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Showing posts sorted by date for query samhain publishing. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, January 5, 2015

Blog Tour - Sunsinger by Robyn Bachar | Interview, Spreading the Word & Gift Card Giveaway

Today I'm turning my blog over to Robyn Bachar, who I interviewed about her novel "Sunsinger," which is the third novel in her Cy’ren Rising Series!!

ALSO -- Be sure to check out Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post to be able to sign up for this blog stop's GIVEAWAY(s)!! [Blog Tour & Giveaway will run from December 29, 2014 - January 23, 2015]

My Q&A with Robyn Bachar :

Jess : What books did you enjoy reading while growing up?

Robyn : All of them. ;-) Among my favorites were Nancy Drew and the Babysitters’ Club series. I also became addicted to Star Trek: The Next Generation books and the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

Jess : Please describe your Malcolm, from "Sunsinger," in one to two sentences.

Robyn : Malcolm is a former slave and a data miner. He accesses information systems through a data jack embedded at the base of his skull, allowing him to search and retrieve data at the speed of thought.

Jess : Which of your characters would you most & least like to invite to dinner, from which book and why?

Robyn : I would invite Mac from the Bad Witch books, because he has awesome cooking skills and would bring a great dessert. I would not want to invite Zachary Harrison from the Bad Witch books to dinner, because that never ends well.

Jess : Please describe "Sunsinger" in 75 words or less.

Robyn : "Sunsinger" is an erotic space opera romance with epic space battles and a f/m/m ménage.

Jess : Is there any differences and/or similarities between Carmen from your "Nightfall" novel and Andelynn from your "Sunsinger" novel?

Robyn : Carmen and Andee are both tough warriors who wouldn’t hesitate to charge into battle to protect their mates. Carmen is an admiral’s daughter, and it was always expected that she would join the Alliance navy and follow in his footsteps. Andee, on the other hand, is the daughter of a Cy’ren lord, and was expected to marry the lord of another house. She learned her combat training in secret, because it is unusual for a woman to be a soldier in Cy’ren society.

Jess : What sparked the idea for "Sunsinger?"

Robyn : From the moment that Lord Degalen arrived in "Nightfall" I knew that he needed his own book, and as soon as Malcolm showed up in "Morningstar" I knew that the two of them needed to be together. Andee is their perfect match.

Jess : What is the most funny thing one of your characters, from "Sunsinger," said or did?

Robyn : Commander Soth has the best lines in the series. (I’m so tempted to do a second trilogy just so he can have his own book.) I think my favorite line of his in the book is in this exchange: “This planet smells funny,” Soth muttered as they emerged from the limo. “It smells like money,” Malcolm replied. “Oh. That explains why I didn’t recognize it.”

Jess : What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write in a novel and why?

Robyn : I love writing the first and second acts. The third act, not so much. I agonize over endings.

Jess : In regards to "Sunsinger," if you could write it all over again, would you change anything about it?

Robyn : I’m fortunate to have a great editor, so I think the book turned out very well.

Jess : Out of all of the secondary characters within "Sunsinger," do you have one or two favorites so far? If so, who are they and can you tell us why?

Robyn : Yup, Commander Soth and Commander Maysen. My muse considers both of them to be good sequel bait. ;-) I have a few ideas on who should keep them in line romantically.

Jess : How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

Robyn : I have nine books contracted with Samhain. I don’t know if I could pick a favorite, because they’re all fun in their own way.

Jess : Do you have any other projects in the works? If so, can you share a little of your current work with us?

Robyn : My next release will be available in March. It’s called "Bite Me," and it’s a snarky, spicy post-zombie-apocalypse f/f/m ménage.

Jess : Do you have a favorite aspect of winter or tradition in your family during winter/New Years season that you’d like to share with us?

Robyn : I’m known for my Christmas cookies. I bake an enormous amount each year, and I give them to friends and family as gifts. I’m not allowed into the family Christmas party unless I bring cookies.

Jess : What cartoon character best represents your personal philosophy?

Robyn : Hmm. I do identify with Ursula from The Little Mermaid, except that I torment my characters instead of mer-people.

Jess : If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Robyn : It wouldn’t be a very interesting book. Probably something like, "Give Me Coffee or I Start Killing Characters."

Jess : List 3 books you just recently read and would recommend?

Robyn : "Think of England" by K. J. Charles was very good. "Havoc," the second book in the Dred Chronicles by Ann Aguirre was also awesome (it’s a spin-off from her Sirantha Jax series, which was sooooo good). I also recommend "Fortune’s Pawn" by Rachel Bach (which reminds me that I need to read the rest of that series).

About the Author :

Robyn Bachar enjoys writing stories with soul mates, swords, spaceships, vampires, and gratuitous violence against the kitchen sink. Her paranormal romance Bad Witch series, historical paranormal romance series Bad Witch: The Emily Chronicles, and spicy space opera romance trilogy Cy’ren Rising are available from Samhain Publishing. Her books have finaled in PRISM Contest for Published Authors, the Passionate Plume Contest, and twice in the EPIC eBook Awards.

As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in mmorpgs.

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Sunsinger

My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters : Teaser Tuesday: Sunsinger

[Cy’ren Rising Series, Book 3] by Robyn Bachar

Author's Book Description :
    Her desire unites them. Her secret could destroy them all.

    The lord.

    The sole survivor of the Sunsinger massacre, Lord Degalen Fairren spends his days reading tales of the family he never knew. When a rival house threatens to enslave Cyprena, Galen is forced to pull his nose out of his books and enter into an alliance with House Morningstar, and a dangerous mission to save his world.

    The assassin.

