Saturday, August 8, 2015

Second Sentence Saturday: Not So New In Town

SECOND SENTENCE SATURDAY is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jess of From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab the novel/novella your currently reading or previously read
  • Open to the first page of Chapter 1 or its Prologue
  • Share the SECOND sentence from that page
  • Share the novel/novella's title & its author, so that other participants can add that novel to their TBR Lists if they want

MY Second Sentence Saturday :

"Not So New In Town" [Harmony Homecomings Series, Book 2] by Michele Summers

She had always hated being called "Loco Lucy," but right about now, she thought she might be a little nuts.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT to share either the link to your own SECOND SENTENCE SATURDAY post or share the sentence in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thank You!


  1. OMGosh! I love this. And that's one of my favorite lines. Thanks for featuring Not So New In Town. Jess, you rock! Now let me find a second line to enter...

  2. My second sentence Saturday: Down On Love by Jayne Denker
    "What, the ugly breakup wasn't final enough for you?"

    1. Nice sentence! *hehee* Thanks for participating!


Thank you for taking your time to comment!!

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