Monday, January 21, 2013

Disappointmentville: Operation: Family Series, Book 1

Format: Paperback | Pages: 219 | Release Date: August 2012 | Publisher: Harlequin American Romance | Obtained: The Recycled Reader -- Used Bookstore

"A SEAL's Secret Baby" [Operation: Family Series, Book 1] by Laura Marie Altom

My Book Summary : Ellie & Deacon shared one steamy night years ago that changed Ellie's life forever. However, at that time they both didn't want or expect any relationship happen between them, so Deacon introduced Ellie to his best friend, and fellow Navy SEAL, Tom thinking that they would hit it off. Thankfully, Ellie and Tom do hit it off; they get married and have a kid. Yet not everything goes exactly to plan while out on a mission Tom unexpectedly dies leaving Deacon to help out Ellie and her daughter any way he can.

Now a year after Tom's death, Ellie feels it's time to reveal the massive secret she's been keeping.... her daughter's father isn't really Tom but Deacon from their one wild night. Nevertheless, will she be able to keep her life from falling apart once the secret is finally out there??

My Book Review : 2.5 out of 5 stars! This is a novel about mistakes, misunderstandings, love, friendship, respect, and trying to make an unusual situation right even when everything isn't how they want it to be. It's a compelling story that you never expect the twists that happen throughout it.

The reason I gave this novel the rating that I did was because while I enjoyed the relationship that grew between Pia, Deacon, & Ellie, I didn't like how Ellie handled the situation at all and I wasn't fond of how wishy-washy Deacon was at times. I can understand that they both grew up in bad situations so both had no way of knowing how to deal with the situation they had. However, they could have played out certain scenes better between them and wouldn't have had to deal with as much heartache as they did if they did so.

I recommend this novel to anyone who likes military romances and/or those who like novels dealing with paternity issues.

Author's Series Extras : It's Raining Men--Again!!!! | Time Sucking Broken Eyeballs!!

Book Teaser(s) :
"Doesn't matter." Garrett popped another seed. "Way I see it, now that the cat's out of the bag, you gotta feed it. Let's say Tom was still alive when this came out. He knew you and Ellie had a fling."
"He did?" Deacon sat up so abruptly he nearly choked on his spit.
"Everyone did. Thing is, he loved you like a brother, man. What happened with you and Ellie was in the past. He staked claim to her future. He never said anything, but given the short timing between their marriage and Pia's birth, even he had to wonder. I know me and Tristan did."
Deacon winced. ~ within Chapter 2
"Tell me more about this neighbor kid. Any romance?"
"Maybe..." Ellie matched his six and found another stone she was sure could get seven. "You'll never know."
"Oh," he said with a laugh, getting only four on his latest throw, "I don't know about you, Pia, but that sounded like a challenge to me. Think Mommy needs tickling?"
"Tickle, tickle!" Laughing, the little girl was first to attack.
Then came Deacon, going straight for Ellie's vulnerable ribs.
Laughing so hard she could barely breath, Ellie didn't fight it when they collapsed onto the ground in a laughing, tickling pile. ~ within Chapter 8
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Laura Marie, then please check out her website.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Liebster Blog Award - 2013

Well .... recently one of my newest blog followers nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award!! It's very sweet and I'm glad she (and others who've complimented over the years) like my blog's layout. =0)

So, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Deidra from Simply Books (again) for the nomination and becoming a follower!!

The Rules :
  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger who presented this award to you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
  3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
  4. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.

