Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Teaser Tuesdays: Clockwork

  • Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

  • "Clockwork" by Paige Shelton
    (Originally published as "SNEAKS," which is what it was called when this reviewer read it.)

    Book Teaser:
    They suddenly sounded disappointed. The letter would have either said I’d be able to choose a husband from someone never married or someone previously married, perhaps a divorcee or a widower. The women got to choose – but as my Granny would say: It’s the Govment’s, those SOB's, way of making you think you have a choice, but bad choices are as awful as no choice at all, maybe even worse.
    In two years I’d marry someone who’d already been married. ~ within the story as there isn't any chapters

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    1. Very interesting...so she gets to pick someone to marry from some divorcees. But some girls get a letter telling them they can choose a husband that has never been married. Either way you might not have good choices. That would suck.

      Visit My Teaser Tuesday!

    2. I agree ... it would definitely suck! =0/


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