    Lady Andelynn Harrow isn’t House Morningstar’s eldest or prettiest daughter, but she is the deadliest. After her father’s murder, Andee must defend her new house and mate—the shy, reluctant Galen—but every battle risks revealing her terrible secret.

    The slave.

    Malcolm gets his first taste of freedom when the Cy’ren recruit him to locate the cure to a deadly virus—and feels the burn of desire for Galen, the lord he can never have, and for Andee, who awakens memories of a long-lost first love.

    The danger they face fuels the heat between them, but with Cyprena’s fate hanging in the balance, the race to find the cure could come with devastating costs.

    Warning: Contains a blushing, virgin lord, a sexy geek, and an empathic assassin who always brings lube on a mission.

My Book Review :
    4 out of 5 stars! Follow Andelynn (Andee) as she uses all of her skills to help protect her new mate(s), prove to Degalen (Galen) that there is more to life then following the old stingy rules, and opens her heart to the possibility of a better future for herself then she originally planned. For this being the first novel in this series that I've read I liked how it could be read as a standalone novel while it still brings in the series' previous main characters in a way that the reader stays up-to-date about them and still staying relevant to the action going on. This thrilling fast-paced sci-fi romance hooks you from the beginning. [READ MY FULL REVIEW]

This book is available to order on : | Kobo | Barnes and Noble | iTunes

** Be sure to add it to your TBR pile on Goodreads! **

Book Excerpt :

“Outer door open,” Loren announced.

The ship’s thrusters kicked into full power and the Talon II shot through the portal, spurring the ship’s song from a steady adagio to an allegro. The Talon II turned and accelerated into the nearby ruins for cover as their sensors scanned the ships in orbit. Twenty large ships, and three squadrons of one-man fighters.

“Malcolm,” Galen said, his voice calm but stern.

“Right, right. Infiltrating Syndicate communications network.” Malcolm pinged the orbiting ships, searching for ways past their security. They identified as mercenary ships, each with variations on Syndicate programming. Piece of cake. Malcolm had been cracking Syndicate codes since he was ten years old, even before he’d become a data miner with an uplink jack planted at the base of his skull.

“Enemy fighters have scrambled and are moving on our position,” Loren warned.

“Acknowledged, Lieutenant,” Captain Hawke said. “I’m keeping the weapons’ power diverted to shields and engines. We’ll try to outrun them as long as possible.”

“Morningstar squadron is holding in escort formation,” Andee said. The captain had allowed her on the bridge to monitor the fighters, but Malcolm wished she could have sat with him. Andee had a knack for keeping him calm.

Closing his eyes, Malcolm filtered their conversation out, trusting the crew to their business as he focused on his. He zeroed in on the lead ship as his entry point to their network, and then began picking at its security code like plucking at the strings of a harp, trying to find the right melody.

Giveaway!! :
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Soo .... COMMENT on this post!! And you could WIN!! =0)

ALSO -- Be sure to follow the tour around the other blog sites!

Find Robyn Bachar :

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Made the Grade: True Destiny Series, Book 5

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 684 KB | Release Date: December 16, 2014 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: | Originally Found Out About @ NetGalley

"Not Broken" [True Destiny Series, Book 5] by Dana Marie Bell

Author's Book Description : Genre: Paranormal Romance, Menage (M/M/F)
Length: Novella

Three hearts are stronger than the sum of their scars.

Slade Saeter endured centuries of torture, longing for the day could claim Magnus Tate and Sylvia Grimm as mates. Now freedom is his, but nightmares still plague this son of Loki, and he fears his lovers will believe him too fragile to bond.

Always attracted to both sexes, Magnus never thought he could have the woman of his dreams, not when she was broken by his own father, her heart shattered by Thor's infidelities and their ultimate divorce. But Slade’s determination gives him a glimmer of hope.

Never one to let anything keep her down for long, Sylvia has long since healed from her ex-husband’s betrayals. But accepting her own stepson as a bonded mate? While it’ s something she can wrap her body around, her heart is another story.

As three war-weary, damaged hearts slowly find balance among them, they form bonds of surprising strength. But with danger descending upon them with the fury of a Valkyrie, time is the one thing they may not have.

Warning: This title contains explicit sex, graphic language and only two people who know for sure if Slade really is hung like a horse. (They aren't talking.)

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! This novel takes over where "Morgan’s Fate" (Book 4 of this series) left off, based around Slade (Sleipnir-Loki's son) healing with the one mate he's found--Magnus (Magni-Thor's son)--while trying to win over his other mate--Sylvia (Sif-Thor's ex-wife)--with Magnus' help. The love triangle happens in the middle of the constant war going on between Kir (with his followers) against his parents.

This is the first novel I've read within this series so I liked how it kept me in the loop of who's who and what they are up to so I didn't feel lost. In addition, I liked how Slade, Magnus, & Sylvia's relationship grew throughout this novel. Their relationship was sweetly written, yet highlighted with enough spicy scenes to keep you on your toes wanting more.

Another thing I liked was how it touches on all the previous characters so that you are updated with what is going on with them while keeping the pace of the rest of the novel. I'm very interested to see where this series will go next!

I recommend it to those who like paranormal and/or Norse mythology romances!

Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here : Kobo : Very Much Alive (Book 1) | Kobo : Eye of the Beholder (Book 2) | Kobo : Howl for Me (Book 3) | FREE READ - Ms. Bell's Website : Just the Way You Are (Book 3.5) | Kobo : Morgan's Fate (Book 4) | Kobo : Not Broken (Book 5)

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : The Wallflower | Sweet Dreams | Dare To Believe | All For You

My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters : "Waiting On" Wednesday: Artistic Vision | Winter Themed Books To Warm You Up During the 2011 Holiday Season

Author's Novel Extras : Not Broken - Overview & Excerpt | Take What You Can Get | Contracts, Buy Links, and General Insanity | Just A Spoonful of Sugar... | NEW RELEASE: Not Broken

Author's Series Extras : True Destiny Series - Glossary | Very Much Alive - Overview & Excerpt | Eye of the Beholder - Overview & Excerpt | Howl for Me - Overview & Excerpt | Just the Way You Are - PDF Free Read | Morgan's Fate - Overview & Excerpt | Release of Eye of the Beholder, True Destiny Book 2

Book Teaser(s) :
Slade gently shoved him toward the door. “Now go make sure our other mate can come home.”
“Yes, sir.”
Slade laughed. “I like that. I’ll be herd stallion, you can be one of my mares.”
Morgan, the dick, began choking on his laughter.
“Ass. Hole.” Magnus grabbed hold of Morgan and dragged him toward the door. “Stop corrupting my mate.”
“Me?” Morgan was still laughing as they left the condo. “You have no one to blame but yourself for that one, brother.”
Magnus bit back his grin. No one else, indeed.
And that was just the way Magnus liked it. ~ within Chapter 2
Slade’s eyes went wide, and suddenly Sylvia found herself yanked to her feet along with Magnus. Slade was a lot stronger than he seemed. “Let’s go.”
Magnus was laughing as Slade dragged them into the bedroom. “Whoa there.”
Slade glared at him. “Did you just whoa me?”
Now Sylvia was giggling.
“You did not just whoa me,” Slade muttered, yanking Magnus’s shirt over his head.
“Yes, he did.” Sylvia laughed harder as Slade pushed Magnus down onto the bed.
“You are so going to pay for that.” Slade tugged Magnus’s pants off while Magnus watched indulgently.
“Yes, dear. Whatever you say, dear.” ~ within Chapter 8
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Dana Marie, then please check out her website.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Feasted On: Cy’ren Rising Series, Book 3

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 696 KB | Expected Release Date: December 23, 2014 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: NetGalley

"Sunsinger" [Cy’ren Rising Series, Book 3] by Robyn Bachar

Author's Book Description : Her desire unites them. Her secret could destroy them all.

The lord.

The sole survivor of the Sunsinger massacre, Lord Degalen Fairren spends his days reading tales of the family he never knew. When a rival house threatens to enslave Cyprena, Galen is forced to pull his nose out of his books and enter into an alliance with House Morningstar, and a dangerous mission to save his world.

The assassin.

Lady Andelynn Harrow isn’t House Morningstar’s eldest or prettiest daughter, but she is the deadliest. After her father’s murder, Andee must defend her new house and mate—the shy, reluctant Galen—but every battle risks revealing her terrible secret.

The slave.

Malcolm gets his first taste of freedom when the Cy’ren recruit him to locate the cure to a deadly virus—and feels the burn of desire for Galen, the lord he can never have, and for Andee, who awakens memories of a long-lost first love.

The danger they face fuels the heat between them, but with Cyprena’s fate hanging in the balance, the race to find the cure could come with devastating costs.

Warning: Contains a blushing, virgin lord, a sexy geek, and an empathic assassin who always brings lube on a mission.

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars! Follow Andelynn (Andee) as she uses all of her skills to help protect her new mate(s), prove to Degalen (Galen) that there is more to life then following the old stingy rules, and opens her heart to the possibility of a better future for herself then she originally planned. For this being the first novel in this series that I've read I liked how it could be read as a standalone novel while it still brings in the series' previous main characters in a way that the reader stays up-to-date about them and still staying relevant to the action going on. This thrilling fast-paced sci-fi romance hooks you from the beginning. In addition, I loved how it was Malcolm that really brought the three of them together in many ways; he is such an absentmindedly sweet character. I'll love to see where Andee, Galen, & Malcolm end up in future novels in this series (if there are any); I like how well they suit each other. =0)

I recommend this novel to anyone who loves sci-fi romances! Especially to those who like m/f/m romances too!

Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here :

My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters : Teaser Tuesday: Sunsinger

Author's Novel Extras : Sharing Good News

Author's Series Extras : Slaying the TBR Pile | SFR Brigade Presents: Morningstar Cover Reveal | Starry Nights Blog Hop | The SFR Brigade Presents: Morningstar, Cy'ren Rising Book 2 | The SFR Brigade Presents: Morningstar Snippet 3 | The SFR Brigade Presents: Morningstar Snippet 3 | The SFR Brigade Presents: Morningstar Snippet 4

Book Teaser(s) :
She smiled, and Malcolm was struck again by how pretty she was. Must be a Cy’ren thing, because he'd never seen one that wasn't beautiful, male or female. Galen was beautiful... Malcolm sighed and shook his head. No flirting. He would remember, somehow. Maybe he should write it on the backs of his hands. ~ within Chapter 2

"Lady Andee, did you crash my mate's shuttle?" he asked.
"Technically you crashed it, because you didn't evade that missile," she corrected.
Loren groaned again. "She's going to be pissed."
"Nah. She'll be so happy to see you that she'll forget all about it," Andee assured him.
"I'll buy her a new one," Galen added. "To go with the Talon II." ~ within Chapter 14
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Robyn, then please check out her website.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Made the Grade: Duals and Donovans: The Different Series, Book 4

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 836 KB | Expected Release Date: November 18, 2014 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: NetGalley

"Witches' Waves" [Duals and Donovans: The Different Series, Book 4] by Teresa Noelle Roberts (aka Sophie Mouette)

Author's Book Description : The ocean is on their side. But the fight is on land—and it’s about to get dirty.

