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Showing posts sorted by date for query samhain publishing. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, December 2, 2011

Feasted On: Speed Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 284 KB | Release Date: November 1, 2011 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained:

"See You In My Dreams" [Speed Series, Book 1] by Jess Dee

My Book Summary : Sophie just broke her job's major rule "When the guest is in the apartment you shouldn't be." So, when she walks into the bedroom of one of the apartments to clean it she is shocked gaping at the hot and sexy specimen of naked male she sees. However, in a panic of thinking she's going to lose her job she mumbles some words of apology and takes off.

Nathan is surprised to find a woman in his room, at first worried about her being one of his fans and his identity being revealed, but as soon as she takes off he realizes that he has seen her before---from his dreams---and would like nothing more then get to know her as himself and not as his ulterior persona.

As fate would have it, they do get another shot to get to know one another and they do take advantage of whatever time they have, to be with each other. Nevertheless, within that short amount of time will they be able to admit to each other their deepest secrets, the ones that could either bring them closer together---forever---or tear them apart for good.

My Book Review : 4.5 out of 5 stars!! This is a unique, spicy, and dream-worthy take on the contemporary romance genre. To which I can say I absolutely loved!! I liked how this book flows, making it so even though these two people meet and are together for a very brief amount of time they make the most of it, in a way showing that it could happen if you really took everything in effect. The main characters, Sophie & Nathan/Jamie, are great and relatable in a way that made me wish it was a longer book. Then because of the plot I'm very interested what other stories Nathan/Jamie's grandmother told his brothers to see how their stories will play out!!

I recommend this book to everyone who likes HOT erotic contemporary romances with a little touch of fantasy thrown in!! =0)

Book Teaser(s) :
His lips sipped from hers, his tongue tantalized her senses, and his hand continued to delight.
"What are you doing to me?" Sophie drew back for air, and then echoed his question from earlier. "What have you done to me?"
"Nothing more than you're doing to me." He claimed her mouth once again. ~ within Chapter 3
"It's a damn pity you live in Sydney."
Sophie frowned. "It's a damn pity you don't." More than a pity. It was enough to break her heart--if she let it.
Ridiculous really, that after just two days of knowing him she already felt such a deep emotional attachment. ~ within Chapter 6

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Jess, then please check out her Amazon Page.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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Made the Grade: Speed Series, Book 2

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Let's give 'em somethin' to talk about babe, A little mystery to figure out.

Made the Grade: Incredible Dreams by Sandra Edwards

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ D ~ Authors

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Made the Grade: Children of the Undying Series, Book 1

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 242 KB | Expected Release Date: November 29, 2011 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: Moira Rogers

"Demon Bait" [Children of the Undying Series, Book 1] by Moira Rogers (aka Bree & Donna)

My Book Summary : The world has changed ... the apocalypse has happened (years ago) and now demons roam the earth and most people (humans) blame it on those people who have summoner blood (magic in their blood).

Marcelle (Marci) just happens to be a summoner who has been trying to hide herself by living among humans in different underground compounds throughout most of her life. Soon she is found out during the compound's lockdown by a man who is visiting, Gabe, and says that he can protect her from the demons. Therefore, during their time together in lockdown Gabe tries to convince Marci to leave the place she's at to go to another compound that would allow her to live without fear. Only there is a catch... since he is a halfblood demon himself she would have to be marked by Gabe, which would make her vulnerable to him for the duration of their escape from the compound their in to the one they are heading to. However, will Marci be able to trust him enough to be marked by him and put her life in his hands??

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars. Adventurous, seductive, and sweet are the three words I would choose to describe this unique apocalyptic romance book!! Marci has grown up believing she has to hide who she is, even though her magic is just simmering under her skin wanting to get out. Gabe is fierce and sweet, and just the type who you'd love to be seduced by!! I could not get enough of this book!!

My only problem with this book was what happened once they were found. I mean I understand the necessity for what happened but it seemed to mess up the flow of the book for me, I guess. Otherwise, I like how the book did wrap up at the end!

I recommend this to whoever is already fans of Moira Rogers and to those who like adventurous paranormal romance books!!

