Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Teaser Tuesdays: On a Dark Wing

  • Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

  • "On a Dark Wing" by Jordan Dane

    Book Teaser:
    Being the second to the last day of school, you'd think Mrs. Akkerman would lighten up and cut me some slack, but forget about it. Teachers never had a concept for how bad it felt to single a kid out, especially on Taco Tuesday. I didn't care about much. Most days I felt invisible, totally forgettable with no special talent. But damn it, give me my tacos. ~ within Chapter 1

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    Related Posts :

    Blog Tour Review -- Feasted On: On a Dark Wing by Jordan Dane

    Out of the darkness and into the sun. But I won't forget all the ones that I loved. I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change ... and breakaway

    Spreading the Word: BLACK WINGS by Iryna K. Combs

    Teaser Tuesdays: Prom Nights from Hell


    1. Hmm...today is taco Tuesday at our school. My teasers are from Lawe's Justice by Lora Leigh and Kaptain Vamp by Joanne Lecuyer. Two very different reads!

    2. Sounds sad...
      Here's mine:

    3. Yeah, give him his tacos! lol.
      Fab choice of teaser, not a book i'd previously known about so thanks for sharing!

      Here's my TT:



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