Sunday, July 22, 2012

Disappointmentville: My A-List Boyfriend by Kyle LaForge

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 294 KB | Release Date: June 2012 | Publisher: Self-Published | Obtained:

"My A-List Boyfriend" by Kyle LaForge

My Book Summary : After a co-worker gets fired Kate's boss asks for her to take over the interview with Tom Alexander, one of the hottest male actors in Hollywood. She knocks the interview out of the park and becomes Tom's new friend. However, soon her life is about to change in some amazing ways, yet will she be happy with all of the changes??

My Book Review : 2.5 out of 5 stars. Who wouldn't want to have a Hollywood-IT-Man wanting to be your friend, let alone want to be your boyfriend? This story is all about that fantasy we all wish to have but most won't ever be able to get.

It's very cute and charming. I loved Tom!! He is everything a "hero" should be!! I also liked Kate's friends, Tom's assistant, Kate's family, and Tom's family. However, I wasn't a fan of Kate. I mean she was sweet in the beginning. Yet by the middle, I got really annoyed with her because of the way she handled everything in her life and the consequences that came with her actions. Blah. =0/

If you decide on reading it, I hope you'll like it better than me. I don't recommend this book.

- On a side note -
I also wasn't happy with the book setup on my kindle since it didn't link up to my typical kindle settings. Plus, it could have been edited a bit better.

Book Teaser(s) :
"I've never had much luck when it comes to girls," he looked up from his drink.
I eyed him skeptically.
"Let me rephrase that," he said. "I haven't had luck finding a girl who's interested in me for who I am as a person. The last relationship I was in ended in less than a year. I've been doing this my whole life so the only girls that I've ever known are actresses. I'm hesitant to get close to someone else who's in the business because I tend to question their motives. Most seem to be more interested in furthering their careers than building any sort of relationship. I gave the girlfriend title a shot only once and she broke my heart."
I didn't know what to say. What girl in her right mind would break this guy's heart? ~ within the only Chapter
For more information on this book and/or any other books by Kyle, then please check her out on the Goodreads' website.

Blog Tour - Feasted On: Waiting For Daybreak by Amanda McNeil | Interview & Review

Today I'm turning my blog over to Amanda McNeil, who I interviewed about her latest novel "Waiting For Daybreak !!"

ALSO -- Be sure to check out the "Waiting For Daybreak" Blog Tour Schedule to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAYs on it's various blogs!! [Blog Tour will run from June 13 - August 31, 2012]

My Q&A with Amanda McNeil :

Jess : Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Amanda : I grew up in Vermont and moved to Boston about 7 years ago. My interest in everything and anything naturally led me into librarianship, and a late-blooming passion for healthcare and science funneled me into medical librarianship. When I’m not working or writing, I’m working out, playing videogames, cooking, or exploring Boston. Ok, ok, and snuggling my kitty.

Jess : What books did you enjoy reading while growing up?

Amanda : My absolute favorite series as a kid was the Little House on the Prairie series. I was basically obsessed with them. I also loved the Betsy-Tacy and In Grandma’s Attic series. Basically I enjoyed anything about young girls living in another time period.

Jess : Which of your characters would you most & least to invite to dinner, from which book and why?

Amanda : I would most want to invite Bartleby, the demon from "Ecstatic Evil," to dinner. He’s not only completely fabulous and intelligent, but also can magic any food or drink out of thin air. Can you imagine the cocktails?

I would least want Mike from "Waiting For Daybreak" over for dinner, because he is, honestly, kind of a douchebag. I can’t imagine having much to talk about with him or really enjoying the dinner at all.

Jess : Please describe your heroine, from "Waiting For Daybreak," in one to two sentences.

Amanda : Frieda is a petite, intelligent, 20-something woman who struggles with social interactions and feels her emotions more strongly than most. Although she is great at caring for others, she struggles with caring for and loving herself.

Jess : What sparked the idea for "Waiting For Daybreak?"

Amanda : I work as a medical librarian, and I had been reading about fMRI scans of people with Borderline Personality Disorder showing that their amygdalas are a different size from those of people without a mental illness. I was thinking about that while I was walking home from the bus stop (I take public transit). It happened to be Thanksgiving weekend, and Boston empties almost completely out as most of the population goes someplace else for the holiday. The empty streets combined with the fMRI studies made me think: what if there was a zombie virus to which the mentally ill were immune? It just flowed from there.

Jess : Which usually comes first for you, the character(s) story or the idea for the novel?

Amanda : I think the central conflict usually comes first. What the setting of the world is like and what universal or at least universally understandable problem exists for the character. In "Waiting For Daybreak" the zombie outbreak combined with the mentally ill being left healthy creating the driving question “what is normal” came before any characters. That’s typical of most of my writing process.

Jess : If "Waiting For Daybreak" were to be made into a film, who do you see playing the main characters and why?

Amanda : This is such a fun question! Ok, looking at currently working actresses, for Frieda I would say Elizabeth Olsen. I saw her in Martha Marcy May Marlene in which she plays a mentally disturbed young woman, and I think she pulled it off beautifully. I could easily see her handling Frieda. Plus, she’s approximately the right age for it. She’s not exactly the right look, but hair, make-up, and wardrobe could take care of that.

Mike would ideally be played by Tom Felton. He’s got the skinny bad boy look down, but I think he can do charming douchebag who is also deep and wounded quite well. The man has acting chops!

Jess : In regards to "Waiting For Daybreak," if you could write it all over again, would you change anything about it?

Amanda : No, I wouldn’t. I think it’s important to learn from every book you write and put that toward the next book, but it’s equally important to not get hung up on coulda woulda shoulda’s. In that moment of my life, this was the story that was in me that I told. That is not to say *at all* that it is anywhere near perfect, but I view writing as a trajectory of improvement. You don’t go back and change things you’ve already finished.

