Sunday, August 11, 2024

Review: Bite at First Sight

Bite at First Sight Bite at First Sight by Brooklyn Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

60 Second 2024 Book Recommendation for This Novel:

"5 out of 5 stars! All of her life Cassandra has strived to become a Doctor. However, because of her being a woman she has had to learn everything she knows on her own, which is why she finds herself in a cemetery with plans on getting some cadavers so she could start studying the human anatomy. What she never expected was to have Don Villar (Rafael/Rafe) find her there and to have him turn out to be anything but human. Now with Cassandra embroiled into the vampire world Rafael has a month to find a way to change her into a vampire too or there will be drastic consequences. But with a rebellion on the horizon will they be able to accomplish everything in time or will it be all for not?

A wonderfully dramatic tale set in a historical paranormal world where you’ll find a sweet love story between a progressive woman and a stubborn scarred man. Now that I think of it this novel reminds me a little bit of “Beauty & the Beast.” This was the first novel that..."

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