Questions from Deidra :
  1. If you could choose to live in one book, what book would it be?
    • I'm not sure when this will change but I still am a huge fan of Ms. Neill's Chicagoland Vampires Series! Technically I'd like to be one of Merit's best friends and living in the Cadogan House. **I know good luck with that one, but everyone can dream sometimes.**
  2. You are on a deserted island, and you can choose ONE book. What book do you take?
    • Oh lordy. I have no idea .... hmmmmm ... well if I had to choose a book that I've read within the past year, and if it could be found in a paperback version anytime soon, then I'd read "Feral Sins" [The Phoenix Pack Series, Book 1] by Suzanne Wright. It has a great mix of intrigue, passion, and suspense that I could read that novel over and over.
  3. Why did you decide to start a book blog?
    • This blog started because I decided (at that time--in 2008) was going to open a side business for my photography & videos. However, I didn't put much effort into the business so I only tried for a year. Yet I didn't want to give up this blog so I included/started book reviews to the blog as well and now it covers my three hobbies... creating videos, taking photos, and reading/reviewing books!!
  4. Moment of truth: Do you judge a book by its cover?
    • Sad to say but ... YES. Well ... I should say not always but definitely most of the time. Especially when I'm avoiding the books that I already have piled up in my TBR and just want a quick read, so I scan to see what they recommend and by that time I usually go by what the cover looks like first.
  5. Your favorite book is about to be made into a movie. How do you feel about that?
    • It just depends on if they did justice to the book series or not ... I mean I LOVED the Harry Potter movies, especially the last one (both parts 1 & 2) because they based the movie straight from the novel. Also, I surprisingly loved the Confessions of a Shopaholic movie even though they changed the heroine's life a bit by location and the movie basically mushed book 1 & 2 from Ms. Kinsella's series into one movie. However, since they don't always do that I'm always leery when seeing a new movie that's based off of a book.
  6. Where is your favorite place to buy books?
  7. Who are your favorite book boyfriends?
    • Oh my well ... they usually change on whatever book I'm reading at the time and if I like that book or not. So, to give you an idea on previous "book boyfriends" I've had crushes on please check out my Best Book Couples List that I made in 2012!!
  8. Which character would you love to slap and why? *We all have those moments*
  9. What was your favorite book that you had to read for school?
    • I didn't have a favorite since I hating reading when I was in school. Therefore, I didn't enjoy or finish reading most of the books that I read in school, CliffsNotes versions were my friend. =0)
  10. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
    • Putting my views and/or my creations out there so I can see what others think of it.
  11. Which author are you dying to meet?
    • Any from the long list that I've read from--click here to see--yet most don't head my way. Maybe some day though. =0)

All About ME :
  1. Blue is my favorite color ... not sure why but I can't get enough of it.
  2. My daughter is almost two years old (in less then 4 months) and is already testing out her terrible 2s.
  3. Even though I have a degree in Travel & Tourism Management, at both of my part-time jobs I am their Website Coordinator (I taught myself yet I'm always learning).
  4. I love to bake but I really am not a fan of everyday cooking.
  5. I have two dogs -- Paige & Surka -- Paige is my 7 year old pug and Surka is my 6 year old doberman.
  6. This year (2013) I'm supposed to be having my 10 year high school reunion. **Hopefully I'll be able to go**
  7. I love country music but I typically can listen to and enjoy about anything.
  8. I'm a HUGE fan of The Voice, and I always seem to find a new reality show to DVR (much to my hubby's dismay).
  9. Right now I'm in the middle of reading "A SEAL's Secret Baby" [Operation Family Series, Book 1] by Laura Marie Altom, so far it's really cute.
  10. Thinking about making some tacos for supper tonight. =0P
  11. Doesn't really enjoy talking about herself this much. =0P =0)

My Nominees :
    **Okay I know there are less then the 11 requested nominees listed below but these are blogs that I follow who just happen to have less then 200 followers right now and have posted something within the past month! Plus they all happen to be some wonderful authors so please check them out!!**
  1. Kenya @ Two Fantasy Floozies
  2. Courtney @ Courtney Rene's Blog
  3. Cheryl @ Cheryl Brooks Erotic Blogspot
  4. April & Danielle @ Fifer Hylton's Blah... Blah... Blog

Now ...
My Questions for the Nominees :
  1. What books did you enjoy reading while growing up?
  2. What is one of your quirky habits?
  3. Out of the books you’ve read in 2012, which characters would you most & least like to invite to dinner, from which book and why?
  4. Do you have a favorite place you like to read?
  5. Moment of truth: Do you judge a book by its cover?
  6. What are your top 3 favorite genres to read? Any reasons why?
  7. What book out in 2013 are you most looking forward to reading? Or have you already read it?
  8. Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it?
  9. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
  10. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
  11. List 3 books you just recently read and would recommend?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Feasted On: Raveneau Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 720 KB | Release Date: July 2011 | Publisher: Self-Published | Obtained:

"Silver Storm" [Raveneau Series, Book 1] by Cynthia Wright

My Book Summary : Devon has had the urge for adventure for as long as she's known, making plans for her best friend--Morgan--and her to sail the world once they were older. However, growing up Devon was enchanted with the ships that docked at the waterfront, especially that of one particular Captain--Andre--who was quite a few years older than her.

A few years later--when she was eighteen--she got to meet Andre. Yet it wasn't the greatest first meeting and afterwards they went their separate ways.