Jess : When writing "Waiting For Daybreak" did you listen to a certain song list/playlist that you could share with us?

Amanda : Yes, I did, and I’m so glad you asked this question! When I’m writing, I sometimes do listen to music on my ipod to drown out surrounding noise, and it has to be something that relaxes me, sets the tone, and has no lyrics to distract. So for this book that was the traditional Irish band, LĂșnasa. I have two of their albums: Merry Sisters of Fate and Otherworld.

Jess : How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

Amanda : I’ve finished this book and a novella. "Waiting For Daybreak" is my favorite, purely because the subject matter is so important to me. "Ecstatic Evil" is fun, but it wasn’t nearly as emotional for me to write.

Jess : Do you have any other projects in the works? If so, can you share a little of your current work with us?

Amanda : Yes indeed! My goal is a book a year, and I’ve already started working on the next book. It will be set in a near future where the dark gods of Lovecraftian fame have taken over Boston. Told in four different perspectives, it will examine sibling relationships. I’m quite excited about it.

I’m also hoping to squeeze in the long promised sequel to "Ecstatic Evil" in time for Thanksgiving this year, but we’ll see if the muses will let me.

More long-term, there will be a sequel to "Waiting For Daybreak" that will be written after the Lovecraftian book.

Jess : Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?

Amanda : Lol, no, I am the direct opposite. I never saw the point in making a bed, and it was one of the first things I quit doing upon leaving home. ;-)

Jess : If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Amanda : Hmm, "The Power of Righteous Anger," perhaps.

Jess : What book are you reading now? How do you like it so far?

Amanda : I usually have two books going, one written down (can’t say print, since I read either on my kindle or in print) and one audiobook. My audiobook is "Soft Apocalypse" by Will McIntosh. It’s a great example of a completely unlikable main character working within the story. My current kindle read is "The Wind Through the Keyhole" by Stephen King. When I started it, it almost felt like my body and mind sighed, settling right back into the Dark Tower world with ease.

About the Author :

Amanda is an energetic, masters degree educated, 20-something happily living in an attic apartment in Boston with her shelter-adopted cat. She writes scifi, horror, urban fantasy, literary fiction, and paranormal romance. She has previously published short stories and a novella.

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Paperback - Pages: 172; Kindle Edition - File Size: 304 KB | Expected Release Date: July 2012 | Publisher: Self-Published | Obtained: Waiting For Daybreak Blog Tour

"Waiting For Daybreak" by Amanda McNeil

My Book Summary : Frieda has never been what people would call normal --- but now if everyone else is turning into "zombies" being normal is highly overrated.

Follow Frieda as she tries to survive in this new post-apocalyptic world with her cat, Snuggles. Then when she finally thinks she has everything figured out her world again changes. However, will this new change be for the better or could it make her life worse?

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars!! Set in a post-apocalyptic version of Boston where it seems Frieda really is the last "human" survivor. This is one high-intensity novel that will hold you until the end. Frieda has a certain way of explaining things and her life that take you on a rollercoaster ride because of how strongly she feels everything and because of her mental health issues. Plus, the twists that are in this novel are very surprising especially the one at the end.

With that being said, to tell you the truth I'm surprised I even liked this novel. I choose to read it because I liked Amanda's previous novel, "Ecstatic Evil," and I thought sure why not. Yet, why I was surprised that I even liked this novel is because I usually read books that have some type of romance in them and while this one does have a bit of romance I would classify it more as a horror novel. And if there is one thing that I typically never like that is horror movies and books. I usually can't stand them and if my husband makes me watch a horror film I usually do so while watching the back of a pillow or half reading a book so I don't have to focus too much on the plot. Therefore, when I say I'm surprised, I am very surprised!

However, even though there was only one part in "Waiting For Daybreak" that I had to skim through because it was a little too graphic for me, yes I know I'm a wuss, I truly did read it all and enjoyed it!! In addition, because of how I am with horror anything, it was the perfect length for me to read---it gave me enough plot to really like Frieda, as a character but not too much story to have me want to give up reading the novel. Additionally, I liked how throughout this novel Frieda realizes that she isn’t who she use to be, that even though yes she still might have a mental illness what happened to turn the world into a post-apocalyptic nightmare has really made her a better person, at least for herself and her cat if not for anything/anyone else.

I recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading horror novels or post-apocalyptic type of novels. =0)

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Ecstatic Evil

Book Teaser(s) :
My head is starting to get that pleasant stuffed feeling that accompanies drunkenness. Like someone’s stuffed cotton in your ears and put film over your eyes. Probably not the best choice for the given situation, but, then again, who knows what the best plan is for a situation like this one? It’s frankly amazing that I have yet to draw a face on my volleyball, name it, and carry on existential conversations with it. My prime directive during any encounter with a human being in the last two months has been to kill it. Given that, it’s kind of hard to decide what the best choice is exactly. ~ within Chapter 1
I drop the body and collapse to my knees.
Even as tears of relief start streaming down my face, I check myself over for injuries. Amazingly, I managed not to stab myself with my own knife in the epic fall of Mr. Armani. The knife is partly stuck into the dirt. I pull it out and wipe it off on the grass, managing to get most of the blood off and resheath it. My arms are shaking. The adrenaline is leaving my body and panic is threatening to take over. I slap myself across the face. “Get a grip on yourself, Frieda,” I lecture myself, “This is about Snuggles.” ~ within Chapter 8
For more information on this book and/or any other books by Amanda, then please check out her website.

Check out the Giveaways!! :

Here are the blogs that are hosting giveaways during this tour and are open now or will be open soon ::
ALSO -- Be sure to follow the tour around the other blog sites!

