Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blog Tour - Made the Grade: Three River Ranch by Roxanne Snopek | Interview, Review, & Giveaway

Today I'm turning my blog over to Roxanne Snopek, who I interviewed about her latest novel "Three River Ranch," which is the 1st book in her Three River Ranch Series!!

ALSO -- Be sure to check out Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post to be able to sign up for this blog stop's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from October 31 - November 7, 2012]

My Q&A with Roxanne Snopek :

Jess : What books did you enjoy reading while growing up?

Roxanne : I have a complete collection of Agatha Christie novels, mostly salvaged from second-hand book stores. I just loved them. Also, for some reason, I found the 101 Dalmatians books very comforting. Don’t ask me why, but I read and reread them as a tween-ager.

Jess : What sparked the idea for "Three River Ranch?"

Roxanne : I always wanted to write a cowboy story, but I’m not a “western” or “historical” writer. So I needed a contemporary slant; once I learned about wild horses, the ecology slant was a natural.

Jess : Which of your characters would you most & least to invite to dinner, from which book and why?

Roxanne : Oh, I’d definitely invite Bliss and Blythe to dinner, together. Just to watch the sparks fly! Plus, they’re both good cooks – we could do potluck!

Jess : If you had to describe Aurora & Carson (from "Three River Ranch") in one word, what would it be?

Roxanne : Aurora: believer, Carson: cynic

Jess : What appeals to you when writing a romance novel?

Roxanne : I love writing emotional interactions and relationships. I “get” that stuff. Plus, with grim reality all around us, I want to write something that I KNOW will end well.

Jess : Which usually comes first for you, the character(s) story or the idea for the novel?

Roxanne : Character, definitely. I might read something in the paper that twigs an idea, but it doesn’t take root until a person emerges from the mist to embody the situation.

Jess : If "Three River Ranch" were to be made into a film, who do you see playing the main characters and why?

Roxanne : Carson is Josh Holloway, the guy who played Sawyer in LOST. Alpha, so a bit high-handed and rough-around-the-edges sometimes, sexy as all get-out, definitely damaged, but you just can’t help loving him. Did you see Sawyer and Kate kiss? Seriously. Look for it on YouTube (look below). That’s how Carson kisses.

Rory would be played by a grown-up version of Emma Roberts, who played Grace in the movie Valentine’s Day. She has the right mix of innocence, resilience and dogged idealism.

Jess : In regards to "Three River Ranch," if you could write it all over again, would you change anything about it?

Roxanne : Well, I’d probably soften Carson up a bit more. *I* know what a softie he is, and Rory knows, but readers don’t always see it as clearly.

Jess : How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

Roxanne : Including non-fiction and anthologies, I’ve got ten print books out there with my name on it. The e-book "Three River Ranch" makes eleven. However, I’ve written at least another five that have never found publication. My favorite book though? The next one. Always the next one. It’s still perfect, you see.

Jess : Do you have any other projects in the works? If so, can you share a little of your current work with us?

Roxanne : You bet! I’ve always got something in the works. The one I’m finishing up right now is the second in the Three River Ranch series, called "The Reluctant Rancher." It’s the story of Des and Zach and wow, these two have a lot of trouble to overcome. Watch for it in early 2013!

Jess : Do you prefer eBooks, paperbacks or hardcover? Any specific reason why?

Roxanne : I’m loving my Kobo right now. The “buy now” button is the best thing ever! I can browse, sample, buy and start reading, all without getting out of bed!

Jess : What do you normally eat for breakfast, or do you skip it and get straight to work?

Roxanne : You’ll be sorry you asked. My favorite breakfast – toast and peanut butter – is now only a weekend treat, because I’m starting to manifest symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome and have to cut down on bread. (Dang it. I love bread.) So, instead, I make a super-healthy, high-fiber, high-protein, low-fat bowl of: ¼ cup of old-fashioned oatmeal, cooked in the microwave with a Medjool date for sweetness, then mixed with 1/3 cup of NutraCleanse, and skim milk. It keeps my blood sugar stable and easily holds me until late afternoon. Plus, it’s surprisingly delicious.

Jess : If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Roxanne : "Wait! Wait! She’s Still Thinking!" or "Oh, NO! Did I Say That Out Loud?"

Jess : List 3 books you just recently read and would recommend?

Roxanne : "Never Tell a Lie" by Hallie Ephron
"Wild Encounter" by Nikki Logan
"Sworn to Silence" by Linda Castillo

About the Author :

Roxanne gives mostly 5 star reviews because she only forces herself to read books she doesn't like when someone makes her. In which case there's usually a good reason, like expanding her literary comfort zone on the advice of a smart, literate friend.

