Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Teaser Tuesdays: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel

  • Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

  • "Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel" [Beau Monde Series, Book 1] by Samantha Grace

    Book Teaser:
    She pitched forward, barely grabbing the branch with both hands before slipping from the window ledge. One second she swung through the air and the next she came up short.
    Oh, heavens above. Something caught her skirt, causing it to bunch up around her waist and expose her drawers for all God's tiny garden creatures to see.
    Lana tightened her grip and suppressed a whimper. Why did she leave the ballroom? ~ within Chapter 1

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    Related Posts :

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    Doris J Olsen - U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012


    1. Great teaser! I so need to check this one out – thank you for sharing! :)

      Here’s mine:


    2. Wow, sounds hilarious! Thanks for sharing.

      Here's MY TT POST - and here’s

    3. lol that doesn't sound like things are going well

    4. I love the language in this teaser:
      Oh heavens above.
      God's tiny garden creatures.
      Sounds like a fun story.

      Here's my teaser: Sandy's Teaser

    5. A good teaser!



    Thank you for taking your time to comment!!

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