My Previous Review(s) for these Author : Crossroads | Moonshine | Sabine

Book Teaser(s) :
Teaser #1
Gabe sighed. “How would volunteering the information have helped? I could have let you out into the unprotected hallways and...what? Pried open another door so everyone on the other side would know I wasn’t human?”
“And ruin how hard you worked to get me stuck with you in the first place, right?”
His jaw clenched, and he looked away.
Trip didn’t. “If there’s something going on...”
“There’s not,” Gabe snapped. ~ within Chapter 5

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Moira (aka Bree & Donna), then please check out her/their Amazon Page.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Teaser Tuesdays: Demon Bait

Feasted On: ...and the Beast Series, Book 1

Made the Grade: Temple of Luna Series, Book 1

Let it slide, let your troubles fall behind you. Let it shine, until you feel it all around you. And I don't mind, if it's me you need to turn to.

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ R ~ Authors

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Feasted On: ...and the Beast Series, Book 1

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 211 KB | Release Date: May 2011 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: Moira Rogers

"Sabine" [...and the Beast Series, Book 1] by Moira Rogers (aka Bree & Donna)

My Book Summary : Ciar returns to his palace after being away at war for three years to find his love, Sabine, not there and to find that no one knows who she is, so he sets out to find her. Once he finds her, he's told that while he was away his mother, the Queen, cursed her so he would forget about her. However, the cursed backfired so now anyone who touches her or is around her for a long period of time will forget they ever knew her (even her own family).

Now, with little time to spear, Sabine & Ciar try to find a way to break the curse and bind themselves to each other before it's too late.

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars! This is a sweet, spicy, and touching story of how far a couple would go to keep each other in their lives. Sabine is a feisty character struggling to be who she is while dealing with a curse that makes her become an outsider to everyone she knew and meets. Ciar is an arrogant King now hardened by the war he was in but still missing his love desperately that he'll do anything for her.

My only problem with it is I WISH IT WAS A BIT LONGER!! However, even as I wish that .. I don't know how they could have made it any better.

I recommend this to those who like Paranormal Romance books that are a bit erotic!!

My Previous Review(s) for these Author : Crossroads | Moonshine

Book Teaser(s) :
The depth of the grief that seized her was surprising. “You’re forgetting.”
“Slowly,” he said, voice firm. “But I’m making new memories too. I won’t forget all of you. I’ll never forget all of you.”
Some things shouldn’t be slow. A quick end was preferable, one slash of the executioner’s blade instead of being left to bleed and linger. “Of course.”
The growl that tore free of him sounded frustrated. “Why do you have no faith in me?”
“It isn’t---” Three years, and she didn’t know how to talk to anyone anymore, even Ciar. “You have a strong spirit, and I know you loved me. If anyone can wade through this spell, this curse, it’s you.”
“I can, and I will. Believe in me.” ~ within Chapter 3

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Moira (aka Bree & Donna), then please check out her Amazon Page.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Feasted On: Carnal Powers Series : Tales from Mystic Valley, Novella 1

So come on baby, get in ... Get in, just get in ... Look at the trouble we're in

Best Book Couples -- Happy Valentine's Day 2012

Blog Tour - Idolizing In: Spellbound by Michelle M. Pillow | Review & 4 print book prize pack Giveaway(s)

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ R ~ Authors

Friday, November 4, 2011

Interview with Jodi Redford

At the ripe age of seven, Jodi Redford penned her first epic, complete with stick figure illustrations. Sadly, her drawing skills haven't improved much, but her love of fantasy worlds never went away. These days she writes about fairies, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures, only with considerably more heat.

She has won numerous contests, including The Golden Pen and Launching a Star.

When not writing or working the day job, she enjoys gardening and way too many reality television shows.

Currently residing in Michigan with her husband and overgrown lapdog, she is a member of RWA national and Greater Detroit Romance Writers of America.

She loves to hear from readers. You can email her at and visit her online at

My Q&A with Jodi Redford :

Jess : Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Jodi : Sure, I'd love to. I write fun and sexy paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi and contemporary romances for Samhain Publishing. My books are full of humor and quirk--kind of like me. *wink* When I'm not writing or working the day job, I enjoy reading and watching cheesy movies with bad special effects on the SyFy Channel. Really, is there any movie more deserving of an Academy Award than Sharktopus? I think not.

