"Play" [Stage Dive Series, Book 2] by Kylie Scott
Author's Book Description : Kylie Scott returns with the highly anticipated follow-up to international bestseller "Lick."
Mal Ericson, drummer for the world famous rock band Stage Dive, needs to clean up his image fast—at least for a little while. Having a good girl on his arm should do the job just fine. Mal doesn’t plan on this temporary fix becoming permanent, but he didn’t count on finding the one right girl. Anne Rollins never thought she’d ever meet the rock god who plastered her teenage bedroom walls—especially not under these circumstances. Anne has money problems. Big ones. But being paid to play the pretend girlfriend to a wild life-of-the-party drummer couldn’t end well. No matter how hot he is. Or could it?
My Book Review : 5 out of 5 stars!! Wow! It had been a while since I read "Lick," book 1 of this series, that I completely forgot how much I LOVE Malcolm!!! So much so, that I finished reading this almost 300 page book in one day, which is usually hard for me to do while still looking after my 5 month old and 3 year old children. Basically, this novel had me enthralled from the beginning. Also, even though I had guessed what Mal's major issue was before the reader was told that didn't stop me from becoming so into this novel, and Mal & Anne's relationship, that I really didn't want it to end.
Mal & Anne are a unique couple that seems to roll with the punches that are thrown their way while sticking together through thick and thin. I loved that Ms. Scott found/wrote Anne for Mal, since like Mal says it might not make since for them to be together but fate stepped in and wouldn't let go. They are quite the pair!
I HIGHLY recommend this series and novel to those who love contemporary romances about rock stars!
- On a side note -
There are SOO many great parts to this novel that I kept on wanting to share more and more teasers (I believe I bookmarked about 15 pages of them) at the bottom of this review but I stopped myself at three. =0)
Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here :
My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1
My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters : Best Book Couples -- Happy Valentine's Day 2014
Author's Series Extras : Lick - Overview & Excerpt | Weekend Writing Warriors... Lick. | Weekend Writing Warriors... Lick | Weekend Writing Warriors... Lick | Weekend Writing Warriors... LICK | Weekend Writing Warriors ... LICK | Weekend Writing Warrior ... Lick | Weekend Writing Warriors... LICK | Weekend Writing Warriors... LICK | Another Sunday snippet from LICK. | A smutty snippet from LICK for your Sunday pleasure.

Book Teaser(s) :
Drummer’s arms. They were certainly nice as body parts went, covered in ink and bulging in all the right ways. I bet they felt good, too.
And I was so obviously checking him out someone should slap me.
If I kept this up, I would slap me. Hard.
“What’s your name?” he asked, joining me at the railing. God, even his voice felt good. The little hairs on the back of my neck stood on end with delight.
“My name?”
He stood close enough that our elbows bumped. His bare elbow, since he wore only jeans, a pair of Chucks, and a fitted “Queens of the Stone Age” T-shirt. Mal Ericson had touched me. I’d never wash again.
“Yeeeah, your name,” he drawled. “The point of me telling you my name, even when you already knew it, was so you’d give me yours. That’s how these things go.”
“You knew I knew?”
“The crazy eyes kinda gave it away.”
A moment later, he groaned. “Never mind, this is taking too long. I’ll just make one up for you.”
“Anne what?”
“Anne Rollins.”
A brilliant grin lit his face. “Anne Rollins. See, that wasn’t so tough.”
I gritted my teeth and tried to smile. Most likely I resembled a lunatic. One that had spent way too much time imagining him naked. Good god, the shame.
Gently, he tapped his bottle of beer against mine. “Cheers, Anne. Nice to meet you.” ~ within Chapter 2
Mal: Bored. Ben’s late
Mal: Let’s get a dog
Anne: Apartment has no pets rule
Mal: Nice green lace bra
Anne: Get out of my drawers, Mal.
Mal: Matching panties?
Mal: :)
Mal: Sext me
Mal: Come on it’ll be funny
Mal: Plz?
Mal: High level of unhealthy codependency traits exhibited by both parties relationship possibly bordering on toxic
Anne: WTF?
Mal: Did magazine quiz. We need help. Especially you
Anne: ...
Mal: Booking us couples counseling. Tues 4:15 alright?
Anne: We are not going to counseling.
Mal: What’s wrong? Don’t you love me anymore?
Anne: Turning phone off now. ~ within Chapter 6
“Pumpkin, am I in hell?” Mal walked in, sat on the edge of my bed.For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Kylie, then please check out her website.
“Yes. Yes, you are. I’m sorry. This is the first and worst level of all, the one where you can hear your neighbors fucking through paper-thin walls.”
Lauren made some screechy noise she was particularly prone to during such encounters. I cringed.
“Make it stop,” Mal whispered, mouth opened wide in horror. “Oh, fuck no. This is horrible.” ~ within Chapter 11
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