Monday, July 22, 2024

Review: Substitute Mate

Substitute Mate Substitute Mate by Delta James
My rating: 0 of 5 stars


DNF. I got interested in this novel because it reminded me of Vivian Arend’s werewolf series, so I had high hopes for it. However, even though it reminded me a bit of a Cinderella-esque tale I couldn’t get behind the main lead characters. I wasn’t a fan of the guy, and the woman wasn’t a strong counterpart to hold her own against him. Therefore, by Chapter 5, I DNFd. Nevertheless, I still recommend this book. YES, I recommend it. That may seem strange, but I think it could be for those who want a werewolf romance, this one just didn’t end up for me. To hear more of my thoughts on this novel watch my full video review.

View all my reviews

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