Jess : What books did you enjoy reading while growing up?

Jodi : As a pre-teen, I loved Nancy Drew. Once I hit high school, I fell in love with historical romances. Rosemary Rogers, Jude Deveraux and Bertrice Small were my all time favorites.

Jess : Do you have a specific writing style?

Jodi : My "voice" always tends to stay on the humorous and offbeat side, so I'd say yes. Definitely.

Jess : What would your ideal career be, if you couldn't be an author?

Jodi : Probably an archeologist, so I could travel and play in a lot of dirt. Or even better, a paranormal researcher who seeks out creatures like the Yeti and chupacabras. Basically, I want Josh Gates job from Destination Truth. But only if I don't have to walk around in a jungle with anacondas on the loose. I'm not a snake person!

Jess : Which of your characters would you most/least to invite to dinner, from which book and why?

Jodi : Hm, the character I'd most like to invite to dinner would be Max, the shape-shifter shark from Maximum Witch. Not only is he hunky and sexy, he's also a gourmet cook, so win win for me! The one I'd least like to invite would be either Seven from The Seven Year Witch (Those multiple personalities are so hard to please when it comes to putting together a menu) or Antoinette Delacroix, the evil voodoo queen from That Voodoo You Do. I can almost guarantee she'd bring her zombie pets, and I'd end up being the main course. Talk about the worse dinner guests ever.

Jess : If you had to describe Lacey, Ryan, & Bram (from The Naughty List) in one word, what would it be?

Jodi : Lacey--Cautious



Jess : Which usually comes first for you, the character(s) story or the idea for the novel?

Jodi : You know, I was thinking about this very thing earlier today. It's funny, but I used to think of myself as a "concept" writer, meaning that the plot or story idea always came to me first. But the more I think about it, it's really the characters who grab my attention in the beginning. Even in the cases where it seemed like it was the concept first, it really sprang out of a character. For instance, with Maximum Witch I knew I wanted to write a shark shifter, which in some ways is based around a concept, but it was really the core character of Max that ultimately shaped his "skin" as a shark shifter, if that makes any sense.

Jess : How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

Jodi : I've written quite a few books, but I've published and contracted eleven. It's really hard to say which is my favorite, because I fall in love with all of my books while I'm writing them, and I love them for different reasons. Besides, if I picked a favorite, the other books would get jealous. Trust me, you don't want to see a jealous book.

Jess : What is your latest published book? And if you could write it all over again, would you change anything about it?

Jodi : My latest published (available now) book is Maximum Witch. And at the end of November, The Naughty List will be releasing, so I'll count that one as "almost" published. I'm one of those writers who can always find something to change in my books, even if it doesn't need it. That's why I try to resist the urge to re-read them.

Jess : Do you have any other projects in the works? If so, can you share a little of your current work with us?

Jodi : Well, lets see. In February, Getting Familiar With Your Demon, book 4 in the That Old Black Magic series, releases. Then in April I have a very sexy werewolf and cat-shifter book called Cat Scratch Fever coming out. Last but not least, in May I'll be part of Samhain's superhero anthology with my novella, Breaking Bad. Anyone wanting blurbs can check them out on my website. Except Breaking Bad--still waiting to get that one back from the blurb editor.

Jess : Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Jodi : Hard question! I have several favorite authors, and I enjoy their books for varying reasons. My favorite paranormal/fantasy author is Shana Abe. She has a way with description and detail that plops me into the middle of her worlds and makes them feel so real. My two favorite "sexy" authors are R. G. Alexander and Kate Pearce. They're both so good at bringing emotion and sizzling heat into their books.

Jess : What book are you reading now? How do you like it so far?

Jodi : I'm in the middle of book deadlines right now, so I haven't had much time for reading, but not too long ago, I finished Provoke Me, by Cari Quinn. It was the first book of Cari's I've read, and I highly recommend it. Hot and funny, and the hero and heroine really sizzle together. Yowza!