Another year later the Revolutionary War hits New London burning it to the ground and Devon--now nineteen--narrowly escapes with her life. Searching for a way to escape the British's clutches she goes with a sailor to Andre's ship in hopes that Andre will bring her to Morgan--her "fiancé"--who is currently in Virginia fighting in the war. Yet in her search to get to Morgan, Andre and Devon get closer than they ever thought. Will they become close enough so they'll find that they have more in common with each other then with anyone else? Or will they find that there is too much going on in their pasts to be able to get close to each other?

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars -- see a different side to the Revolutionary War while you follow the romance between a couple who love the sea. Andre seems to be a drool worthy hero who doesn't feel that any woman is capable of being faithful, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Devon is a naive girl turned woman who makes friends easily, wishes she could do the things guys could do, and trusts other people very easily. Together they make a powerful duo, that bicker like crazy but fall into caring about one another more than they would have thought.

I loved the journey that Devon goes through, throughout this novel. Mostly I loved how no matter what happened to her she kept her "childlike innocence"--or a more accurate description would be that she was very optimistic about everything and thought the best about everyone--as she got older, even though it annoyed me at times.

I recommend this novel and series to anyone who likes historical romances!

Author's Novel Extras : Pinterest - Silver Storm "behind the book"

Author's Series Extras : About the Series | Pinterest - Inspiration | Pinterest - Tempest "behind the book"

Book Teaser(s) :
The Black Eagle was as bold as its captain. They would sail, meeting head-on whatever weather lay waiting for them.
Minutes grew to an hour. Raveneau scarcely spoke, and the rest of the crew carefully ignored Devon. She was reluctant to return to the cabin, although it was obvious that Raveneau expected her to do so. Mr. Lane's disapproving gaze seemed to burn holes in her back.
The seamen grew quieter as the sky darkened. Every now and then the captain would shout an order through his speaking trumpet and there would be a general scramble up and down the ratlines to reef the sails one by one as the wind increased. At last Raveneau seemed to remember Devon. When he turned to address her, she felt a twinge of alarm at the sight of his furrowed brow. She hadn't imagined that he was subject to such a human emotion as worry or fright.
"You'd better go below."
Devon sighed, pushing windblown curls out of her eyes. She was cold and more than a little scared; this was not the time to argue with Captain Raveneau. "All right, but I want to be kept informed. Don't you dare leave me below to sink with the ship!"
Raveneau's grin was involuntary. ~ within Chapter 7 - titled 'September 8, 1781'
They reached the tent headquarters of Comte de Rochambeau about noon, where a few stragglers reported that the ceremony was scheduled to begin at two o'clock and most of the troops had already left for the field.
Raveneau seemed unsurprised to learn how perfectly he had timed their arrival. Descending from the carriage, he slipped into the dashing white coat of his French officer’s uniform and smoothed back his unpowdered hair. Then he untied his horse and called to Azalea and Devon to alight.
"There is bound to be a huge crowd," he informed them, "so I think it would be best for you ladies to walk."
"Are you going off without us?" Azalea demanded.
"I must join my regiment. Don't worry, the field is not far— just follow this street to the town outskirts. I'll be on horseback and easy to spot. Find a place near me, and I will come to you when the ceremony is over."
With a last jaunty smile, Raveneau bent to graze first Azalea's lips, then Devon's. He mounted his gray stallion in one graceful movement.
"A bientot!" he called, then galloped off.
Azalea and Devon looked at each other.
"I feel as though we've been jilted," Azalea declared, and the younger girl nodded agreement.
"That man is insufferable. He thinks he can get away with anything."
"I hate to say it, but he probably can." ~ within Chapter 13 - titled 'October 19, 1781'
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Cynthia, then please check out her website.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What was I thinking?: Shadowlands Series, Book 2

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 560 KB | Release Date: May 2012 | Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca | Obtained:

"Kiss of the Goblin Prince" [Shadowlands Series, Book 2] by Shona Husk

What was I thinking? : I liked the cover and because of previous book ratings I've given, kept recommending that I'd like this novel too. However, what made me finally purchase it was when Sourcebooks was doing their 2012/2013 Twelve Days After Christmas Sale; it was a part of their "ten paranormal romances" part.

Author's Book Description : The Man of Her Dreams

He is like a prince in a fairy tale: tall, outrageously handsome, and way too dark for her own good. Amanda has been hurt before, though. And with her daughter's illness, the last thing she needs right now is a man. But the power of Dai King is hard to resist. And when he threads his hands through her hair and pulls her in for a kiss, there is no denying it feels achingly right.

