Thursday, November 15, 2012

Authors/Publishers/Small Businesses/Book Bloggers :: Can You Help or Do You Want to Participate?

Hello all!!

I've been tossing this idea around for a few days now and--even though it's last minute--I'd like to see if anyone would like to help me out. The idea came when I saw this photo/sign (show below) on November 12 about it being small business Saturday on November 24th, actually it was because my local bookstore that was sharing the photo (when I saw it) that I got this idea.

Basically my idea is this ... starting on November 24th to November 30th (might be longer or shorter depending on how many people can help me out) I'd like to run a couple of giveaways one with a few books from my local bookstore (not sure which ones yet) and another with a few books from my local used bookstore (again not sure which ones yet) .... then here's where I need everyone's help ... I'd also like to do giveaways from authors (probably ebooks or whatever you're willing to give away). I was thinking that since this is based around small businesses I would like to have any self-published or indie authors helping me out but really I'll be happy with anyone who would like to participate.

Other then giveaways ...

The other things I would like to do between those dates above is to host GUEST POSTS having you explain what YOUR FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKSTORE IS or WHY SHOPPING LOCAL IS SO IMPORTANT or YOU CAN PROMOTE A LOCAL BUSINESS OR NEWish BOOK THAT MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU!

If you are interested please comment on this post (remember to leave your email addy) or email me at

Thank you ahead of time to all that choose to participate!

Take care, Jess


  1. Jess, I'd be happy to participate. I self-pub as well as publish through a Big Six publisher and an independent press, so I run the gamut. My local bookstore is Mysteries & More in Nashville, and they're wonderful. I'd be thrilled to write about them.


Thank you for taking your time to comment!!

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