Roxanne Willems-Snopek is an award-winning freelance writer of everything from corporate newsletters to personal essays. Author of the Amazing Stories series of true life animal adventures, she now focuses on fiction. Snopek grew up in Saskatchewan and now lives in British Columbia.

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 358 KB | Expected Release Date: August 24, 2012 | Publisher: Entangled Publishing : Bliss | Obtained: Entangled Publishing

"Three River Ranch" [Three River Ranch Series, Book 1] by Roxanne Snopek (aka Roxanne Willems-Snopek)

My Book Summary : Trying to start a new life for her and her unborn child, Aurora (Rory) moves into the guesthouse on Three River Ranch sight unseen and finds her life is going to get a lot harder. The same day she finds out that the guesthouse is a mess and she also learns that the son (Carson) of the now diseased ranch owner has plans of his own for the property. Not willing to give in to Carson's demands Rory suggests that that they become roommates and try to help each other out in rebuilding their lives and the ranch.

Now Carson has to deal with finding money to turn the ranch into the Three River Mustang Study Center, a feisty pregnant woman (Rory), and a pregnant wild mustang & dog as well. If only Carson's father didn't make his will, so demanding then he could have everything that he wants as well as giving enough money for Rory to be on her way out of there. Nevertheless, disappointments have a way of changing into wants/needs making Rory & Carson find that what they always wanted could be right around the corner if only they open themselves up to opportunities that await them!!

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! The realization that dreams come in all shapes and sizes is what this novel is all about! I loved the buildup of this story! How both Rory & Carson come from rocky pasts and they learn to love again throughout this novel, even if it takes being knocked on the head to do so. The town seems great too, but my favorite characters were Blythe (The Blight) and Bliss (The Blister)--twins who seem that they cannot stand each other--they are the voice of reason for Rory throughout this story and are good comic relief!

I recommend this novel to anyone who likes cowboy contemporary romances!

Author's Novel Extras : Warm up your Kindle/Nook/Kobo/iPhone/tablet: I SOLD A BOOK! | The Man With the Dragon Tattoo? | 3RR Launch Weekend Report: | And We’re Off... | And We’re Off... | SERENITY NOW!!

Book Teaser(s) :
“Melissa,” said her mother calmly. “Waitresses don’t get tips until the customers have finished their meals. And only if they’re satisfied with the service, honey.”
The girl huffed loudly and turned on her heel. “Stupid job,” she muttered as she stomped back into the kitchen.
Rory eyed her coffee doubtfully.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Blythe said, lifting her own cup to her lips. “Melissa’s the devil’s own spawn but she makes a good cup of coffee.”
“I heard that!” called a faint voice from the kitchen.
“An okay cup of coffee, I meant,” Blythe hollered back, grinning at Rory. Her nose wrinkled up when she smiled. ~ within Chapter 4
She swung both feet over the edge of the couch and sat upright, again feeling the head rush that had sent her to the couch in the first place.
“So this is swooning,” she muttered to herself. “Can’t say I like it.”
The voice came from the dark mass in the corner chair. Rory jumped.
“Carson?” she squeaked, then cleared her throat. “What are you doing?”
The ancient upholstery complained as Carson unfolded his long limbs from their cramped positions.
“Catching a few winks, like you.”
Rory’s eyes had adjusted to the low light, and she could see his mussed hair and hear the gravel in his voice. “You were watching over me!”
“Nah. You don’t need watching. But you kinda fell asleep on the job, so I took over watching Misty here.”
She sat up, pulling the afghan tightly around her shoulders, and leaned over the whelping box. She stroked Mistral and her dozing offspring. Her hand drifted lightly over the tiny bodies, now fluffy and dry, then stopped. She peered in more closely.
“Aha,” Carson said, a smile in his voice. “You noticed.” ~ within Chapter 10
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Roxanne, then please check out her website.

My Giveaway!! :

  • An ARC e-book copy of "Three River Ranch" to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
The Fine Print -- To Enter :
  1. This contest ends on November 7th 2012.
  2. This contest is International!!
  3. It's the author/publisher's responsibility to ensure that the winner gets "Three River Ranch," not mine.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Find Roxanne Snopek :


  1. Hey readers, what do you think? Does my vision of Carson match your vision of Carson? Any other Sawyer fans out there??

    Remember that scene? He'd just been tortured by "an Iraqui soldier a genuine spinal surgeon" and all he wanted was a kiss from Kate ...

  2. I'm looking forward to reading THREE RIVER RANCH. It looks wonderful.

  3. This is just an amazing detailed review. You're really talented in this field. I hope that you will create a YouTube channel and publish your reviews on YouTube to reach much more audience!


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