SECOND SENTENCE SATURDAY is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jess of From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
- Grab the novel/novella your currently reading or previously read
- Open to the first page of Chapter 1 or its Prologue
- Share the SECOND sentence from that page
- Share the novel/novella's title & its author, so that other participants can add that novel to their TBR Lists if they want

MY Second Sentence Saturday :
Tyler Oakes walked into the most disputable bar he could find in Birmingham. It was a place called Kitty Licks, out near the airport.
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT to share either the link to your own SECOND SENTENCE SATURDAY post or share the sentence in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thank You!
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