Find Amanda McNeil :

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Disappointmentville: Somebody to Love by Kristan Higgins

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Paperback - Pages: 432; Kindle Edition - File Size: 597 KB; Audiobook - Unabridged | Expected Release Date: April 24, 2012 | Publisher: HQN Books | Obtained: NetGalley

"Somebody to Love" by Kristan Higgins

My Book Summary : Recently Parker's life went from "high-society" to "rubbing pennies together" when her father lost everything she had after getting mixed up in an insider-trading deal. Now except for a little money to her name all she has left is a house on a piece of land in a small town in Maine called Gideon's Cove. Therefore, this summer while her son is with his father and stepmother (Ethan & Lucy) on a three-week vacation, she'll be in Gideon's Cove fixing up the house in hopes that she can sell it.

However, as soon as she gets to her property she realizes that the house is no more than a shack that has barely made it through the years while being filled with junk and vermin. It's a bigger struggle then she thought but if she plans to make it on her own she has to restore and sell this place. So she will.

Thankfully, James, her father's lawyer and friend who is also extremely good looking even if he's five-years younger than her, has plans to help her restore the shack whether she wants his help or not. Over the time, they share together in Gideon's Cove they realize that each is not what they originally thought of the other. Yet is their mutual attraction enough to build a relationship that has many potholes already. Or is a summer fling just what they both need?

My Book Review : 2.5 out of 5 stars, this is a great story if you want to find out what and how the characters from "The Next Best Thing" & "Catch of the Day" are doing!! However, I found the plot to be dragged out and a little dull. I mean, I did love the characters main and secondary. Even though Parker is a little overly high strung, she and James played off each other really well.

In truth is the novel was okay and a little bit cute but I didn't fall in love with it as I did "Too Good To Be True" & "Until There Was You." Moreover, maybe that was my real problem with this novel was that I had to high of expectations for it because we were given updates of everyone for two of the author's past novels. I'm really not sure.

Even so, I recommend this novel to anyone who's a fan of Kristan Higgins. I just hope you like it better than I did. =0/

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Just One of the Guys | The Next Best Thing | All I Ever Wanted | Until There Was You

Author's Novel Extras : Somebody to Love's Map

Author's Book Trailer :

Book Teaser(s) :
Once upon a time, there was a family of chipmunks who found a lovely, clean place to live for the winter. They climbed inside and got all snuggly and fell asleep. Then, alas, someone started their home, which was actually the engine of a car, and they were pulverized in their sleep. But they went to animal heaven, so it wasn't a total wash.
The Holy Rollers sighed with deep satisfaction. "Save it," Parker muttered, putting aside the red notebook she always carried in case inspiration struck. Chipmunk puree would probably not sell, no matter how much her publisher wanted a new series. ~ within Chapter 6
Once back on the interstate, James's phone chirped. One missed call...Parker.
Well. That was kind of nice. Maybe she wanted him to pick something up for dinner, as it was now after six. Unlikely, but maybe. They'd been in this war of supreme pleasantness since the night he'd dared to mention St. Ethan.
He pulled over and listened to her message. Listened to it again. And a third time.
Well, holy crap. He'd better put the pedal to the metal. Unfortunately, he was still an hour and a half away.
James couldn't help laughing as he pulled back on the highway. Parker Harrington Welles, in a holding cell. He couldn't wait to see it. ~ within Chapter 16
For more information on this book and/or any other books by Kristan, then please check out her website.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Blog Tour - Breathless Press Book Blurb Blitz Tour #2

Today I'm turning my blog over to Breathless Press e-book publisher of "Rogue Scandals," "The Gypsy and the Widow," "The Ulfric's Mate," "Samhat's Tale: From the Epic of Gilgamesh," "The Virgin Huntress," & "The Devil You Know!"

ALSO -- Be sure to comment on this post to be able to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAY (listed below)!! [Blog Tour will run from July 16 - 20, 2012]

"Rogue Scandals" by Raven McAllan

Author's Book Description :
    Beneath the prim and proper surface of the ton, intrigue and scandal was only a gossiping word away. For many men and women, the fear of ruin and worse accompanied them at all times. Some defied propriety, took hold of their happiness and hoped for the best.

    Meet Ivo, Auberon, Ranulf and Ashley; prepared to defy convention to win their ladies. But are Serena, Arabella, Hermione and Adriana prepared to let them have it all their own ways? Of course not. For their partnerships were as unconventional as the ladies themselves. [Click here to find out more about this novel and the author!]

"The Gypsy and the Widow" [Gypsy Lovers Series, Book 3] by Juliet Chastain

Author's Book Description :
    Will widowed Joanna Daniels choose a life of security and privilege with a wealthy lord or will she follow her heart and run away with the Gypsy laborer she loves?

    Joanna Daniels is a widow who wants a father for her son. Tem Lovell is a widower hoping to find a mother for his children. They are perfect for each other except for one thing: she's a destitute English gentlewoman who is being courted by a wealthy lord, while Tem is a Gypsy laborer who lives hand-to-mouth.

    As the ardor she shares with Tem grows stronger, Joanna is forced to decide between the financial security the cold and controlling lord can provide and the uncertainty of the open road coupled with the passionate love Tem feels for her—that is, if Tem is willing to take an English gentlewoman as his bride. [Click here to read the EXCERPT!]

"The Ulfric's Mate" [The War of the Weres Series, Book 1] by Leona Joy Bushman

Author's Book Description :
    Nolan and Alexandria fight their sexual attraction, but can't deny the pull of being mates, despite a serial murder investigation.

    Nolan Littlebull is the alpha of the Wahpawhat pack of Werewolves and the lead detective on a series of murders of pregnant women from his pack. Torn between human justice and were justice, he travels deep onto the Yakama Reservation tracking the ones responsible. He is attacked by one of the rival pack, only to be defended by another from the rival pack.

