Friday, February 5, 2010

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

"Oh. My. Gods." by Tera Lynn Childs is about Phoebe .... a girl who is at the top of her game ... literally. As she just won the final race at her track camp and now she's in for a shock of a lifetime ..... her mother who arrives back early from her family reunion trip in Greece brings a new man back with her .... to top that off her mother's playing to marry him during the following weekend, planning on moving Phoebe and her from LA to Serfopoula (in the Greece islands) within the next month and having to leave her lifelong best friends behind ......... then Phoebe finds out once she arrives at her new home that all of the locals are really descendants of Gods (like Athena, Zeus, Poseidon, etc.)!! Now the because she's normal a majority of the school doesn't like her ..... She needs to maintain a B average and stay on the cross-country team to get keep her full scholarship to USC ..... but how will she be able to keep up when it looks like everyone is out to get her?

4 out of 5 stars. cute -- Cute -- CUTE!! Even though it was a teen romp it kept me on my toes!! If your looking for something funny with a girl power feel then I do recommend this!

For more information on this book and/or any other books by Tera, then please check out her website.

** Title is a quote from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell **

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