In a Land of Nightmares

After being trapped in the Shadowlands for centuries with the goblin horde a constant threat, Dai revels in his newfound freedom back in the human realm. But even with the centuries of magic he's accumulated, he still doesn't know how to heal Amanda's daughter—and it breaks his heart. Yet for the woman he loves, he'd risk anything...including a return to the Shadowlands.

My Book Review : 1 out of 5 stars. Can a man who has lived over two thousand years in a world that was stealing/corrupting his soul be able to live as a human again, even while the odds are stacked against him?

I had such high hopes for this novel, and I do hope that whoever decides on reading it will enjoy it tons more then I did. However, from the very beginning the novel dragged everything out, so much so that by the time I got to Chapter 8, I could not read a bit more. Not even to skim through the last chapters to see how Amanda and Dai end up together. =0/ *sigh*

Therefore, I don't recommend it unless you have read book 1 in this series and enjoyed it. Good luck to those that do decide on reading this one.

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Kissing Phoenix

Author's Novel Extras : Excerpt | Writing Romance | Good News Day! | Feature book: Kiss of the Goblin Prince | A Bite Of... Kiss of the Goblin Prince

Author's Series Extras : About this Series | Without an ending there is no beginning | Magic Thursday Giveaway- Shona Husk: Good Things Come in Threes | Winter Solstice | Magic Thursday-The Goblin King | Darklight On...Shona Husk | Feature book: The Goblin King | Safety tips for Winter Solstice | From the Bookshelf...The Shadowlands Trilogy | The Next Big Thing | Magic Thursday: Location, location, location

Book Teaser(s) :
“Do you need a lift?” The words were out so fast her brain didn’t have time to register or approve them. What would spending more time with him achieve?
Maybe he’d answer some more of her questions. The long hair and hard, dark blue eyes were at odds. Then there was the travel. He’d studied languages where they were spoken, not from textbooks. Lived life on the edge in places sensible people steered clear of. She could only imagine the freedom of packing everything into one bag and taking off for somewhere on a whim.
“I’m only going into the city. I can catch the train.”
“The train? Eliza won’t let you drive her car?”
“Can’t drive a manual,” he said with a hint of a curve on his lips.
She bit back the grin that wanted to form and returned a polite smile instead. He could translate obscure languages, yet he couldn’t handle a stick shift. ~ within Chapter 4
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Shona, then please check out her website.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Idolizing In: Hooked Series, Book 1

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Paperback - Pages: 347; Kindle Edition - File Size: 453 KB | Expected Release Date: January 29, 2013 | Publisher: Harlequin TEEN | Obtained: NetGalley

"Hooked" [Hooked Series, Book 1] by Liz Fichera

My Book Summary : Neither ever talked to each other before ... Ryan was in one of the most popular guys in school, while Fredricka (Fred) was one of the few Native American girls that went to their high school and typically stayed in the background ... but once they did they both couldn't deny their attraction, no matter how much they both tried. But how could Ryan ever like, let alone be nice to, the girl who got his best friend kicked off the boys' varsity golf team?

Both Fred & Ryan will find that feelings like theirs are harder to ignore then they've would have ever imagined, especially when they're already hooked on each other...

My Book Review : 5 out of 5 stars!! This novel HOOKED me from the very beginning!! I loved the characters!! Plus, I thoroughly enjoyed the back-and-forth POV chapters, like it is in Ms. Barnholdt's "Two-way Street," Ms. Crane's "Stupid and Contagious," & Ms. Elkeles' "Perfect Chemistry" especially since this novel seems to be a unique mix of all three of these books too!

Ryan & Fred are great together! Their banter and their growing respect for each other make it so that no matter what really happens between them they can never fully dislike the other. Only two things I wish would have happened for me to enjoy this novel even more...
  1. I wish Ryan stopped having his "blinders" on when it came to his best friend, because in truth that boy was a bit of a psycho and needed to be arrested for some of the shit he pulled.
  2. I wish the epilogue was longer then it was. Did they ever make it to and win the state championship like their coach kept talking about?
Overall, though, this novel has just the right amount of intrigue, compassion, romance, and teenage angst that it keeps you entertained the whole way through!

I recommend this novel to anyone who liked the previous novels I mentioned and/or are just a fan of YA romance novels!!