Duals and Donovans: The Different, Book 4

Long held captive as the Agency’s secret weapon—a blind witch with visions—Meaghan has come to a line she refuses to cross. Rather than betray the infant “child of five bloods” to the Agency’s scientists, she chooses death. Except when she throws herself into the ocean, she doesn’t die. Her repressed water magic comes to life.

When the sodden, delirious witch drifts into Kyle’s arms, his otter dual instincts tell him to get her to the Donovans as fast as possible. Even though one particular surfer-dude Donovan broke his heart.

Declan Donovan continually kicks himself for pushing Kyle away, but his touchy combination of water, earth and lightning magic is too volatile, and Kyle wanted more than Deck was ready to give.

When they come together to help Meaghan control her new magic, it leads the Agency straight to the child of five bloods. They’ll have to dive head-first into total trust—in their magics, in themselves and in each other—to save the child and stop the Agency once and for all.

Warning: Contains an oceanful of sex between an ethereal blind heroine who swears like a pissed-off Marine, an overly serious otter shifter, a would-be beach bum who may be descended from a Norse god, in permutations as fluid as the sea – and themes of abuse and recover.

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! A woman--who has the power to see the future and has been raised in a facility where they use her and her power for evil--finds out she's dying and finds a way to get to the water with hopes to kill herself. Yet, fate decides to throw her into the arms of two men who change her life for the better. This was the first time I've read a novel from this series, which could be why I felt a bit lost at times, but this novel was standalone enough that you still get to read a full story.

In truth, at the beginning I only liked the scenes that Meaghan was in because everything else seemed to be dragging a bit. As the novel progresses I liked how the plot sped up and the interaction between Kyle, Deck, & Meaghan turned into something that I couldn't stop reading about. Together they make a wonderful combo that balances each other out in ways that where surprising and fun.

In addition, one thing that I loved about this novel was it's main characters' unique abilities! With Deck's massive supply of power yet needing to still maintain enough control as to not kill anyone; to Meaghan's foresight and her growing into the abilities that are no longer dormant; to finding out about Kyle being an otter shifter along with what that means and being both a dom and sub in the bedroom (depending on who he's playing with); it was all very exciting getting to know them!

This novel definitely hooked me for this series, I'm curious to see where it will all go next. I recommend this novel and series to those who like paranormal romances, don't mind reading about light bdsm, and are fans of m/f/m romances too!

Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here :

Author's Novel Extras : WIP Excerpt: Witches’ Waves | Teaser time! Witches’ Waves is ready for pre-order

Author's Series Extras : Duals and Donovans: The Different series - Overview | New “Best” Anthology

Book Teaser(s) :
Great. What Deck was saying made the situation even more hopeless. "So...cosmic power, no knowledge of magical ethics, working entirely on instinct and about a million reasons to be trigger-happy. As if simple decency weren't enough reason to keep my hands off her, there's always not wanting to get killed because I did something stupid." His path was clear. "I need to not touch her. Need to stop wondering what it would be like to be insider her, to have that ocean and amber scent around me as I fuck her...and damn, that's not helping one bit."
Deck laughed. ~ within Chapter 11
"If we live through this, you are so getting spanked," he whispered as he shoved the otter behind him. ~ within Chapter 25
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Teresa, then please check out her website.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Feasted On: Order of the Wolf Series, Book 2

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 499 KB | Expected Release Date: October 14, 2014 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: NetGalley

"Wolf Slayer" [Order of the Wolf Series, Book 2] by Angela Addams

Author's Book Description : She would have made his next breath his last, if he hadn’t stolen hers.

Aubrey Devlin thought she had a destiny—to become a Huntress, be mated to a Hunter, and spend her life in everlasting, werewolf ass-kicking bliss. But after years of honing her wolf-slaying skills, it’s her twin sister who’s chosen for the coveted honor.

Swallowing her disappointment, she takes a job as head of security for the band Riot. Staying professional is tough when it comes to the band’s sex-god bassist, an alpha bad-boy to the extreme. She will keep her mind on her work—as soon as she figures out how to stop drooling over the man.

Jaylon isn’t good with women—especially those with the ability to kill him—yet he knows without a doubt Aubrey is his mate. Now if only he can get the stubborn woman to fall for him.

One argument too many, and instead of clawing each other’s eyes out, they wind up clawing each other’s clothes off. It’s then that Jaylon realizes the truth: Aubrey is a true Huntress. He’d better find a way to claim his mate before a Hunter claims her first...

Product Warnings
Sexually explicit (like ripping-clothes-off, sex-in-public-places explicit) language. Rock-star bad-ass with long hair and a wicked bite. A take-no-crap huntress who bites back. You are encouraged to lick, suck, and devour your way through this tasty treat in one sitting—just be aware you might be hungry for more.

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars! A unique paranormal romance about a woman who gets to choose her mate between two opposing enemies, yet when her sister has already been chosen for the "Huntress" side will she be able to loose her heart to a werewolf or is her love for her sister stronger then anything else?

This intriguing novel definitely got me interested into this series! I enjoyed the aspect of Aubrey knowing she has the option of two mates which she needs to choose between for herself, it made this novel even more interesting that since she already had "chosen" a side so her enemy mate had to try to win her over. It was sweet.

Yet, it also made me curious to see if the author would make a mash up where both sides decide on not kill one another and become a threesome instead. *shrug* But back to the novel ....