    Alexandria George is the healer for the Lupins. She defends the mysterious wolf in their territory from her pack's bully and escapes with the stranger.

    Nolan and Alex face the complications of being mated and together they must find and identify the killer while facing an uncertain future. [Click here to read the EXCERPT!]

"Samhat's Tale: From the Epic of Gilgamesh" by Ric Bern

Author's Book Description :
    From the cradle of human civilization comes the story of a woman caught between duty and desire; an erotic interpretation of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

    Gilgamesh is the greatest warrior on earth. He has slain every enemy that has come against him. Many believe he is the physical embodiment of the Bull God. He rules as a king from the rich, walled city-state of Uruk. His body is uniquely flawless and his visage is fresh and wholly masculine. Yet he is troubled and this lends his countenance a scowl which nearly spoils his looks as much as it corrupts his demeanor. Since his rivals have all accepted vassalage he has no more battles to win. He has grown bored with matters of state. His mood has soured. Those he rules suffer most from his melancholy.

    Stories come from the edges of his realm; tales of a wild-man that runs with the antelopes. Some say it is half man and half beast. Others posit it is a different kind of animal all together. He sends a newly acquired plaything to investigate and charges her to bring the mysterious creature to his court. Gilgamesh instructs her to seduce the beast with her voluptuous body. The tablet’s name her Samhat. This is her tale. [Click here to read the EXCERPT!]

"The Virgin Huntress" [The Devil DeVere Series, Book 2] by Victoria Vane

Author's Book Description :
    Desperate times call for devilish measures. When the object of one's passion has eyes for's time to take matters in hand!


    Lady Vesta Chambers is accustomed to getting what she wants...and what she wants is Captain Hewett DeVere...

    Coddled and pampered since her mother's death, Lady Vesta Chambers is beside herself when her father goes to London to prepare for her come-out and returns with a young bride of his own. With her world turned upside down, Vesta accompanies her godmother, Diana, to town where she is smitten the moment she lays eyes on a certain captain of the Seventeenth Light Dragoons.

    But when the object of her passion has eyes for another...

    Captain Hewett DeVere, younger brother and heir to Viscount Ludovic "The Devil" DeVere, has returned from the American war scarred, disillusioned, and looking forward to settling down to a quiet and respectable life. But when the handsome and straight-laced captain turns his eyes toward the widowed Diana, Vesta is prepared to take devilish measures to prove just how wrong he is.

    And the Devil DeVere looks after his own...

    Recruiting the aid of her godfather, Vesta vows to prove to Hew once and for all that she is no longer a little girl, but a woman with the passion of...a huntress. [Click here to read the EXCERPT!]

"The Devil You Know" [The Devil DeVere Series, Book 3] by Victoria Vane

Author's Book Description :
    When dealing with the devil, it's easy to be burned...especially when passion ignites the flames.


    Who can find a virtuous woman... Beautiful, respectable, and dutiful, Lady Diana Palmerston-Wriothesley, has long resigned herself to her twelve-year loveless and childless marriage to a feckless husband...until his gambling pushes them to the brink of financial ruin.

    Sometimes the devil is in a gentleman... Viscount Ludovic, "The Devil DeVere," is a man accustomed to taking what he wants, according to his whim and heedless of the cost...until he encounters a woman who won't be had at any price.

    When dealing with the devil, it's easy to be burned... When Diana discovers a secret that shatters the carefully built façade concealing her private pain, she seeks aid and comfort from the most unlikely place...the devil's arms. But will a single night of heavenly passion damn them both forever? [Click here to read the EXCERPT!]

About the Publisher :

Breathless Press is an e-book publisher specializing in Romance and Erotic(a) stories.

Our mission statement is simple: To provide the opportunity for readers to connect with romance authors through the purchasing of quality e-books at a low price.

Starting in the summer of 2009, Breathless Press came into existence. Since then, we have been producing top end romance and erotic stories for valued readers to enjoy.

Our Goal?

Breathless Press is an electronic publisher of paranormal, erotic, and mainstream romance, releasing one to three e-books a week in a variety of downloadable formats. It is Breathless Press' mission to provide readers with quality romance books in electronic formats and to raise the standard in e-publishing.

Giveaway!! :
  • A $20 Breathless Press Gift Card to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour

To Enter : Please leave a comment on this post, with a valid email address included at the end of it.

Soo .... COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT on this post!! And you could WIN!! =0)

ALSO -- Be sure to follow the tour around the other blog sites! Commenting on the other stops on the tour will also increase your chance of winning!

Find Breathless Press :

Spreading the Word: The Devil You Know

Today I'm turning my blog over to Breathless Press e-book publisher of "The Devil You Know!"

This post is a part of Breathless Press Book Blurb Blitz Tour, so be sure to comment on this post (or the main post) to be able to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from July 16 - 20, 2012]

"The Devil You Know" [The Devil DeVere Series, Book 3] by Victoria Vane

Publication Released Date : July 27, 2012

Author's Book Description :

    When dealing with the devil, it's easy to be burned...especially when passion ignites the flames.


    Who can find a virtuous woman... Beautiful, respectable, and dutiful, Lady Diana Palmerston-Wriothesley, has long resigned herself to her twelve-year loveless and childless marriage to a feckless husband...until his gambling pushes them to the brink of financial ruin.

    Sometimes the devil is in a gentleman... Viscount Ludovic, "The Devil DeVere," is a man accustomed to taking what he wants, according to his whim and heedless of the cost...until he encounters a woman who won't be had at any price.