Author's Novel Extras : HOOKED - Book Reviews | Book Deal NEWS! | The Lucky 13s | Good Things Come To Those Who Wait | Revision, Revision. Everywhere a Revision. | HOOKED News! | WANTED: Book Bloggers! | HOOKED - The Big Reveal! | Coming Soon to a Bookstore Near You! | HOOKED Book Swag Has Arrived | HOOKED Inspiration | HOOKED Countdown Widget! | Fun HOOKED Pics! | 2013 Writing Conferences | Only One More Day Till... | A Reason to Subscribe to an Author Newsletter | Choose My Way: HOOKED-inspired Music | Standing On a Corner, Naked | Just Words? | HOOKED, Australian-Style | HOOKED Blog Tour Starts TODAY!

Author's Series Extras : Mind-Meld | So Close And Yet So Far | Volume, Turn It Up

Author's Book Trailer :

Author's Book Interview(s) :

Book Teaser(s) :
Boys like Ryan and girls like me moved in different circles---well, I was pretty sure he had a circle; I simply moved.
I couldn't understand why he'd sat and glared at everybody all night, even his own family. He'd acted as though he would have preferred to jump through one of the restaurant windows than enjoy a dinner with them. And his parents seemed so lovely, so perfect. They'd looked like the perfect family, out enjoying a perfect dinner on a perfectly good Saturday night. How nice would it be to have your parents treat you to a fancy restaurant with a special birthday cake and everything? Where's the misery in that? Clearly Ryan Berenger was deranged. ~ within Chapter 3 - titled 'Fred'
"I don't know, Dad." I looked straight into the sunset. "Maybe you and Trevor were right. Maybe being on this team is a bad idea."
Dad snorted. "For you or them?"
I didn't answer. I sank lower in my chair. The Lab at my feet lifted his head.
"Well?" he prodded.
"I guess for them. All I wanted to do was play. I wasn't expecting special treatment. That's the last thing I want."
Dad chuckled. "So, play. Enjoy. Have fun for once." He leaned forward in his chair. "Pretend those boys are invisible. Or," he said slowly, "you could try to fit in."
My eyes widened. Fit in with a bunch of spoiled white boys? It would be easier to pretend I'm Princess Kate. ~ within Chapter 17 - titled 'Fred'
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Liz, then please check out her website.

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Immortal Ever After

• Today's "Waiting On" Wednesday by Jill - click here

"Immortal Ever After" [Argeneau and Rogue Hunter Series, Book 18] by Lynsay Sands
Expected Publication Released Date: February 26, 2013

Author's Book Description:
    New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands delivers a wickedly fun Argeneau novel featuring a vampire ready to claim his mate and the beauty who resists her fate!

    A kiss doesn’t mean eternity . . .

    Valerie Moyer doesn’t believe in vampires—until she is kidnapped by a fanged psychopath! After escaping her bloodthirsty captor, she’s through with creatures of the night. Until she finds herself under the protection of the darkly handsome Anders. Not only is she expected to accept that Anders is immortal, but also that she is the woman destined to be his life mate!

    . . . Or does it?

    Anders felt a connection to Valerie from the moment he cradled her bruised body in his arms. But before he claims her, he must destroy the vampire who almost stole her from him forever. His job would be easier if Valerie didn’t fight him every step of the way. Still, Anders loves a challenge, and the green-eyed beauty is worth fighting for!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Teaser Tuesdays: Reckless Heart

• Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

"Reckless Heart" [Reckless Series, Book 1] by Madeline Baker (aka Amanda Ashley)

Book Teaser:
A quiet word brought the stallion to within a few feet of where I sat, spellbound. Shadow slid easily to the ground beside me, causing me to tremble, though I could not have said why.
There was just the hint of a twinkle in his eye as he said, gravely, “Did you bring any cookies today, Hannah?”
“,” I stammered, unaccountably pleased by the way he murmured my name.
There was a hint of mischief in his dark-eyed gaze, and a sudden suspicion slid into my mind, prompting me to ask how long he had been watching me.
“Since you first rode up,” he admitted, suppressing a smile, and I blushed with the knowledge that he had seen me swimming in the river, and drying, naked, on the bank afterwards.
“You have grown well,” Shadow remarked casually, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment, for there was no mistaking his meaning or the way his eyes glowed with the memory. And yet, perversely, I was pleased that he had seen me and found me attractive.
“So have you,” I murmured shyly. And indeed he had. ~ within Chapter 4 - titled '1875'

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Bound By Blood
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