I really liked Aubrey and Jaylon together; they evened out each other's rough edges. At the beginning, I felt bad for Aubrey because to her it felt like she was loosing her family. So once Jaylon realizes that other then just proving how much he wants her he needs to show her how much she's welcome in his "family" as well, it really makes him open up to her in such sweet ways that I wish I could have kept reading about.

I recommend this novel and series to anyone who enjoys paranormal erotic romances!

Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here :

Author's Series Extras : Presenting....CURSED...Cover Reveal! | Some Great News!! | Cover Reveal: Wolf Slayer Book 2 of The Order of the Wolf | Cover Reveal! Feast your eyes... | Cover Reveal...I'm truly spoiled...seriously | Birthing a manuscript...sounds gross, I know | Let the Blog Tour Begin!!

Book Teaser(s) :
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Angela, then please check out her website.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Idolizing In: Lone Pine Pride Series, Book 2

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 678 KB | Expected Release Date: September 30, 2014 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: NetGalley

"Taming the Lion" [Lone Pine Pride Series, Book 2] by Vivi Andrews

Author's Book Description : When she's in heat, there's no cooling down...

Wilderness guide and cougar-shifter Patricia “Patch” Fontaine has known the dangers of lone-shifter life since she was ten, when her parents mysteriously vanished. All grown up now, she thrives on her hard-won independence.

When rumors of a new rash of shifter abductions crop up, she’s forced to come home to the Lone Pine Pride for protection—right as the man she’s always secretly wanted is about to marry her best friend. And right as she’s going into heat.

Roman Jaeger values his role as Alpha heir apparent, but he isn’t thrilled about his arranged marriage to the Alpha’s daughter—especially when his bride is just as nonplussed as he is—but he’ll do his duty for the pride. Seeing Patch again challenges his noblest intentions. The wildness in her sets him on fire, and he can’t resist the chance for one last fling.

Both know a future together is impossible. But when chemistry and sowing wild oats grows into a need deeper than lust, their bond could threaten the very heart of the pride they both love.

Warning: This book contains a strong sexy Alpha-to-be, an independent cougar-shifter who knows her way around a lion’s heart, secret affairs, arranged marriages, politics, passion, and a pride full of lions and tigers and bears. Oh my.

My Book Review : 5 out of 5 stars!! This novel reminded me of Ms. Andrews' Serengeti Shifters Series because of it's intensity and romantic swagger, which is why I think I liked it so much!

Even though I haven't read book 1 of this series, from what I have come up with this novel takes place during the same time period as it does. I really liked the development of Patricia (Patch) and Roman's relationship. Together they are a fiery duo; from their passion for each other to their love for their pride, they take the readers on a wild ride!

I can't wait to see where this series will go next!

I recommend this novel and series to anyone who are fans of Ms. Andrews' (like me) and/or like paranormal erotic romances!

Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here :

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Serengeti Heat | Serengeti Lightning

Author's Novel Extras : Taming the Lion - Overview & Excerpt | Tame Those Biceps

Author's Series Extras : Jaguar's Kiss - Overview & Excerpt | Get Your Shifter On! | Shiny gorgeous gushy happiness of the Shifter Variety | Jaguar's Kiss Release Day!

Book Teaser(s) :

A smart woman would pacify the half-rabid beast barely holding it together. A smart woman would soothe him, calm him with the reminder that she wasn’t in danger, that she was, in fact, heading back to her car and leaving the attack to the professionals.
But Patch had already established she was an idiot. ~ within Chapter 31
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Vivi, then please check out her website.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Made the Grade: Wicked Shores Series, Book 1

Format: eBook | File Size: 1.5 MB | Release Date: December 24, 2013 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: Samhain Publishing | Originally Found Out About @ Jodi Redford's Facebook Page

"Three Ways to Wicked" [Wicked Shores Series, Book 1] by Jodi Redford

Author's Book Description : Three ingredients for a hot summer: sun, sand, and sizzling sex.

Following a nasty breakup with her ex, Kayla English is eager to get her erotic writing mojo back on track. Except progress on her current book has flatlined, right along with her belief in happily-ever-after.

Solution? Two weeks of solitude in the Florida sun thanks to some friends' generous offer to house-sit their place on the beach. She didn't count on having roommates--or on getting the sexiest peepshow of her life.

Seven years after an intimate encounter rocked their worlds, business partners Tyler Bishop and Gibb Masters have kept things strictly in the friend zone. A recent storm has left them homeless, though. They figure moving into Ty’s parents’ place is preferable to roughing it elsewhere, even if it means resisting the temptation to slip between the sheets with Kayla…and each other.

As the days heat up, so does their three-way attraction. But when emotions run deeper than any of them expect, three wary hearts must decide if it’s worth the risk to write their own HEA.

Warning: This book brings the dirty. We're talking dirty sex in an outdoor shower, on a boat, and on the kitchen counter with a dirty-mouthed Casanova. In other words, all the good stuff with a side of glow-in-the-dark body paint.

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars, this sweet erotic romance is about three long-time friends coming to terms with their feelings for one another, and when they do, it'll change all their lives for the better! Together the dreams they've always craved will come true!

Tyler (Ty), Kayla (Kay), & Gibb are good friends but even better lovers. They allow each other the opportunity to be who they are supposed to be, while getting over past hurts in their lives. Kay gets the best of both worlds with Ty being the "dirty-mouthed Casanova" and Gibb being the protective/sweet-type. Together the three of them fall in love while providing a lot of interesting sexual exploits for you to enjoy!

My only wish is that the plot flowed a bit better, as it seemed to go a little to slow in some parts while a bit to fast in others. Nevertheless, I loved the characters and can't wait to see where this series will take us!

