiah has built a relationship for themselves that they love. They think nothing can bring them down. So, while at a fraternity party celebrating the last few days of college (and Belly's freshman year), Belly hears that Jeremiah has cheated on her. She's sad, hurt, and unsure of where to go from there, except she knows that she needs space.

Once they are able to talk to each other again Jeremiah makes amends with Belly, in a way that she never expected but they are both very excited about. Before their summer hits they make plans and hope their families will support their decisions. Soon, however, they find that what they want and what their parents want for them are two separate things. So, Belly decides to stay at the Cousin's beach house after a huge fight with her mother, she just didn't expect to have Conrad (Jeremiah's older brother) staying there at the same time. But that's okay, their relationship is over but they can still be friends, right?

However, when everything seems to be falling apart and Conrad is the only one around to help her, Belly finds that she now needs, and gets, to confront her feelings for Conrad to be sure what they had is truly over. Especially before things completely change for her ...

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars. "We'll Always Have Summer" wraps up the admiring story of the young love that Isabel has for the two Fisher boys. The author does a wonderful job of taking on a hard situation, of two brothers wanting the same girl, and putting a sweet and heartwarming spin on it.

I loved how everything turns out for Isabel, Conrad, and Jeremiah!! Especially since she ends up with the boy I liked the best! =0) However, there were plenty of twists in this book that first you were thinking Belly would choose one of them, and then you think she's going to go for the other, and back again. But I did really like how it all ended. Even though I wish there was more about the one she ends up with and her, I also know that whatever the author could have added probably would never have stop me from wanting more. So, oh wells.

I definitely recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a good YA love triangle! Also, I recommend it to those of you who enjoy books by Sarah Dessen and/or Elizabeth Scott.

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1 | Book 2

Author Extras :
If you can't see/take the above quiz then click here to take the "We'll Always Have Summer" Quiz.
Author Book Trailer :
If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.
Book Teaser(s) :
What would he say when we told him our news? I couldn't begin to guess. When it came to Conrad, I was never sure of anything. I worried, too, about what my mother would say. Jeremiah wasn't worried, but he so rarely was. He said, "Once they know we're serious, they'll have to get on board, because they won't be able to stop us. We're adults now." ~ within Chapter 13
She had on a light purple dress. She looked grown up. It occurred to me that she had grown up while I wasn't looking, that there was every likelihood she had changed and I didn't know her anymore. But when she stood up to clap, I saw the Band-Aid on her ankle and I recognized her again. ~ within Chapter 20
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Jenny, then please check out her Amazon Page.
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