Monday, April 1, 2013

Giveaway Winner of Dear Cassie by Lisa Burstein

Shannon B.

Congratulations, Kim!! You just won an e-copy of "Dear Cassie" by Lisa Burstein!! You should be receiving an email from me and the publisher soon.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this giveaway for "Dear Cassie" and checked out Ms. Burstein's Guest Post!! Please keep up-to-date with my blog tours by checking out my event calendar so you'll know when you really want to stop by From Me to You.... Or you could just friend/follow the blog too!!

If you didn't win in this contest yet also signed up for my "Face The Music" by Andrea K. Robbins Giveaway than click here to see if you won!!

Have a good day everyone!

Take care, Jess

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