Jess : Which question are you most sick of answering in interviews?? =0)

Jodi : Ha! Since I love to gab and ramble on, there is no such thing as an interview question I'm sick of. ;)

-- Thank You Jodi!!! Be sure to check out The Naughty List & Getting Familiar With Your Demon which are both coming out soon!! --

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : That Voodoo You Do | The Naughty List

Find Jodi Redford :

Check out the Giveaway for this book -- HERE -- All you have to do to enter is answer a question!! [Contest ends on November 29th 2011]

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Feasted On: The Naughty List by Jodi Redford

Feasted On: That Old Black Magic Series, Book 4

Winter Themed Books To Warm You Up During the 2011 Holiday Season

Character Interview & Giveaway - Getting Familiar With Your Demon by Jodi Redford

Feasted On: The Naughty List by Jodi Redford

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 310 KB | Expected Release Date: November 29, 2011 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: Jodi Redford

"The Naughty List" by Jodi Redford

My Book Summary : For the past fifteen years, Bram & Ryan (Ry) have been in love with their best friend Lacey. However, not wanting to mess up the relationship between each other they decided a long time ago that they would hold back their feelings for her and just remain friends. Now years later they are still the "three amigos" and own a bar/restaurant together. Recently Lacey is thinking that she is over her heartache (that occurred about a year ago by her ex-fiancé cheating on her) and thinking it's time for her to start dating again.

Later that week after having a little too much wine, Lacey creates a "Naughty List" to try to make herself be bolder by listing all of the raunchy/sexual things she'd like to do .... with Bram and Ry. However, when she's finished writing it up she decides to send it to her work email, and accidentally emails it to the guy too!!

The next day when Bram and Ry see that list, there is no way they are willing to hold back there feelings now! The only thing that's missing is trying to prove that a relationship with both of them would work, but is Lacey ready to give up on her fear of getting her heart broken again?

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars, this story is HOT, Sexy, and Sweet just in time for this holiday season to keep us warm!! The sex scenes in this story are wonderfully written in a way I've never read before and it will definitely rev up your blood pressure!! To top that off I really enjoyed the relationship between Bram, Lacey, & Ry ... it was very sweet and because they've known each other for so long, I enjoyed reading the comrade feel that they all shared for each other.

Overall, if you enjoy erotic novels that has a good plot too then this is a good book for you to read!!

However, I will say that the reason this story didn't get 5 stars (the highest rating I have) is because I wasn't impressed with how Lacey handled the situation, it disappointed me a bit but thankfully I liked how the author ended the book! Now if only the story was a little longer and told me what is going on now with them ... but oh wells.

In truth, though I really did enjoy this book. I wish I had my own Ry & Bram!

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : That Voodoo You Do

Book Teaser(s) :
“Number four?”
“Sex in a public place.”
One of his eyebrows arched. “Bold.”
“Too much?”
“Fuck no. Just right.” His tongue gave a barely there flick across her clit. She squirmed, desperate for more. He moved away, his hazel eyes teasing. “Number five?”
“I’d visit that sex club downtown. The one you think I don’t know you and Ry have gone to.”
His jaw dropped. “How the hell did you find out?”
“I heard you and Ry talking about it once.” She blushed. “I wondered what you would do if I showed up there.”
Those sinful irises darkened. ~ within Chapter 3

For more information on this book and/or any other books by Jodi, then please check out her Amazon Page.

Check out the Giveaway for this book -- HERE -- All you have to do to enter is answer a question!! [Contest ends on November 29th 2011]

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Feasted On: That Old Black Magic Series, Book 1

Made the Grade: That Old Black Magic Series, Book 3

Interview with Jodi Redford

Winter Themed Books To Warm You Up During the 2011 Holiday Season

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ R ~ Authors

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Giveaway - The Naughty List by Jodi Redford

You could WIN a E-COPY of ....

"The Naughty List" by Jodi Redford

Format: E-COPY | Expected Release Date: November 29, 2011 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

Author's Book Description :
    Makin’ a list, and rocking it...twice.

    Perpetual good girl Lacey McGuire has two Christmas wish lists. One suitable for public consumption...and a private one that’s too hot to handle. Right at the top: wild, wicked fantasies about her best buddies and business partners Ryan Hollister and Bram Colton.