    When dealing with the devil, it's easy to be burned... When Diana discovers a secret that shatters the carefully built façade concealing her private pain, she seeks aid and comfort from the most unlikely place...the devil's arms. But will a single night of heavenly passion damn them both forever?

Book Excerpt :

He was sprawled on his back, arms outstretched in the confident repose of a king or some other invincible being. A sheet draped over a thigh and a portion of torso left the other half of him bare to her ravenous gaze. She devoured the vision of lean, sculpted muscles that closely resembled a god manifested in all his masculine splendor.

"Enter these arms, for since thou thought'st it best not to dream all my dream, let's act the rest. You are called forth from my dream," he whispered. "I knew you would come."

She stepped back with a gasp. "But how could you know that?"

"Because this is ineludible, you and I. You can't escape it." He reached out a hand, his voice husky with desire. "Come to me now, my magnificent huntress."

The words were an irresistible magnetic lure that drew her to him. Untying the sash at her waist, the silk wrapper slithered from her shoulders to pool softly at her feet.

His pupils flared beneath sleep-heavy lids as she stood before him, unabashed in her nakedness. She let him look his fill, his lazy inspection sending mixed anticipation and trepidation washing over her in tiny waves. He peeled back the sheet and sat up. Her gaze was riveted at once to the jutting proof of his arousal. She licked her lips, the wicked promise of unknown delights filling her with a sharp-edged hunger.

He drew her into his arms, and the game began. Their mouths met and melded, his tongue darted over her lips, his teeth grazing them lightly. He pulled on the lower, sucking it into his mouth and then urged her to open to a hungry, breath-stealing match of capture and release that heated her blood. Their tongues met in a simulated lovers' dance that became an explosion of sublime sensation, sending blazing jolts to her belly and a hot pool of moisture between her thighs.

He cupped her breast, teasing her nipple with his thumb. His mouth broke away from hers to ply hot, open kisses to her throat that left her gasping. Of their own volition, her hands engaged in a tactile exploration of his body, reveling in the erotic abrasiveness of his coarse hair against her own smooth skin. She roamed his hard chest, the rigid plain of his stomach, the powerful thigh muscles that now encased her hips, pulling her closer, tighter, and anchoring her against him until she could feel the hot pulse of his jutting manhood against her most private place.

He took her hand in his, guiding her to his rigid staff and enclosed her fingers about it. It was thick and hard and hot and pulsing. "I make no secret of how much I want you," he said, low and hoarse. "Tell me you do, too, Diana. Say you want to take me into your body."

"But I'm here," she whispered. "Is that not proof enough?"

"No." He released her hand, but his probing gaze kept her captive. "Though I would worship you with my body, only you are in control of your pleasure. You must tell me you want this."

She licked her lips, her breathing coming in ragged puffs.

"You have only to say yes, Diana, and I will lay paradise at your feet."

At last, a reply sounded from her throat. "Yes."

He caught the whispered exhalation with his mouth. His hands slid down her back to palm and squeeze her buttocks. He lowered his head to her breast, kissing, gently biting, his tongue rasping her nipple, sending racking rivulets of pleasure to her womb. As her arousal rapidly escalated to a blinding need to feel the hot, hard length of him in her passage, she writhed and ground against him with a fierce cry.

Diana awoke with a sob, her body fevered, her sheets discarded, and her night rail tangled about her waist. She lay in this heightened state of arousal, panting, disoriented, and aching to her very core, until at last, she sought her own release.

About the Publisher :

Breathless Press is an e-book publisher specializing in Romance and Erotic(a) stories.

Our mission statement is simple: To provide the opportunity for readers to connect with romance authors through the purchasing of quality e-books at a low price.

Starting in the summer of 2009, Breathless Press came into existence. Since then, we have been producing top end romance and erotic stories for valued readers to enjoy.

Our Goal?

Breathless Press is an electronic publisher of paranormal, erotic, and mainstream romance, releasing one to three e-books a week in a variety of downloadable formats. It is Breathless Press' mission to provide readers with quality romance books in electronic formats and to raise the standard in e-publishing.

Find Breathless Press :

Find Victoria Vane :

Author's Book Trailer :

Spreading the Word: The Virgin Huntress

Today I'm turning my blog over to Breathless Press e-book publisher of "The Virgin Huntress!"

This post is a part of Breathless Press Book Blurb Blitz Tour, so be sure to comment on this post (or the main post) to be able to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from July 16 - 20, 2012]

"The Virgin Huntress" [The Devil DeVere Series, Book 2] by Victoria Vane

Publication Released Date : June 29, 2012

Author's Book Description :

    Desperate times call for devilish measures. When the object of one's passion has eyes for's time to take matters in hand!


    Lady Vesta Chambers is accustomed to getting what she wants...and what she wants is Captain Hewett DeVere...

    Coddled and pampered since her mother's death, Lady Vesta Chambers is beside herself when her father goes to London to prepare for her come-out and returns with a young bride of his own. With her world turned upside down, Vesta accompanies her godmother, Diana, to town where she is smitten the moment she lays eyes on a certain captain of the Seventeenth Light Dragoons.

    But when the object of her passion has eyes for another...

    Captain Hewett DeVere, younger brother and heir to Viscount Ludovic "The Devil" DeVere, has returned from the American war scarred, disillusioned, and looking forward to settling down to a quiet and respectable life. But when the handsome and straight-laced captain turns his eyes toward the widowed Diana, Vesta is prepared to take devilish measures to prove just how wrong he is.

    And the Devil DeVere looks after his own...

    Recruiting the aid of her godfather, Vesta vows to prove to Hew once and for all that she is no longer a little girl, but a woman with the passion of...a huntress.

Book Excerpt :

While Vesta tried her best to keep her mare in step with Hew and Diana, she had to keep circling her mount that jigged and frothed with nervous energy. Laughing and chatting about some race Hew had once rode on Diana's horse, they seemed to hardly take any heed of Vesta at all. How dare Aunt Di monopolize him like this!