I recommend this novella to anyone who enjoys erotic three-way romances!

Purchase This Book and/or The Other Books From It's Series Here :

My Previous Interview(s) with this Author or the Author's Characters : November 2011 | February 2012

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : That Voodoo You Do | The Naughty List | Maximum Witch | Getting Familiar With Your Demon | Cat Scratch Fever | Breaking Bad

My Previous Mention(s) of this Author's Books/Characters : Jess' Update :: September 20th 2011 | Winter Themed Books To Warm You Up During the 2011 Holiday Season | Best Book Couples -- Happy Valentine's Day 2012 | Teaser Tuesdays: Breaking Bad | Best Book Couples -- Happy Valentine's Day 2013 | Welcome to Small Business Saturday/Week

Author's Novel Extras : Three Ways to Wicked Reviewer ARCs!

Book Teaser(s) :
They pulled into the driveway directly behind Kayla. Not a moment too soon, considering Gibb was sporting the bluest balls known to mankind. He killed the Bronco’s engine and pocketed the keys before hopping outside. Looking to hide his anxiousness, he deliberately kept his posture loose and casual as he approached Kay. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Ty reveling in a knowing smirk. Asshole was thoroughly enjoying testing Gibb’s threshold for sexual torment.
Kay clicked her car door shut and turned toward them with a readied smile. Something in Gibb’s expression must have ratted out his state of mind because her eyes widened several fractions. So much for his bullshit attempt at pretending he wasn’t frothing at the mouth to get intimately acquainted with her pussy again. Her lips parted, but before any words could slip free, the solitary thread comprising his frayed control unraveled, and he nudged her against the Camry’s doorframe. ~ within Chapter 10
She couldn’t imagine not waking up every day in their arms, just content in knowing her world was a wonderful place because they resided within it.
But that’s precisely what she had to look forward to after this week. Endless days without Ty and Gibb.
Throat tight with emotion, she settled her purse on the floor and went to inspect the paints. Dropping onto her haunches, she unscrewed the cap of the closest jar and eyed its bright blue contents. “Ooh, I get to make you guys into Smurfs!”
Ty groaned. “You didn’t just say that.”
“Okay, how about that dude from Avatar?”
Before she could tease Ty any further, Gibb shut off the lights, sealing them in an expansive dark wonderland backdropped by a glowing neon rainforest. Her delighted gasp sneaking loose, she lifted to her feet and gaped at the intricate pattern of foliage decorating the opposite wall. The effect was so realistic she swore the fern fronds would rustle beneath her fingertips. ~ within Chapter 14
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Jodi, then please check out her website.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Made the Grade: Legacy Series, Book 5

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 428 KB | Release Date: May 2012 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained:

"Finding Chrissten" [Legacy Series, Book 5] by N. J. Walters

My Book Summary : Ever since Hank met Quinn (Chrissten's twin brother), he has been obsessed with her and with rescuing her from whoever kidnapped her over a year ago. With the help of an unusual vampire and Hank's pack, they finally track down Chrissten and break her out of captivity. However, will she ever be able to live among their "normal" society again? Hank will do everything in his power to keep her safe even from himself if necessary...

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars! What would you do if you found that your "true mate" was forced to mate with another? How far would you go to protect her? Would she ever be willing to open her heart to you have everything she's suffered? These questions plague the whole novel, while Hank and Chrissten try to understand the connection between them and deal with the men who abused her.

Maybe it was because I had such high hopes for this novel, but even though I liked the plot and the main characters (Hank & Chrissten), I felt this novel was dragged out way too much. It made it so that even though I liked how everything was going so well for Chrissten and Hank at times I would just start thinking, "Why is there so much left to the novel?" Basically, I felt that there were some scenes that just really didn't need to be included.

Overall, though, I did like how Chrissten & Hank's love story came together, especially the main fight scene where Hank went all Rambo-style! =0)

I recommend this novel to anyone who is a fan of the Legacy Series or of Ms. Walters.

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1

Author's Novel Extras : New Cover! | FINDING CHRISSTEN Available Today! | 4 Stars for Finding Chrissten | Finding Chrissten on Amazon Best Seller List! | Fresh Friday Reads: Shifters, Witches, Elves, and a Sexy Historical | 5 Blue Ribbons for Finding Chrissten | 4 1/2 Stars for Finding Chrissten | 5 Hearts for Finding Chrissten

Author's Series Extras : Legacy Overview | New Contract...New Series! | Another New Cover! | Recommended Read for Alexandra's Legacy! | Two New Contracts! | New Cover!!!!! | Isaiah's Haven Available Today and Guest Blogging | 5 Book Review for Isaiah's Haven! | Two New Contracts! | A New Year Dawns... | Website Updates! | Week in Review | 5 Blue Ribbons for Legacy Found | Week in Review | 5 Blue Ribbons for Quinn's Quest | All 5 Legacy books on Samhain Paranormal Best Sellers List | The Voices in My Head...Part 2 | It's all about perspective | 2012--Year in Review | I'm Doing...Stuff

Book Teaser(s) :
A mated wolf usually couldn’t stand the scent or touch of another. That made the attraction between him and Chrissten even more unusual. Hank knew in his soul he was her true mate and she was his. Maybe it was because they were both half-breeds that they were able to get past the restrictions that ruled mated pairs. Maybe it was because they were true mates that Brian’s mating didn’t seem to affect either of them in quite the same way it would a pure werewolf mated pair.
He didn’t know and didn’t care. He could smell Brian’s scent on her skin. It permeated her flesh, a never-ending reminder that she belonged to another. It marked her as surely as a brand and would only disappear with Brian’s death.
Most males wouldn’t be able to stand the stench of another male on their female. Werewolves were nothing if not possessive.
But Hank wasn’t most men and Chrissten belonged to him. ~ within Chapter 9
Patience. He needed to woo her with patience. Even if it killed him. ~ within Chapter 10
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by N. J., then please check out her website.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Feasted On: Guardians of the Light Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 339 KB | Release Date: October 2008 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: Samhain Publishing