    Besides the fact they’re both poster boys for Hunks ’R’ Us, they’ve been there for her through thick, thin and the heartbreak of a cheating fiancé. So what if her boys will never know they star in her sexiest daydreams? In her fantasy world, her heart will never get trampled again.

    Ry and Bram are pretty sure Lacey never meant to email a list of some of her raunchiest wants. Particularly the one that tightens their shorts—she wants a threesome. With them. Although they’ve loved her for years, they made a pact to keep Lacey off limits in order to protect their friendship. Now all bets are off. And the quest to give her all she wants—and more—is on.

    Warning: This book contains a wickedly hot M/F/M ménage that will heat up the holidays. Friends steaming things up in a hot tub. Bondage and blindfolds. Sexy shenanigans at a Christmas tree lot. And maybe even a glimpse of a Speedo. [Read Jess' Review for this Book]

The Fine Print:
  1. This contest ends on November 29th 2011.
  2. This contest is open to those who are at least 18 years-old, but it's also open Internationally!!
  3. All you have to do to enter is comment with your answer to the following question, along with your name, email address, and what type of e-copy would you like to receive (PDF/PRC/EPUB)!
  4. Official winner will be chosen by

Leave a comment for a chance to WIN an E-COPY of THE NAUGHTY LIST! Answer the question: What would be the #1 gift that you'd love to receive on your X-mas wishlist??

Related Posts :

Giveaway Winner of The Naughty List by Jodi Redford

Feasted On: The Naughty List by Jodi Redford

Interview with Jodi Redford

Character Interview & Giveaway - Getting Familiar With Your Demon by Jodi Redford

Monday, October 31, 2011

Feasted On: That Old Black Magic Series, Book 1

Format: E-Copy | File Size: 828 KB | Release Date: October 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: Jodi Redford

"That Voodoo You Do" [That Old Black Magic Series, Book 1] by Jodi Redford

My Book Summary : Jemma has always known that she was adopted. However, she is about to realize that her life will be forever changed once her past comes to haunt and hunt her ..... literally!

It starts out that she decides to finally seduce her best friend, Griff, which turns into one hot night of passion, but by the next morning her life and heart will be forever changed. Since the sex they have unlocks her witchy powers and turns into a beacon for an angry dead Voodoo Queen that seeks nothing but Jemma's death and world domination.

To top all that off, along with learning how to defeat a very powerful and dead Voodoo Queen, the guild of witches want to separate Jemma and Griff as they say their relationship is "illegal." Will Jemma be able to deal with all of these new changes while being able to keep herself and those she loves alive?? And if so, can Griff and her be able to prove to everyone that they are meant to stay together??

My Book Review : 4.5 out of 5 stars!! This is an addicting story about a woman who comes into her destiny in a way she would never have expected. Jemma and Griff make a great pair from their friendly banter to their steamy sex scenes!! Plus I really liked the aspect of reading about witches and their "familiars," since I'm not used to reading about that sort of thing it was interesting doing so.

So, I recommend this book for all of those who like reading about witches learning their craft, voodoo queens trying to take over the world, and/or best friends taking their relationship to the next level!!

FYI -- There are some HOT m/f & m/f/m scenes!!!

Book Teaser(s) :
Talk about a truly awe-inspiring spectacle. Particularly since Logan just so happened to be buck naked.
A female would have to be blind not to be left gaping at the outrageous display of man candy. Fortunately she’d been gifted with 20/20 vision.
Clarissa joined them, her cheeks wearing an identical shade of red as the rhododendron blooms in the distance. “For goddess’s sake, Logan, how many times do I have to ask you not to shift like that out in the open?” Clearing her throat, she averted her gaze. “You know how it embarrasses Peach.”
Jemma glanced sideways and spied the older woman vigorously cleaning her spectacles. Stuffing her hankie back in her pocket, Ms. Peach returned to ogling Logan’s dangly man bits. Oh yeah, clearly the woman was mortified. ~ within Chapter 7

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Jodi, then please check out her Amazon Page.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Made the Grade: That Old Black Magic Series, Book 3

Interview with Jodi Redford

Character Interview & Giveaway - Getting Familiar With Your Demon by Jodi Redford

Best Book Couples -- Happy Valentine's Day 2012

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ R ~ Authors

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Made the Grade: Granite Lake Wolves, Book 1

Format: E-Copy | File Size: 468 KB | Release Date: March 2009 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: Contest by Vivian Arend

"Wolf Signs" [Granite Lake Wolves, Book 1] by Vivian Arend

My Book Summary : Robyn is disappointed that her brother isn't able to go with them on their annual ski trip to a cabin on Granite Lake. However, just because of that and her being deaf does NOT mean she isn't going, even if that means going alone. She is all packed, ready to go, and she's going ... no matter what!