"Are you aright wi' the mare, miss?" Pratt asked her with solicitude not forthcoming from any other quarter.

"I am fine, Mister Pratt. It's just that she has been deprived of her normal gallop since leaving Yorkshire over a sennight ago. She is accustomed to frequent and vigorous exercise and can be a handful when denied."

Vesta continued to fume. Although she could handle her mare just fine, she wondered how they all would feel if some horrible accident befell her. They would both be sorry then!

That's it! Vesta couldn't believe the answer was right before her eyes. It only wanted the proper timing and a distraction for Pratt. Determined to put her plan into action, Vesta held back, letting the others ride farther ahead. When Pratt's head was turned, she saw her chance.

Whispering a prayer of supplication to her mama, her ever-diligent guardian angel, Vesta plucked out her hat pin and tossed the riding cap to the ground. "Oh dear, Mister Pratt," she exclaimed. "I've lost my favorite hat!"

"Ne'er fret, my lady," the elder jockey said, dropping to the ground with surprising agility. In that precious, desperate moment when he knelt to retrieve the hat, Vesta dropped her reins and spurred her mare.

Artemis, who never needed strong incentive to begin with, took off down Rotten Row like a bolt of dappled-gray lightning. Vesta hung over her mare's neck, clutching the mane as if fearing for her very life, but all the while whispering sweet endearments to her most cooperative conspirator. She knew it would be a mistake to look back. Instead, she urged and cooed and waited for the sound of thunder, for her knight in that lovely, crimson crested helmet to come to her rescue and prayed fervently that her savior would not be the grizzled, little Pratt.

When she saw Captain Hew's big bay stallion gaining on the right, Vesta once more thanked her watchful mama. Knowing he would try to grab the bridle to bring her horse to a halt, Vesta nudged the mare, urging more speed, with the cue of her left heel concealed by her voluminous and billowing petticoats. Her hair had fallen in a wind-whipped tangle about her face and neck. She felt the flush in her cheeks and her blood roaring with excitement. It was the most gloriously wild ride she'd ever had, and it was all she could do not to laugh aloud!

"Can you reach the reins," Captain Hew cried, coming upon her.

"No. I'm afraid!" Vesta whimpered.

They approached the entrance to Kensington Gardens with its myriad hedgerows. "Hell and the devil!" he exclaimed, surging forth, but still unable to claim the bridle. "Trust me, Vesta," he commanded. "Let go of the horse!"

Trust him? He was a god among mortals. She would trust him if he said she could fly! And that's exactly what she felt when he swept her off her horse and onto his own. Throwing her arms about him, Vesta burrowed into his neck and simply breathed in the heavenly essence of Captain Hewett DeVere.

About the Publisher :

Breathless Press is an e-book publisher specializing in Romance and Erotic(a) stories.

Our mission statement is simple: To provide the opportunity for readers to connect with romance authors through the purchasing of quality e-books at a low price.

Starting in the summer of 2009, Breathless Press came into existence. Since then, we have been producing top end romance and erotic stories for valued readers to enjoy.

Our Goal?

Breathless Press is an electronic publisher of paranormal, erotic, and mainstream romance, releasing one to three e-books a week in a variety of downloadable formats. It is Breathless Press' mission to provide readers with quality romance books in electronic formats and to raise the standard in e-publishing.

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Author's Book Trailer :

Spreading the Word: Rogue Scandals

Today I'm turning my blog over to Breathless Press e-book publisher of "Rogue Scandals!"

This post is a part of Breathless Press Book Blurb Blitz Tour, so be sure to comment on this post (or the main post) to be able to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from July 16 - 20, 2012]

"Rogue Scandals" by Raven McAllan

Publication Released Date : July 13, 2012

Author's Book Description :

    Beneath the prim and proper surface of the ton, intrigue and scandal was only a gossiping word away. For many men and women, the fear of ruin and worse accompanied them at all times. Some defied propriety, took hold of their happiness and hoped for the best.

    Meet Ivo, Auberon, Ranulf and Ashley; prepared to defy convention to win their ladies. But are Serena, Arabella, Hermione and Adriana prepared to let them have it all their own ways? Of course not. For their partnerships were as unconventional as the ladies themselves.

Book Excerpt :

SORRY -- None Available

This is an anthology that includes Raven's "Wallflowers Don't Wilt," "To Please a Lady," and "A Most Unusual Mistress."

About the Publisher :

Breathless Press is an e-book publisher specializing in Romance and Erotic(a) stories.

Our mission statement is simple: To provide the opportunity for readers to connect with romance authors through the purchasing of quality e-books at a low price.

Starting in the summer of 2009, Breathless Press came into existence. Since then, we have been producing top end romance and erotic stories for valued readers to enjoy.

Our Goal?

Breathless Press is an electronic publisher of paranormal, erotic, and mainstream romance, releasing one to three e-books a week in a variety of downloadable formats. It is Breathless Press' mission to provide readers with quality romance books in electronic formats and to raise the standard in e-publishing.

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Spreading the Word: The Gypsy and the Widow

Today I'm turning my blog over to Breathless Press e-book publisher of "The Gypsy and the Widow!"

This post is a part of Breathless Press Book Blurb Blitz Tour, so be sure to comment on this post (or the main post) to be able to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from July 16 - 20, 2012]

"The Gypsy and the Widow" [Gypsy Lovers Series, Book 3] by Juliet Chastain

Publication Released Date : June 15, 2012

Author's Book Description :

    Will widowed Joanna Daniels choose a life of security and privilege with a wealthy lord or will she follow her heart and run away with the Gypsy laborer she loves?