"Duality" [Guardians of the Light Series, Book 1] by Renee Wildes

My Book Summary : Dara begins a personal quest in hopes of saving her kingdom and finds out more about herself then she's ever known. During her quest, she saves Loren, an Elven prince who is in the middle of a similar quest of his own to help out some friends of his, and in turn, he swears a Life-Debt to Dara, which turns them into Life-Mates! However, just because they've found each other doesn't mean that they are able to walk away from their own personal journeys. Therefore, together they embark on a way to save Dara's kingdom from the demon who intends to take it over. Yet along the way unmistakable circumstances leave Loren's own personal life in unusual straights. So much so, that he's scared he'll lose Dara once their quests are over. Will Loren be able to find a way to win over Dara's heart and soul while defeating a demon in the process or will all his hopes and dreams come crashing down around him??

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars, follow two people on their quests of a lifetime that will change their paths of fate forever! I loved the characters in this series, especially Dara & Loren! Well all the characters, but Moira & Alani. And, now that I think about it, I hated Jalad and all of his followers too. Also, maybe... hmmm... =0/ Okay since there are so many characters let’s do it this way...

About the Characters:
• Dara: A mortal half-dragon fire mage, who was raised by her adoptive--human--parents Rufus and Fanny. She remembers very little about her mother, Sheena, who died when Dara was young. Loren's Life-Mate. As well as being a fire mage, Dara is a skilled healer and warrior. Protective of everyone she considers worthy. A mixture of shy and wanton when it comes to Loren. Is Loren's light when sudden changes take place.

• Loren: An Elven prince and was chosen by the Lady as Her champion. Younger brother to Deane and older brother to Brannan. Dara's Life-Mate and protector. Hani`ena's warrior. Best friend to Cianan. A powerful empath. Doesn't like the politics of being a prince and all that comes with royalty. Likes his freedom and helping protect his kingdom. Has a hard time when changes suddenly happen in his family.

• Jalad: Count of Westmarche, which borders Dara's kingdom. A mortal who wanted more power so he took a demon within himself and tore apart Dara's kingdom. **Hated him and his followers**

• Hani`ena: Loren's warhorse. Feisty. Keeps Loren in line.

• Cianan: An elf who's an archery instructor at the Academy. Best friend to Loren. A harmless flirt.

• Moira: Queen of Dara's kingdom. A mortal. Pregnant. Fights alongside the other warriors to save her kingdom. **I thought her fine at the beginning but at the very end I was very annoyed with her about her reaction to Dara**

• Hengist: King of Dara's kingdom. A mortal. Loren's friend.

• Cedric: The Elven High King. Father to Deane, Loren, and Brannan. Very sad because most of his family is dead and he misses them. Tries to keep himself together so he can be strong for his family and kingdom.

• Deane: An Elven prince and the heir to the throne. Older brother to Loren and Brannan. Rude and arrogant. **Hated him**

• Brannan: An Elven prince. Younger brother to Loren and Deane. The scholar of the family who is interested in learning about becoming a healer. Sweet and kind.

• Pari: The former Elven High King. Father to Cedric. Lorelei's Life-Mate. Used to being rained on when his wife is mad at him. Tough old warrior.

• Lorelei: The former Elven Queen. Mother to Cedric. Pari's Life-Mate. A powerful water mage. Mother hen type to everyone she likes.

• Sheena: A draconian. A dragon queen. Dara's mother.

• Paulette: An elf. Deane's wife. Very rude! **Hated her**

• Alani: Loren's betrothed. A snob who doesn't love Loren but plans on being his bride either way. **Hated her**

• Verdeen: An elf. Agrees to be Dara's lady's maid if Dara can teach her to become a skilled warrior. Very helpful.

There are more characters of course but these are the ones that come to mind the most. Anyway ...

This novel is an action packed adventure! With more adventure in it then I originally expected when I purchased it. Not that it was a problem; however, it definitely keeps you on your toes throughout this novel! Yet it also has a sweet love story drawn through it too!

I recommend this novel to anyone who was/is a Lord of the Rings fan and to those who like fantasy romances!!

- On a side note -
I'm now curious to read Cianan's novel "Hedda's Sword" (Book 2 in this series) & Verdeen's novel "Riever's Heart" (Book 5 in this series) as I liked them a lot as secondary characters in this novel. =0)

Author's Novel Extras : Duality Excerpt | A New Adventure | About DUALITY – w/Excerpt | 5-STAR REVIEW FOR DUALITY FROM ECATAROMANCE! | New Reviews For DUALITY! | Anonymous Reader Review for DUALITY! | New Review For DUALITY! | Booksigning With Kids | Duality Cover Featured for Valentine’s Day! | INSPIRATION

