Sunday, April 8, 2012

Invisible Children | Kony 2012

I learned about this organization when a coworker of mine emailed me this link wanting me to check out the video that the article has on the page because her son sent it to her and she said it just had a wonderful message and I really should listen to it. Well that was about a month ago (in March) and today I finally got around to going to the link and looking into it. As you can see (unless it's changed since I've been to the link) the video has been taken down so I went to the Invisible Children's website to see if the video was there and to learn what I could and WOW I am SOOO glad that I did. They have an even better video posted (view below) and now I am so informed that I wish I could do more than just make a blog post about it but I HAD to tell you about what was going on encase (like me) you didn't know but feel you should help out. So, please view the below video it talks about what Invisible Children is, how they are trying to make a difference, and how you can too. It's only 20 minutes of your time. Thank you in advance.

A Brief Description of Invisible Children & Kony 2012:
    WATCH & SHARE KONY 2012: Part II - Beyond Famous

    This generation has responded to the call to make Joseph Kony famous. Now we need to dig deeper and turn awareness into informed action. Part II gives a closer look at the Lord’s Resistance Army, the international efforts to stop them, the progress that has already been made, and what we can all do to help.

    What is the goal of KONY 2012?

    Invisible Children has been working for 9 years to end Africa’s longest-running armed conflict. U.S. military advisers are currently deployed in Central Africa on a “time-limited” mission to stop Kony and disarm the LRA. If Kony isn’t captured this year, the window will be gone. [read more]


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