    Joanna Daniels is a widow who wants a father for her son. Tem Lovell is a widower hoping to find a mother for his children. They are perfect for each other except for one thing: she's a destitute English gentlewoman who is being courted by a wealthy lord, while Tem is a Gypsy laborer who lives hand-to-mouth.

    As the ardor she shares with Tem grows stronger, Joanna is forced to decide between the financial security the cold and controlling lord can provide and the uncertainty of the open road coupled with the passionate love Tem feels for her—that is, if Tem is willing to take an English gentlewoman as his bride.

Book Excerpt :

He lifted her as though she weighed no more than a small child and she twined her arms about his neck. He looked down at her and he moved as though to kiss her—oh God, how she wanted him to do so. But he pulled back, shaking his head slightly and the moment passed. He carried her to the door of her house, which he opened with one hand and brought her inside.

The door closed behind them, and Joanna reached up and brought his head down so his lips met her own.

Tem felt his blood heat as their lips touched. He had dreamed of this, but always believed it could be nothing but a dream. Could it be that she wanted him as he wanted her—or was she a wanton as his fellows had suggested?

He pulled his head back and studied her face. His very heart and soul cried out for her as much as his body, but he would not be a plaything, a casual amusement for a Gadji. He placed her gently on a sofa and knelt beside her as she reclined against the pillows. Her amber eyes and black lashes stood out against her milky pallor and some of her deep golden hair had escaped its tie and curled against her neck.

She reached out and took his hand. A flush crept into her cheeks. "Do you not want to kiss me?" He thought her voice shook slightly.

He could not keep himself from bringing her hand to his cheek for an instant, although he knew he should not. "I do not make love with every woman who wishes it, not even when I myself wish it. "

"Do you wish to make love to me?"

"With all my heart I do, but there is no future for us and I care far more for you already than I should."

She ran her fingers softly, tantalizingly, through his hair. "And I feel the same for you. I—I think of you so often. I so often have dreamed that you would touch me or kiss me. I long for it." She lowered her eyes as the flush on her cheeks turned darker and spread across her face, her neck. "We would harm no one."

He frowned and released her hand. "No one except ourselves, if indeed you feel as I do. I am already pained that I shall have to leave in a few days when our work is done here, perhaps sooner if Sir Edward does not pay as agreed. If you and I do what we wish to do, the pain of parting will be worse."

"I don't care," she cried. "I would willingly suffer later if that is the price I must pay."

Her lower lip trembled, and she bit it as though to still it. He could resist no longer, and he brought his lips hard against hers, his arms tight around her. He felt as though the floodgates controlling his pent-up desire for Joanna opened, and he drowned in his passion for her. He wanted nothing but to kiss her, to caress her, to love her in every way a man can love a woman.

About the Publisher :

Breathless Press is an e-book publisher specializing in Romance and Erotic(a) stories.

Our mission statement is simple: To provide the opportunity for readers to connect with romance authors through the purchasing of quality e-books at a low price.

Starting in the summer of 2009, Breathless Press came into existence. Since then, we have been producing top end romance and erotic stories for valued readers to enjoy.

Our Goal?

Breathless Press is an electronic publisher of paranormal, erotic, and mainstream romance, releasing one to three e-books a week in a variety of downloadable formats. It is Breathless Press' mission to provide readers with quality romance books in electronic formats and to raise the standard in e-publishing.

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Spreading the Word: Samhat's Tale: From the Epic of Gilgamesh

Today I'm turning my blog over to Breathless Press e-book publisher of "Samhat's Tale!"

This post is a part of Breathless Press Book Blurb Blitz Tour, so be sure to comment on this post (or the main post) to be able to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from July 16 - 20, 2012]

"Samhat's Tale: From the Epic of Gilgamesh" by Ric Bern

Publication Released Date : July 6, 2012

Author's Book Description :

    From the cradle of human civilization comes the story of a woman caught between duty and desire; an erotic interpretation of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

    Gilgamesh is the greatest warrior on earth. He has slain every enemy that has come against him. Many believe he is the physical embodiment of the Bull God. He rules as a king from the rich, walled city-state of Uruk. His body is uniquely flawless and his visage is fresh and wholly masculine. Yet he is troubled and this lends his countenance a scowl which nearly spoils his looks as much as it corrupts his demeanor. Since his rivals have all accepted vassalage he has no more battles to win. He has grown bored with matters of state. His mood has soured. Those he rules suffer most from his melancholy.

    Stories come from the edges of his realm; tales of a wild-man that runs with the antelopes. Some say it is half man and half beast. Others posit it is a different kind of animal all together. He sends a newly acquired plaything to investigate and charges her to bring the mysterious creature to his court. Gilgamesh instructs her to seduce the beast with her voluptuous body. The tablet’s name her Samhat. This is her tale.

Book Excerpt :

I stood alone in a darkened room for some while, my hands tied above my head. A rope was knotted among the laces of my wrist bindings. Appan-Il had seen to that. The cord had been tossed over a support beam above my head and pulled taut so that I was forced to stand on my toes. The High Priest had gazed on me longingly as he wound the slack about a copper cleat mounted in a cedar post in the corner of the chamber. When he left a dim light had been blazing in a large brazier. It quickly reduced to mere embers. I had been relieved of even the flimsy strip that covered my sex. I shivered in the blackness. My fate was unknown and a thousand and one horrors crept into my mind.

When Gilgamesh came he was not alone. On either side of him was a voluptuous, dusky skinned girl. His heavy arms draped about their waists, their silhouettes entered first, lit by the coruscating sconces in the passageway behind them. Once inside he tossed several hefty wedges of wood upon the copper fire pit and puffed life into the coals. The fragrant wood ignited, and the chamber was illuminated by leaping flames. As he did so, the girls crawled upon his sleeping mat with the fluidity of motion normally confined to felines. In fact, their eyes were heavily painted and very nearly resembled those of a cat. With long, slick, dark hair, the pair appeared very much alike.

