"Undeniable" [Always Series, Book 3] by Cherie M. Hudson (aka Lexxie Couper)
Author's Book Description : Listen to your heart.
Sit still for a moment. Close your eyes. Listen. Just listen. What do you hear? When I do that, I hear … fuzz. Okay, not really fuzz, but it’s hard to explain what I hear. Put your hands over your ears. Hear that? That’s kind of like what I hear, but not really …
I feel sound. Does that make sense? Being deaf in one ear and partially deaf in the other sucks. People think I’m dumb. I’m not dumb. I just can’t hear you. I’ve worked out however, people thinking you’re dumb actually works to your advantage. When people think you’re dumb, they don’t expect anything from you. And when they don’t expect anything from you, you don’t have to engage with them. I’m okay with that.
So why the hell is my sister’s boyfriend’s cousin, an annoying Australian named Caden, so adamant he wants to talk to me? I can’t work out if he’s laughing at me, or if he can see what I can see … the world is worth laughing at. What kind of name is Caden any way?
I also can’t work out why, for the first time ever, I wish I could truly hear the way normal people do. Surely it has nothing to do with the fact I wonder what his heart would sound like beating in his chest if I lay my head on it. I can’t work it out and I don’t like it.
Damn it.

I really liked this contemporary new adult romance that is written in a diary style kind of way. It was easy to follow along (as this is the first novel from its Always Series that I’ve read) and I enjoyed how it gave the reader a way of viewing/learning about Caden and Chase’s thoughts on WHY they did the things they did throughout the novel. All in all, it was easy to realize that though Chase and Caden were perfect for one another they both had some growing to do in comprehending what they wanted out of life and each other. In their novel, you get to see their growth, their love for one another, and see how much Chase needed to come to an understanding about her past and what she wanted out of her future. This novel is VERY well written.
Caden and Chase have very similar personalities, though when they had bad things happen to them when they were younger they took very different approaches to life and how they handled the circumstances that are thrown their way. Because of that, it makes for a whole lot of drama in their novel, but the tension that grows finally has them fessing up to their true feelings for each other so it all works out for the best. And how they fessed up …. in truth I was charmed. Together they make a great couple that I rooted for from the start. Their story is one that is unique but meaningful enough that it’ll definitely stick with me.
I HIGHLY recommend this novel to those looking for an incomparable contemporary new adult romance!
Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here : Amazon (Paperback) USD : Unconditional (Book 1) | Amazon (Paperback) USD : Unforgettable (Book 2)
My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Misplaced Princess
My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters : The Books I'm Thankful For (so far) in 2017
Author's Novel Extras : Chapter One of UNDENIABLE
Author's Series Extras :
Book Teaser(s) :
I plan to one day own a rescue mutt of indecipherable parentage and call him Puss-Cat, just to mess with people's heads. ~ within Chapter 1 - titled 'Caden'
If anyone tells you love makes you invincible, tell them they're full of shit. Love makes you paranoid and insecure and nervous you're going to fuck it all up and lose the best thing that's ever happened to you. ~ within Chapter 5 - titled 'Caden'
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Cherie, then please check out her Amazon Acct.
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