Saturday, November 30, 2013

Welcome to Small Business Saturday/Week

This is the 2nd year that I've done participated/held Small Business Saturday/Week and I'm hoping it'll be even more of a success. Yet this year it'll be a bit different because I've recently moved and to tell you the truth I haven't found any non-commercial/local stores that I have fallen in love with yet. Therefore, as today is Small Business Saturday I thought another way for me to support "small businesses" in a sense would be to support some INDIE AUTHORS and host some giveaways for YOU!

The giveaway items this year all vary ....
  • Indie Authors/Publishers Donated Items --- from great novels/novellas to greeting cards
  • Recommended Books --- these are books by Indie Authors that I have read this year and gave 5 out of 5 stars too

I hope everyone will be nice enough to support your local businesses today, this weekend and throughout the holiday season!!

Also -- I'd like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all of the authors who were willing to donate a book or item for a giveaway. Plus, a SPECIAL THANKS to Jenna Bennett, Kristine Cayne & Dana Delamar for wanting to do some guest posts for this event!!

I hope everyone will have a wonderful SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY!! And be sure to sign up for the GREAT Giveaways today and throughout this week!!

Best regards, Jess

The Giveaways!! :

This giveaway ends December 7, 2013 at midnight.

[Click the book titles to find out info about them or to read my review about them]
  • A Smashwords ebook copy of "Picture Perfect" by Ella Fox to two randomly drawn people from Rafflecopter
  • An Ebook copy--winner's choice from Jodi Redford's backlist to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • A Kindle ebook copy of "Catching the Bad Guy" by Marie Astor to three randomly drawn people from Rafflecopter
  • "The North Poe" Christmas Boxed Cards from Jenna Bennett to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • Winner's Choice :: two books (total) from Kristine Cayne and/or Dana Delamar or 10% off any service from By Your Side Self-Publishing from Kristine Cayne & Dana Delamar to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • A Kindle ebook copy of "Every Night Forever" by R. E. Butler to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • A Kindle ebook copy of "Playing Games" by Jessica Clare to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • A Kindle ebook copy of "Indelible" by Bethany Lopez to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • A Kindle ebook copy of "Battlescars" by Sophie Monroe to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • A Kindle ebook copy of "Drive Me Crazy" by Marquita Valentine to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • A Kindle ebook copy of "Desire By Blood" by Melissa Schroeder to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
  • A Kindle ebook copy of "Darkness Awakened" by Katie Reus to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. fave bookstore is book depository. I can shop for everyone there!!

    1. I've heard about that shop but have never checked it out. =0)

  2. We have a used book store I frequently shop in. I also shop at a local apple orchard and hardware store. I support small business


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