She just didn't plan on two brothers who planned on getting away for a while themselves, staying at that same cabin.

Keil and TJ were just getting away to relax for a little while before Keil's pack challenge came up. They never expected to run into anyone here, especially not a hot, feisty woman who's deaf and doesn't know she's a full-blooded werewolf. Time to prove it to her and more ...... to bad with the challenge there's a deadline for it all...

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars. A great beginning for this fun and spicy series!! Keil is the definition of possessive alpha male in this story. While I loved reading about Keil & Robyn worked through their "communication issues," turning this story into one I've never read about before. I recommend this book and series for anyone who likes to read a werewolf (slightly erotic) romance.

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 3 | Book 4

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Tidal Wave | Whirlpool

Author Book Trailers :

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.

Book Teaser(s) :
“You okay, Keil?” TJ wandered back with a worried expression on his face.
“Just fine. Um, leg cramp. Get the coffee.”
“Yes, master. Right away, master.”
Keil looked at Robyn who smiled at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes that he hadn’t seen the day before.
She mouthed the words back to him, “Leg cramp,” and squeezed. Her face was flushed but she was still smiling, and when she leaned up to kiss him, he thought he must have died and gone to heaven. ~ within Chapter 3
“No way, Keil. Oh man, you know I hate wearing those things. Tell her I don’t have to,” TJ whined.
Robyn held out the devices to the men, her eyebrow rising at the sight of TJ pulling back and hiding his hands behind his back.
“I hate them.”
Robyn’s shrug said she didn’t care what he thought as she stepped up to him, slipped the strap over his neck and fastened the waist belt. She reached up and patted TJ’s pouting cheek while she batted her eyes and gave him an evil grin.
“I feel like a dog with a collar.” ~ within Chapter 5

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Vivian, then please check out her Amazon Page.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Made the Grade: Granite Lake Wolves, Book 3

Made the Grade: Granite Lake Wolves, Book 4

Winter Themed Books To Warm You Up During the 2011 Holiday Season

Feasted On: Takhini Shifters Series, Book 1

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ A ~ Authors

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Artistic Vision

  • Today's "Waiting On" Wednesday by Jill - click here

  • "Artistic Vision" [The Gray Court Series, Book 3] by Dana Marie Bell
    Publication Released Date: November 22, 2011

    Samhain Publishing's Book Description:
      Desire is the raw material. Lust is the spark…and love will sculpt their destiny.

      Akane Russo, one of the Hob’s top Blades, can’t wait for her current assignment to end. She’s been tasked with protecting Shane Dunne from the Malmayne clan’s scheme to kidnap him once again. But no one—not even her Seer half—warned her she’d have to protect herself from his heated gaze. Or that her dragon half would find him an irresistible puzzle.

      Shane knew his destined bride would never come to him willingly, but she’s stuck with him and he plans to use her predicament to his advantage. It’s only a matter of time before she succumbs to what they both want. Their Claiming will be beautiful beyond even his wildest imaginings—and his wild, free dragoness will finally see herself as he sees her.

      Then his unique, hybrid-borne visions reveal a new danger. The prophecy of the Child of Dunne can only be fulfilled down a path he must travel alone. To a place so dark and dangerous that even his truebond’s flame may not be bright enough to lead him home.

      Product Warnings
      Contains explicit sex, graphic language, a pissed-off dragon assassin and a smart-mouthed Nebraskan farm boy. Bet you can figure out who wins that fight! (Hint: It’s not the dragon...)

    It's a hot series, so I cannot wait to read this book!!

    My Previous Review(s) for this Author : The Wallflower | Sweet Dreams | Dare To Believe

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