Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Check your local bookstores since you may or may not be able to get Elizabeth Scott's new book right now.

I say this because ..... I have pre-ordered Elizabeth Scott's latest book called "The Unwritten Rule" last week (since Elizabeth along with everyone else said it would be released on March 16th) ... so I went into my local bookstore today to pick it up (along with another book that just came out) and they told me that the release date isn't until April 6th or at least they aren't able to sell it to me until then. =0/ So, if you have yet to pick up your copy then I recommend you calling your local bookstore to see when they'll be getting it in.

I mean, at least I'm getting the book at some point so I'm not upset about the situation at all but it kinda stinks all the same. =0P

Anyway ... if you have it already ... you lucky dog you. *hehee*

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  1. Wow, Jess, I haven't heard of this before--what bookstore did you go to? Let me know, and I'll get in touch with my editor and find out what's going on!

  2. The bookstore is Page After Page Bookstore in Elizabeth City, NC ... yeah when I was talking to them at the register they were reading a notice or something from their distributor. =0/ Thanks again.

  3. Hi again Jess! I talked to my editor at Pulse yesterday and she said that because the release date got moved up so far and so quickly, it may take a few extra days for the book to show up in stores. AND! Because of that, I've extended the time for the Celebrate The Unwritten Rule contest so everyone will have a chance to enter :-) You can check out my blog at for more info on the contest

  4. Also, if Page after Page still won't sell you the book until April 6th (which is really weird!), send me their phone number and I'll call them. If nothing else, I'll ship them a copy of the book so they can sell it to you!!


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