Friday, February 5, 2010

Cupid please hear my cry, And let your arrow fly, Straight to my lover's heart for me

Have you ever tempted fate?? Well .. Robyn and Ken tempt it quite a bit in "Fate and Ms. Fortune" by Saralee Rosenberg. Both Robyn and Ken are down on their luck. But how would have thunk it that things would suddenly change on the night that Robyn attends her cousin's son's bar mitzvah ... the same night that her parents announce their separation and her mother moves in with her! As right after her stand-up act on stage a couple asks her to call their relative who is in desperate need of being cheered up. However ... after a couple of days passing and still not following through on the call, Robyn finally plans to meet up with Ken .... and when she does she starts to realize that she's known him from afar for quite sometime .... the only question is once fate knocks on their door will they answer?


  • Man: Why do you wear a bra? You've got nothing to put in it.
    Woman: You wear pants, don't you?

  • True happiness would not come from praying for what which had eluded us, but being thankful for that which was already in our midst.

  • 2.5 out of 5 stars. What can I say I was hoping for more .... I like Robyn on the aspect that YES she is a really strong character in her beliefs and what she'll do for others. However .... sometimes the storyline dragged a bit. =0P Too bad.

    For more information on this book or any other Saralee's books then please check out her website.

    ** Title is from the song Cupid by Amy Winehouse **

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