Thursday, August 29, 2019

Feasted On: Christmas Twins Series, Book 1 & A Amish Bachelor Series Novel | #BookReview #PatriciaDavids @LoveInspiredBks @HarlequinBooks

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Available Formats through Amazon: Kindle Edition & Paperback
File Size: 2290 KB | Print Length: 224 Pages
Publication Date: October 1, 2017 | Publisher: Harlequin : Love Inspired
ASIN: B06XKDDNH3 | ISBN-10: 037362302X | Language: English
Genre: Amish Romance, Contemporary Romance, Christian Romance
Format Jess Read This Novel In: eBook - MOBI File
Jess Obtained This Book Through: NetGalley

"Amish Christmas Twins" [Christmas Twins Series, Book 1] & [A Amish Bachelor Series Novel] by Patricia Davids

Author's Book Description : The Widower’s Christmas Wish

With Christmas just around the corner, widow Willa Chase will do anything to retain custody of her twin girls and unborn baby—even if it means escaping to her childhood Amish home. After her grandfather turns her away, Willa finds herself stranded at the home of blacksmith John Miller. A widower, John buries himself in work—until Willa’s vibrant twins become impossible to ignore. And before long, John is smitten with their beautiful mother, too. But when Willa’s past secrets are revealed, will they prevent John’s Christmas wish for a happily-ever-after from coming true?

My Book Review : 4.5 out of 5 stars!!! This novel has a setup that I had never seen before, at least not in this way. I got to see a woman who had grown up Amish but had lived in the English world for about ten years while she tried to keep her family together the best way she could. In doing so she decided to return to her roots and her Amish faith, from there she falls in love with a man who keeps on saving her ...

This moving tale kept me so riveted that I had a hard time walking away from it without completing the novel. I was glued to Willa’s story and how she had coped with her personal struggles. Yet she overcame them all in effort to create a better life for her children. As a mother myself, I loved how everything was handled and intrigued at how the topic of postpartum depression was discussed and handled in Willa’s life. Especially learning how some “mental illness” within some Amish communities would be dealt with was quite interesting too.

Then we just had the characters in general and, other than Willa’s grandfather, I was a BIG fan of them all. I liked how John and his mother riled around Willa, also how both came to Willa’s rescue multiple times. However, it was the bond between John and Willa that made me enjoy this novel the most. Their understanding of each other’s heartache helped bring them out of their shells. Then with a little meddling from fate and John’s mother, Willa and John get into a sweet relationship that hooked me from the very beginning. They are just SOO sweet together!

The only thing I would change is the ending. I mean I liked it. I’m happy with how supportive John is to Willa. And though I am relieved with how Willa’s “running away” debacle ended, everything about the ending felt rushed and the BIG confrontation felt to be a little bit of a letdown. Though I get, while making that statement, that this is a Christian AMISH Romance. I just was hoping for an ending that didn’t make Willa’s fears seem so pointless in some ways. That poor dear.

Nevertheless, I COMPLETELY LOVED this novel and I HIGHLY recommend it to those looking for a Christian Amish Romance with some unique twists.

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Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here :
Amazon (Kindle) USD : Secret Christmas Twins (Book 2) | Amazon (Kindle) USD : Texas Christmas Twins (Book 3)

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Amish Christmas Twins Patricia Davids Author
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Amish Christmas Twins Patricia Davids Author
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Alibris (Paperback) USD : Amish Christmas Twins (Book 1)
Amazon (Kindle) USD : The Amish Bachelors Series

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : The Amish Nanny | An Amish Harvest | Katie's Redemption

My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters :
Best Book Couples -- Happy Valentine's Day 2015 | Best Book Couples -- Happy Valentine's Day 2016 | BookTubeAThon 2018 - It's A Wrap! | @trinityblacio @LornaJWrites @authornordin @LPDover @jk_rowling @BookTubeAThon #BookTubeAThon

Book Teaser(s) :
Willa looked at John. "May I borrow your buggy?"
He leaned close to his mother. "She wouldn't have to use ours if her own could be fixed."
His mother lifted the lid off her shoebox. Four long metal grease-covered bolts lay on top of a sheet of newspaper. "Will you look at this? How do you suppose these got under my bed?"
Willa pressed a hand to her lips to hold back a laugh.
John plucked the bolts out of the box. "Someone who should confess her deception to the bishop put them there. You may take your own horse and buggy wherever and whenever you wish, Willa. I'll have it fixed first thing in the morning. I'll add a slow-moving-vehicle sign on the back as well as reflectors, turn signals and lights while I'm at it."
As he went out the door, Willa clasped her hands together and tried to look stern. "Vera, how could you do such a thing?"
The elderly woman gave her a smug smile. "It's quite easy if one has the right tools." ~ within Chapter 11
The following afternoon, John came in from finishing his chores to find his mother spooning cookie dough onto a baking sheet and singing a Christmas carol. Slightly off-key but with enthusiasm. The twins sat on the kitchen floor banging on pans with wooden spoons and occasionally joining in with a word or two. Loudly and very off-key.
"O Holy Night" had never sounded quite so bad. ~ within Chapter 14

Book Preview(s) :

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Patricia, then please check out her Amazon Page.

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