Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Week #32 of When & Where am I Wednesday with Unpopular Opinions Included | #BookTuber #HistoricalRomance #AmalieHoward @entangledpub

WHEN & WHERE AM I WEDNESDAYS are a weekly bookish memes, hosted by Jess of From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews. Anyone can play along! To participate here's what you need to do:
  • Based on the book your currently reading -- tell us when and where you are in your book, and possibly what "you're" (meaning the characters) doing or who "you" (meaning the characters) are with.
  • Try NOT to include spoilers!!!
  • Make sure to share the book information [title, author and/or book cover] so if someone likes what you write they can add that book to their TBR list.
  • Please mention From Me to You ... Video, Photograph, & Book Reviews as to where you heard about this collaboration meme.

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.

"The Beast of Beswick" by Amalie Howard - [Amazon Book Link]

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PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT to share either the link to your own WHEN & WHERE AM I WEDNESDAYS post/video or share where you are in your current read in a comment below (if you don’t have a blog). Thank You!

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  1. Thanks for the interesting review, although I can't believe you hated the ending of Beauty & the Beast. But I guess I can see some of what you were saying about the character transformation.

    1. *hahaa* Yeah I find Beauty & the Beast as a nice movie but the beast's part in the ending I have always not been a fan of. Oh well. =0)

  2. This is a great review!!! Yes this is def an unpopular opinion but it is your opinion after all and i respect it.

  3. Thanks for sharing an un-influenced video, I am going to support you on that.

    Keep it up.

    1. You're very welcome! That's why I love reviewing books ... all they ask for is your honesty. =0)

  4. I am loving the review... I like your honesty. Thank you for this.

  5. Thanks for sharing your honest review. I love Beauty and the Beast not only the main character but every characters that it have, although I already knew the ending of this movie but still find really beautiful.

    1. It is because of the secondary characters that I've enjoyed the movie as much as I had (except the ending) but to each their own. =0)

  6. Haha love your video so much..! It's so fun to watch it, I enjoyed a lot, thanks for sharing..!

  7. Woah! That is a really honest review! I love how you really did not give away everything :D

  8. Thanks for sharing the honest review. I really enjoyed a lot

  9. Your review is refreshing to watch, it's not everyday that I watch candid and honest reviews.

  10. I always appreciate an honest review on something. Honesty is hard to come by in reviews these days.

  11. Thank you for an honest review on this. I like when people share their opinion on a product/service. Unbiased and all.

  12. Interesting and honest review! It's important to share how we feel and what we think especially when doing a review.

  13. Loved your honest review truly. A bit different way of viewing the story so I felt interested.

    1. I'm glad you liked my take on talking about my current read. Since filming this I have found that the ending DOES get better. =0)

  14. I loved the video and now reading makes a whole picture for me) such an enjoyable read.

  15. I would love to read this because I love the different retellings of Beauty and the Beast. I know you compared this novel to the Disney version, but the original wasn't like the Disney version: the Beast dies of a broken heart (which my all-time favorite retelling from the Czech Republic sets up their ending). I am a major Beauty and the Beast fan and love different versions.

    1. Than I would definitely recommend this novel to you!! Since posting this and filming that video .... I HAVE finished this novel and found the ending made this novel a whole lot better!

  16. I, for one, am a great fan of fairy tales and love reading and watching the various retellings. Loved your unbiased and frank opinion. It is so difficult to give unvarnished reviews because often people dont like reading them but it is a book reviewers solemn duty to be truthful. Kudos!

  17. It's really hard to find honest reviews these days. You were so candid. It was fun to watch.


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