Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Blog Tour - Love's Remains by Jacqueline Simon Gunn / @DrJSimonGunn | #AuthorInterview, Spreading the Word, & Multiple Item #Giveaway! #LovesRemainsPT @PrismBookTours

Today I'm showing off Jacqueline Simon Gunn's "Love’s Remains," which is her recently released novel, the SECOND novel in her Where You'll Land Series, and the novel I recently interviewed her about!

ALSO -- Be sure to check out the Rafflecopter Contest at the bottom of this post to be able to sign up for this blog tour's GIVEAWAY!! [Promotion for this post will run from July 22 - 28, 2019 and its Giveaway will end on July 31, 2019]

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My Q&A with Jacqueline Simon Gunn :

Jess : Which usually comes first for you, the character(s), story or the idea for the novel?

Jacqueline : Before I even begin writing a book, I usually have a vague sense of the story and the underlying themes I’d like to explore. When I actually start pounding the keyboard, I begin with the development of my main characters, holding the story in the back of my mind, but letting the characters sort of take over the direction. It’s like being a passenger. I’m there, but I’m not driving once we get going.

Jess : Which of your characters would you most & least like to invite to dinner, from which book and why?

Jacqueline : I would NOT invite the killer, from my Close Enough to Kill psychological thriller series, to dinner. She terrified me. She’s a highly intelligent, sophisticated, maniacal murderer whose nefarious intentions and taste for emotional manipulation increases throughout the series. I found her psychology fascinating, but I also stepped away from the draft – more than once – frightened by what my own mind created while writing from her point of view. Besides, she only kills those close to her. Inviting her to dinner, would be ‘feeding’ her violent inspirations.

Is it fair to invite a nonfiction character? If so, I’d, without a doubt, invite Ralph (a pseudonym), a boy I had worked with in psychotherapy while he was in Dade County Juvenile Detention Center. Buried under fictional details to protect his anonymity, I tell his story, our story, in my nonfiction book, "BARE: Psychotherapy Stripped." The narrative is about survival and redemption. He grew up with no family, was raised by prostitutes, turned to gang life to find a sense of belonging. But he hated the life. He hated the crimes he committed. He hated who he had to be in order to survive on the streets. I won’t spoil the story for anyone who may read it, but I always wonder how his life turned out. The last time I saw him he was in a halfway house, trying to make changes. He wanted to go to college. He wanted more. I always hope that he found the life he so desperately wanted and deserved, but feared was slightly out of reach.

For a purely fictional character, I’d definitely choose Justin from "Forever and One Day," because – well, I just LOVE him. His story is also about redemption.

Jess : What is the most ironic or silly thing one of your characters, from "Love's Remains," said or did?

Jacqueline : I love how Mary Jane matches her cocktails with the color of her outfits and then encourages the men she’s involved with to wear clothing that match hers. We sort of know that her relationship is a little more committed than she’d like to admit to herself when we see, toward the latter part of "Love’s Remains," that she got her new love interest to wear swim trunks that match her bathing suit. It’s so – her.

Jess : Out of all of the secondary characters within "Love's Remains," do you have one or two favorites so far? If so, who are they and can you tell us why?

Jacqueline : Mary Jane and Carter.

Mary Jane is unconventional, confident and bold. I admire her ability to be herself and to express her ideas with passion and conviction, tremendously. Maybe every author has a character who gets to do and say all the things they’ve always wished they could. She’s mine. And, I must say, it’s awfully liberating.

I love Carter too. He’s funny, sarcastic and brutally honest. He’s also one of the only characters who’s not in the psychology program. While all of the other characters are caught up in the drama, the entanglements and the romantic angst, he is the voice of reason.

Jess : What cartoon character best represents your personal philosophy?

Jacqueline : Snoopy has always been an inspiration. I just love how he’s a nonconformist and creative, often spending hours lost in his imagination. He also seems to balance his fierce independence with making those he loves happy – something I aspire to.

Jess : Do you have a favorite aspect of summer that you’d like to share with us?

Jacqueline : I LOVE the increased sunlight and the long days.

Want to read more Q & A's from Jacqueline Simon Gunn then CLICK HERE

"Love's Remains"
[Where You'll Land Series, Book 2] by Jacqueline Simon Gunn

Author's Book Description :
    The second year of graduate school started out as a new beginning. I felt stronger. My heart had stitched itself up. I had finally healed enough on the inside to let love flourish once again. But an ever-present ex-boyfriend made the unresolved emotions between us impossible to ignore.

    Then new complications emerged: Said ex-boyfriend began dating Cecilia, who just happened to be the ex-girlfriend of my new love interest. I should have hated her. I wanted to hate her. But, I have to admit, I liked her.

    As the semester progressed, the tangled web between us deepened in ways I never could have anticipated, and it spread to those closest to us. We had the same classes, the same friends, the same interests. Then, of course, there were all the secrets, some of which could ruin the love I believed I wanted, I deserved.

    Once again, I got pulled into the dizzying vortex of all that remained unfinished. And doubt crept in. Had I really healed enough to make myself vulnerable again? Had I made the right choices?

    But the big question is: Can we ever really leave past relationships behind?

    This is the second book in the Where You'll Land series, but can be read as a stand-alone.

This book is available to order on :

Amazon (Kindle Unlimited) USD | Amazon (Paperback) USD | Shop Your Indie/Local Bookstores (IndieBound - Paperback) USD | Alibris (Paperback) USD

** Be sure to add it to your TBR pile on BookBub, Goodreads & LibraryThing! **

Experience Where You'll Land Series from the start! :

Book 1

Book 2
- Standalone Availability -

About the Author :

Jacqueline Simon Gunn is a Manhattan-based clinical psychologist and writer. She has authored two non-fiction books, and co-authored two others. She has published many articles, both scholarly and mainstream, and currently works as a freelance writer. With her academic and clinical experience in psychology, Gunn is now writing psychological fiction. Her Close Enough to Kill series, explores the delicate line between passion and obsession, love and hate, and offers readers an elaborate look into the mind of a murderer.

In addition to her clinical work and writing, Gunn is an avid runner and reader. She is currently working on multiple writing projects, including three romance novels.


My Previous Interview(s) with this Author : July 2019

My Previous Guest Post(s) by this Author : About "WHERE YOU'LL LAND" - January 2019 | "LOVE’S REMAINS" and the inspiration behind the Where You’ll Land Series - June 2019

My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters : #BlogTour - Forever and One Day by Jacqueline Simon Gunn / @DrJSimonGunn | #BookRelease & Spreading the Word @mobpromos | THE WORLD'S WORST BOOK TAG | #BookTag #BookTube | Where You'll Land by Jacqueline Simon Gunn / @DrJSimonGunn | #GuestPost, Spreading the Word, & #BookSale | Jacqueline Simon Gunn’s Where You’ll Land | #BookSale #KindleUnlimited @DrJSimonGunn @PrismBookTours | Cover Reveal - Love's Remains by Jacqueline Simon Gunn / @DrJSimonGunn | Spreading the Word & #99Cents #BookSale

Tour Giveaway :

Open to Kindle users & Internationally - Ends July 31, 2019
One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Copy of Where You'll Land
  • A Kindle Copy of Love's Remains
  • A $10 Amazon Gift Card

Click Here to enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway

Soo .... COMMENT on this post!! And you could WIN!! =0)

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This post & author interview was put together by myself (From Me to You ... Video, Photography & Book Reviews), while the tour is through Prism Book Tours and they supplied me with most of the information.

If you want to assist Jess, here's what you can do :

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