Saturday, July 14, 2018

Second Sentence Saturday: Bases Loaded: Baseball Erotica [Part 1 of 2] | @BasesLoadedBook @MalinMJames @cpmcclennan @Shoshi @robin_juliet #BookTeaser #Erotic

SECOND SENTENCE SATURDAY is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jess of From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab the novel/novella your currently reading or previously read
  • Open to the first page of Chapter 1 or its Prologue
  • Share the SECOND sentence from that page
  • Share the novel/novella's title & its author, so that other participants can add that novel to their TBR Lists if they want

MY Second Sentence Saturday :

"The Slump" [within Bases Loaded: Baseball Erotica] by L. Maretta - [Amazon Book Link]

I was 13 years old at the beginning of his career, instantly I developed a crush on the new Shark and became a diehard fan.

"Lucky" [within Bases Loaded: Baseball Erotica] by Malin James - [Amazon Book Link]

That's how she looks when she's watching baseball...well, actually, no.

"Third Strike and a Beauty" [within Bases Loaded: Baseball Erotica] by C. P. McClennan - [Amazon Book Link]

Heather pushed the key into the lock and turned it.

"Fan Fetish" [within Bases Loaded: Baseball Erotica] by Yolanda Shoshana - [Amazon Book Link]

Celeste knew exactly what that smile meant.

"Sweet Spot" [within Bases Loaded: Baseball Erotica] by Robin Juliet - [Amazon Book Link]

I knew he liked me, so the I'm-glad-to-see-you look in his eyes isn't a surprise.

"On the Verge" [within Bases Loaded: Baseball Erotica] by Rosalía Zizzo - [Amazon Book Link]

A quartet of seagulls attacked the bag for what they hoped would be a feast, squawking and snatching the bag from one another and shaking what was left to the ground.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT to share either the link to your own SECOND SENTENCE SATURDAY post or share the sentence in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thank You!

If you want to assist Jess, here's what you can do :
  • FOLLOW Jess' blog and/or any of her social accts (the options to do that are on this website's sidebar)
  • COMMENT on this blog post
  • SHARE this blog post Any and Everywhere!

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