Saturday, March 7, 2020

Second Sentence Saturday: Tiny Treats 2: A St. Patrick's Day Collection [Part 2 of 2] | #BookTeasers @janicemarielynn @jodywallace @TanyaMichaels @SuperWriterMom @NickiSalcedo @TrishMilburn

SECOND SENTENCE SATURDAY is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jess of From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab the novel/novella your currently reading or previously read
  • Open to the first page of Chapter 1 or its Prologue
  • Share the SECOND sentence from that page
  • Share the novel/novella's title & its author, so that other participants can add that novel to their TBR Lists if they want

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MY Second Sentence Saturday :

🍀 "His Good Luck Charm" [within Tiny Treats 2: A St. Patrick's Day Collection] by Janice Lynn 🍀 - [Amazon Book Link]

Kayla Keele shook her head to reinforce her words to her insane best friend.

🍀 "Date at McCabe’s" [within Tiny Treats 2: A St. Patrick's Day Collection] by Jody Wallace 🍀 - [Amazon Book Link]

Green beer sloshed her shirt, drenching her with stinky froth.

🍀 "Lucky in Love" [within Tiny Treats 2: A St. Patrick's Day Collection] by Tanya Michaels 🍀 - [Amazon Book Link]

As she struggled with the zipper, Crystal Walsh flashed an apologetic smile over her shoulder.

🍀 "Green Beer and Shenanigans" [within Tiny Treats 2: A St. Patrick's Day Collection] by Sally Kilpatrick 🍀 - [Amazon Book Link]

He had leaned over the scarred counter as best he could to whisper to me.

🍀 "The Ides" [within Tiny Treats 2: A St. Patrick's Day Collection] by Nicki Salcedo 🍀 - [Amazon Book Link]

The last gust of winter pushed him through the red doors of the old pub.

🍀 "A Gift from County Cork" [within Tiny Treats 2: A St. Patrick's Day Collection] by Michelle Monkou 🍀 - [Amazon Book Link]

Walking through the double door entrance came with a price.

🍀 "Lucky Day" [within Tiny Treats 2: A St. Patrick's Day Collection] by Trish Milburn 🍀 - [Amazon Book Link]

The warmth of the sun felt like a miracle after the endless winter that had covered central Illinois.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT to share either the link to your own SECOND SENTENCE SATURDAY post or share the sentence in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thank You!

If you want to assist Jess, here's what you can do :

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