"Ah yes, the girl who would tell her king how to conduct himself," Gilgamesh said softly as he stepped before me. "Don't think I have forgotten you. Were you a man I would have killed you on the spot for striking me."

I looked down to the floor, but Gilgamesh would not allow it. He placed a firm finger under my chin and titled my face up to gaze on him. I felt my cheeks burning with a blush, and I tried to turn away, but he held me transfixed.

About the Publisher :

Breathless Press is an e-book publisher specializing in Romance and Erotic(a) stories.

Our mission statement is simple: To provide the opportunity for readers to connect with romance authors through the purchasing of quality e-books at a low price.

Starting in the summer of 2009, Breathless Press came into existence. Since then, we have been producing top end romance and erotic stories for valued readers to enjoy.

Our Goal?

Breathless Press is an electronic publisher of paranormal, erotic, and mainstream romance, releasing one to three e-books a week in a variety of downloadable formats. It is Breathless Press' mission to provide readers with quality romance books in electronic formats and to raise the standard in e-publishing.

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Spreading the Word: The Ulfric's Mate

Today I'm turning my blog over to Breathless Press e-book publisher of "The Ulfric's Mate!"

This post is a part of Breathless Press Book Blurb Blitz Tour, so be sure to comment on this post (or the main post) to be able to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from July 16 - 20, 2012]

"The Ulfric's Mate" [The War of the Weres Series, Book 1] by Leona Joy Bushman

Publication Released Date : July 6, 2012

Author's Book Description :

    Nolan and Alexandria fight their sexual attraction, but can't deny the pull of being mates, despite a serial murder investigation.

    Nolan Littlebull is the alpha of the Wahpawhat pack of Werewolves and the lead detective on a series of murders of pregnant women from his pack. Torn between human justice and were justice, he travels deep onto the Yakama Reservation tracking the ones responsible. He is attacked by one of the rival pack, only to be defended by another from the rival pack.

    Alexandria George is the healer for the Lupins. She defends the mysterious wolf in their territory from her pack's bully and escapes with the stranger.

    Nolan and Alex face the complications of being mated and together they must find and identify the killer while facing an uncertain future.

Book Excerpt :

"Thanks," he said, his voice muffled through the shirt. "For the rescue as well," he added quietly after pulling the shirt she had dug out from behind his dirty truck seat.

"You're welcome," she replied as she stepped off the truck's running board. "Lead me to my room. I'm exhausted and need my beauty rest." As she came around the front end of the truck, she smiled.

"From where I'm standing, you get plenty of that."

Her face heated as a blush crept along her cheekbones. "Thanks." She walked up the front steps to his two-story home. It looked like a phantom rising out of the ground. The windows reflected the mesmerizing moonlight and the glow made her think of stars in the predawn just before the sun rises to take away their backdrop.

He unlocked the door, opened it, and waited for her to precede him. Gentleman? Or the training of law enforcement to never have their backs turned to a criminal? She tried to read his mind, but he held it carefully blank.

"Main living area is upstairs. You keep going right as you get up the stairs, and the bathroom is at the end of the hall. The guest room is the last one on the left. My room's on the right if you need anything." Even his voice was neutral.

She looked at him curiously for a moment before heading to the bathroom. When she stepped under the shower's stream, she sighed in relief. Her skin itched and felt over tight from the dried gunk left on her skin and in her hair after the shape-shifting.

As she relaxed under the spray of warm water, pictures of her in the shower started playing through her head. She was washing her hair and lathering the soap across her breasts when Nolan arrived. Her belly quivered with lust which pooled, then spread as she envisioned him in there with her.

When her daydream reached the point of him entering, she realized it was his thoughts in her head. The fantasy abruptly stopped as if someone had switched the channel. She tried to feel annoyed that his fantasy had intruded on her quiet moment, but the heat in her abdomen kept her from lying to herself.

She wanted him as much as he wanted her. She was aware of his struggle to control his thoughts and appreciated the attempt at valor. However, she knew that a single, healthy man with a woman he found attractive using his shower was bound to have sensual thoughts.

She finished, dressed in the clothes provided by him, and walked out to the main living area. He stood by a large bay window, looking out at the mountain in the distance. He turned toward her slightly, then shifted his gaze back to the picturesque view.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly and with dignity. "I've always judged other men for how they seemed to objectify every woman they see. Then I go and do it with a woman in my protection. I'm aware that you saw what I was thinking. I—"

She put a finger on his lips. "I too have read men's thoughts regarding women. Regarding me. You tried to keep yours in check. We saved each other's lives. We're coming down off the adrenaline high of battle combined with the lust of our animal sides. It's natural and healthy for you to see me as desirable. It's also honorable of you to stop them when you realize what you're doing."

Nolan looked at her intently, and she could feel him in her mind probing her for truth. She thought he didn't even know he was doing it. It was probably a technique he had employed since childhood. She smiled at him and kissed him softly on the mouth.

About the Publisher :

Breathless Press is an e-book publisher specializing in Romance and Erotic(a) stories.

Our mission statement is simple: To provide the opportunity for readers to connect with romance authors through the purchasing of quality e-books at a low price.

Starting in the summer of 2009, Breathless Press came into existence. Since then, we have been producing top end romance and erotic stories for valued readers to enjoy.

Our Goal?

Breathless Press is an electronic publisher of paranormal, erotic, and mainstream romance, releasing one to three e-books a week in a variety of downloadable formats. It is Breathless Press' mission to provide readers with quality romance books in electronic formats and to raise the standard in e-publishing.

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