Friday, April 5, 2013

Feasted On: Mindlink by Kat Cantrell

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 503 KB; Audiobook - Unabridged | Expected Release Date: April 1, 2013 | Publisher: Carina Press | Obtained: NetGalley

"Mindlink" by Kat Cantrell

My Book Summary : Ashley (The Redhead/Eleanor) is a movie star whose life has gone down the toilet lately and nothing seems to make it better, especially when the gossip magazines keep bringing out all of her flaws. Therefore, when she hears about aliens asking the people of Earth to send 10 specially trained scientists---so they can meet, talk, and possibly find out the meaning of a few things they aren't aware of---she makes plans to be one of them. As she just knows that if she can fool everyone into believing that, she is one of the scientists her life will fundamentally turn around for the better.

However, that was before she arrived on this other planet and learned that the aliens lied about their plans. Now, with the help of an alien she calls Sam, she'll find a way back home. If only she can stop herself from falling in love with Sam during her stay...

ZXQ-One (Sam) had plans to become the head of his research division and believed that the life he led was the one he was supposed to lead. That all changed once Ashley fell into his life, making him question everything and all of his beliefs, which leaves him being a traitor in his leader's eyes and sent to be "recycled." While waiting to be recycled Sam and Ashley really meet and accidentally mindlink. Together, and much to their both initial annoyance, they work out a plan to escape the confides of the prison and the only city/world that Sam knows to face the unknown and a future that Sam never expected could exist or plan for...

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars--this novel is full of deception, lies, mixed truths, and two people learning more about themselves and what they are capable of then they ever thought possible. I found the "mindlink" between Sam & Ashley to be similar, in a way, to Ms. Royce's Outsiders Series especially in regard to her novel "Love Beyond Sight" because of how the hero & heroine in Ms. Royce's novel use their link like the way Sam & Ashley do. While I also found that "Mindlink" has, a unique alien-Egyptian flare like Ms. McHugh's "Tangled Web" that reels you into its world and keeps you captivated and curious as to see where the author will take you.

I enjoyed reading and learning about how the "mindlink" worked. As well as, seeing how Sam & Ashley's relationship grew because of the link. Sam grew to turn into as "normal" a human he could become, while Ashley learned to overcome her past mistakes because of Sam's gentle touch and help. They were just like Natalie (another character in this novel) said:
“You guys are like yin and yang, finishing each other’s sentences, and staring at each other all googly-eyed. I’m so jealous it makes my teeth numb.” ~ within Chapter 17
I recommend this novel to anyone who likes sci-fi romances!

Author's Novel Extras : Mindlink is available in Audio! | MINDLINK releases today! | Release Party! Kat Cantrell’s MINDLINK | Would You Be On The List?

Book Teaser(s) :
“Do you have a name?”
He hesitated and she narrowed one eye. “Too hard of a question?” she asked. Maybe the aliens didn’t have names.
“I am ZXQ-One.”
She snorted. “That’s not a name, that’s a model number. I think I ordered something online with that exact one. Do Telhadas not have real names?”
“I am not a Telhada. The Telhada is the ruling class to whom all citizens of Alhedis pledge loyalty and obedience. Only the noble members of the Telhada have proper names.” He rubbed his forehead and blinked hard. It looked like his vision was coming back. “You ask a lot of questions.”
“You started it.” She reeled back her temper and the edge to her voice. Attacking him wasn’t going to get her anywhere. “Well, I’m not calling you ZXQ-One, like you’re a Terminator or something. My friend Sam played an alien in a movie and you look a little bit like him, so that’s what I’m going to call you.”
Sam suited him better anyway. A good, upstanding name for a solid sort of guy. Even if he was on the thinner side, he had a responsible air about him like he never forgot to file his taxes or fill up his car with gas. A guy named Sam was dependable and never late for anything. “So, Sam it is. My friend Sam’s alien movie grossed—”
“You also talk a lot.”
Okay. Of course he wasn’t impressed by who she knew. ~ within Chapter 3
He lunged into action before further analysis could give him pause.
He crashed into UBA and caught the High Priest in a tight bear hug, flung them both to the ground and rolled. Their similar weight and build might have evened the odds but One had surprise and determination to his benefit.
At the perimeter, he released UBA and kept going. His world narrowed to this one singular act. His breath caught as he rolled past the pylons and into the Badramun. Everything hinged on The Redhead’s assessment of the implant’s functions and his faith in her quick mind.
Needlelike pricks exploded behind his eyes. In that split second, he prepared to die, to join with the Ancestors in the afterlife, where he would beg for mercy in failing his charges.
One of The Redhead’s images from Earth sprang into his mind, of a human wearing a cape and a tight uniform with an “S” on the chest.
Not dead. Alive. Pent-up breath hissed out. ~ within Chapter 8
For more information on this book and/or any other books by Kat, then please check out her website.

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