Thursday, August 1, 2013

Feasted On: Lovestruck in London by Rachel Schurig

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 524 KB | Expected Release Date: May 19, 2013 | Publisher: Self-Published | Obtained: NetGalley

"Lovestruck in London" by Rachel Schurig

My Book Summary : Elizabeth (Lizzie) is the youngest of six children in a very close nit family. Growing up she's always felt a bit out of place compared to everyone else she knew and it doesn't help that her family has high expectations for her to become just like them, graduating from college then getting a stable job--as a school teacher--and possibly settling down soon by getting married. However, after graduating from college she is still not ready to settle down, so when she hears about an additional courses she can take for nine months in London she convinces her best friend to join her and off they go for knew adventures.

Within the first week of living in London, Lizzie meets Thomas, an up-and-coming movie star, and they have an instant attraction between them that is undeniable. Quickly they become an item and start dealing with the reality of trying to spend time together while doing school work and managing an up-and-coming acting career with all of the perks and nightmarish things that come along with it.

Over time, their relationship gets stronger and they fall into a wonderful routine for themselves. Nevertheless, they knew at the beginning, that their relationship was going to have to deal with a major separation at some point. When that time comes, will they be able to make it through their separation or will they be able to find a better solution for everyone?

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars!! This sweet, enthralling, fun novel lets you enjoy the historical aspects of England, while capturing you in an intense romance involving its main characters. I really wish I could be Lizzie. She was a spunky character when she wanted to be, while staying very down-to-earth. Plus, it helped that Thomas was charmer that I could not get enough of, he captured me from the beginning. Together they evened each other out, especially when it felt like the world kept trying to pull them apart.

It also helped that Thomas' friends and Lizzie's best friend, Callie, were an entertaining group too. They made the novel light and fun during the times when Lizzie kept wanting to be depressing, while being great characters in their own right.

I only wish that Lizzie dealt with her situation at the end of the novel better then she did. Then after Lizzie did smarten up, I wish there was an epilogue or something to see how Lizzie and Thomas were doing not long after the ending. =0/

Nevertheless, I do recommend this novel to anyone who likes the New Adult romance genre and/or romances dealing with movie stars.

Purchase This Book Here :

Author's Novel Extras : Crazy Dreams | What I’m Working On | How is it April?? | Cover reveal! Title reveal! Contest! Exclamation points! | Chick Lit Author Blog Hop! | New Book!

Book Teaser(s) :
"He's been, uh, talking about me?" I asked, feeling my heart rate start to increase.
"Oh God, yeah," Sarra went on, oblivious to Meghan's death stares in the mirror. "Sunday brunch, all we heard about was your date on Saturday. When we saw him Wednesday night at trivia, it was even worse. And I must have at least gotten four texts from him about this evening, warning me to be nice and not make you feel uncomfortable."
"Texts which you clearly took to heart," Meghan said drily. "Way to embarrass her." ~ within Chapter 8
There was plenty of wine, the food smelled amazing, and everyone seemed happy and excited. I couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving.
"Hang on!" Thomas cried, before I started to fill my plate. "You haven't seen my special dish."
Sarra crossed her arms. "He's been talking about this secret dish all day. Meghan made an entire turkey! Have some perspective."
He stuck out his tongue at her as he turned to run back to the kitchen. "Do you know what this is?" I asked Meghan, but she only smiled at me.
He returned a moment later, carrying a covered casserole dish. Grinning at me, he pulled off the lid to reveal a layer of tamales, my very favorite food.
I stared at him. "What...what is this?"
"I may have emailed your cousin," he said. "To ask her what your favorite Thanksgiving food was. She said your family always had tamales, in addition to the traditional stuff. She even sent me your mum's recipe. It might not taste quite as good as hers, but I wanted you to have a taste of home today."
I couldn't believe he had gone to so much trouble. It was my turn to get teary.
"Can you guys be sappy some other time?" Charlie called out. "I'm starving."
"Wait!" Callie said. "We haven't said what we're thankful for yet. It's tradition! Everyone has to go around and say what they're giving thanks for this year."
Charlie grumbled about cruel and unusual punishment, but, under a glare from Callie, he dutifully said he was thankful for how many photos he'd sold lately. ~ within Chapter 15
For more information on this book and/or any other books by Rachel, then please check out her website.

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