Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blog Tour - Dear Cassie by Lisa Burstein | Guest Post, Spreading the Word, & Giveaway

Today I'm turning my blog over to Lisa Burstein, who is talking about what a typical day for her is like. =0)

ALSO -- Be sure to check out Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post to be able to sign up for this blog stop's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from March 5 - 28, 2013]

A Day in the Life of Lisa Burstein :

A typical weekday from totally boring, totally ordinary young adult author of "Pretty Amy" and "Dear Cassie," Lisa Burstein (I say boring because if this was one of my character's lives they would surely be complaining about how bored they were- LOL)

  • 5:40 AM - alarm goes off, I grumble and hit snooze.
  • 5:50 AM - alarm blares and is snoozed again, more grumbles.
  • 6:00 AM - alarm blares and husband yells for me to turn off alarm, while dog burrows under covers. More grumbles, but I finally wake up. I wish I didn't have to, but in addition to being a young adult author I also have a day job. I don't hate my day job, but I certainly do hate having to have one.
  • 6:01 AM - Coffee is made. My cat usually comes in the kitchen to say hello, splaying himself out like a bear rug. Lunch is packed: Cottage cheese, tomatoes and crackers almost every day. Because it's easy to make and I am lazy.
  • 6:10 AM - Shower: I use my time in the shower to work out plot points and ideas for what I am currently writing. I usually get my best ideas in the shower. I sometimes even get ideas for tweets in the shower. I am ashamed to even admit this.
  • 7:00 AM - Arrive at the day-job where I am chained to my desk until 3:30 PM. At the day-job I work and also tweet with readers and friends. Do some face-booking, blogging, emails with editor, publicist and agent as needed oh and also WORK.
  • 4:00 PM - I try to go to the gym. The word is "try" but I am usually back home and in my office writing. I write until dinner.
  • 6:30 PM - Dinner with hubby.
  • 7:00 PM - Until bed... Watching TV or reading until I fall asleep. I am always reading at least one book. The book I am reading now is "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn. I've been reading more adult than young adult lately.
  • 10:00 PM - Lights out, so I can be well-rested for another super-exciting day as a young adult author. ;)

"Dear Cassie" by Lisa Burstein

Author's Book Description :
    What if the last place you should fall in love is the first place that you do?

    You’d think getting sent to Turning Pines Wilderness Camp for a month-long rehabilitation “retreat” and being forced to re-live it in this journal would be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.

    You’d be wrong.

    There’s the reason I was sent to Turning Pines in the first place: I got arrested. On prom night. With my two best friends, who I haven’t talked to since and probably never will again. And then there’s the real reason I was sent here. The thing I can’t talk about with the guy I can’t even think about.

    What if the moment you’ve closed yourself off is the moment you start to break open?

    But there’s this guy here. Ben. And the more I swear he won’t—he can’t—the deeper under my skin he’s getting. After the thing that happened, I promised I’d never fall for another boy’s lies.

    And yet I can’t help but wonder...what if?

About the Author :

Lisa Burstein is a tea seller by day and a writer by night. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from the Inland Northwest Center for Writers at Eastern Washington University and is glad to finally have it be worth more than the paper it was printed on. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her very patient husband, a neurotic dog and two cats.

She wrote her first story when she was in second grade. It was a Thanksgiving tale from the point of view of the turkey from freezer to oven to plate. It was scandalous.

Giveaway!! :
  • An E-book copy of "Dear Cassie" to ONE randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
The Fine Print -- To Enter :
  1. This contest ends on March 31st 2013.
  2. This contest is International!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Find Lisa Burstein :


  1. This looks like a great read! Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I haven't read any of her books before, but I would love to.

  3. Love the cover of this book! Thanks for the awesome chance to win!


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