Author's Series Extras : Series' Background | Guardians of Light Character Blog | Back on the Air! LYCAN TIDES New Release Coming 7/14/09 | Writing Is A Lonely Profession...NOT! | AWESOME New Review For Hedda’s Sword! | HEDDA’S SWORD OUT IN PAPERBACK TODAY! | My 2 Weeks At Amazon – Thus Far | New Contract w/Samhain! | Hedda’s Sword – CataNetwork Reviewers Choice | Lycan Tides – LRC Best Fantasy Bk 2009 Nominee! | Moments in Time: Those Magical First Kisses | LYCAN TIDES – Runner Up in LRC’s Best Fantasy 2009! | AND THE WINNER IS....(VALENTINE’S DAY PROMO) | “FAVORITE” words of writers (not necessarily editors) | Countdown: How DUST Was Born | DUST OF DREAMS Up For Book of the Week at LASR! | Those Recurring Characters In A Series | Teaching Old Writers New Tricks – NaNo Update Revelations | CHARACTERIZATION & DEEP POV – TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL | What Verdeen & I Have in Common | LYCAN TIDES is an EPIC Finalist! | BOOK OPENINGS | The 5 Senses – SIGHT | The 5 Senses – TOUCH | ALPHAS vs. BETAS | Reality In Fiction | RIEVER’S HEART – OUT TODAY IN PAPERBACK! | Riever’s Heart Excerpt (Moonlit Gardens) | THE NEXT BIG THING

Author's Book Trailer :

Book Teaser(s) :
“I can’t go looking like this.”
“You do resemble a muddy puppy.”
“I stink, and you know it. Lady, I’d kill for a bath.” Her eyes turned fierce and begging all at the same time. “We’ve got water and a fire.”
“You cannot manage one right now, even pain-blocked.”
“You can help me.”
Something like a snicker came from Hani`ena’s direction. “You could.”
Oh, Lord and Lady. Just the mere thought of...was enough to turn his blood hot and cold. Her. Naked. Skin glistening in the firelight, droplets of water running down her back to the sweet curve of her... He broke into a sweat at his unchivalrous thoughts. She was injured and under his protection. “Nay.”
She turned from begging to indignation in the blink of an eye. “I granted you a bath, and you were in far less need of it than I. The least you can do is return the favor.” There was naught seductive in her tone. He felt her self-disgust.
“You have soap and clean rags in my saddle bags.”
“Shut up, Hani`ena.” He glared at the mare, who blinked at him. “You do not fool me for an instant.” He turned to Dara. “It would be...” Torture. “Inappropriate.”
“I can’t be the first woman you’ve seen naked. I trust you. Just pretend I’m your sister.”
“Your much younger sister,” Hani`ena commented.
His hand knotted in Dara’s hair. His face went rigid and turmoil smoldered in his heart. “You are not my sister.” It felt like a shout, but his throat was so tight it was barely audible. ~ within Chapter 7
They made it to shore and, after securing the boat, Pari led the way up a winding cliffside trail to a boulder-covered opening. “We are here.” He backed away for Dara to take the lead.
“Beware,” the voices warned.
She stared at the sealed entrance. “It’s guarded by more than one element. You can’t enter.”
Pari unshouldered his pack. “This be where I come in. Music or passwords?”
“Musssic,” the voices ordered. “Music,” Dara repeated.
Pari pulled out his wooden flute and played a simple melody. Dara saw the notes shimmering against an invisible shield—yellow, blue, pink, green, violet. Every note flared against the shield, little by little thinning it into nonexistence.
Dara stepped up to the barricade and studied the runes above her head. She’d seen their like but once afore, on the bottle of dragon’s blood she’d held in prison. “What’s it say?”
“Enter here, all ye who fear not death. Bow to thy queen and live.”
Dara frowned. “You have some arrogance issues.”
They did not reply. ~ within Chapter 11
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Renee, then please check out her website.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Feasted On: Who's Your Daddy? by Lauren Gallagher

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 551 KB | Release Date: August 2012 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained:

"Who's Your Daddy?" by Lauren Gallagher (aka L. A. Witt)

My Book Summary : As a way to celebrate finally divorcing her now ex-husband Carmen ends up getting drunk and messing around with her two best friends Donovan (Don) and Isaac, who have been in a relationship for quite a few years now and are bisexual. However, none of them ever expected Carmen informing them that she was pregnant a few weeks later. Now on top of Don worrying about raising his teenage son, Isaac and Carmen worrying about being first-time parents, Carmen and Don nervous about telling their respective overbearing and mean parents about the baby, they have to deal with what having this baby and raising it will mean to all of them and their relationships with each other. Will they be able to work through the possible life changes for the better? Or will they end up pulling apart from each other because of the stress of it all?

My Book Review : 4.5 out of 5 stars!!! Three best friend's lives change when they find they are expecting an unexpected surprise. I loved the way this novel touches all three of the main characters--Carmen, Don, & Isaac--fears while helping to solve their issues with it all. It was really sweet while VERY hot and spicy when it came to the sex scenes!

My only real issue with this novel was that the title of this novel is called "Who's Your Daddy?" and throughout it Carmen, Don, & Isaac, all deal with the issue of the baby and who's the father in a great way but it NEVER ANSWERS THE QUESTION OF WHO THE FATHER IS!! I mean COME ON! I'm glad they find a way to make it all work out between them and not worry about who the father actually is, yet they could have at least mentioned it somewhere in the novel or in the epilogue. =0/ Very frustrating.

All in all, I recommend this novel to anyone who likes M/M/F romances!

- On a side note -
I hope Isaac turned out to be the biological father since he was so sweet about wanting one. =0)

Author's Novel Extras : R - E - S - P - E - C - T. | Random blog entry is random. | Annnnd that's a wrap. | COVER ART: Who's Your Daddy | EXCERPT: Who's Your Daddy? | NOW AVAILABLE: Who's Your Daddy?

Book Teaser(s) :
“Drag you?” Isaac and I said in unison.
“Woman, please.” I shifted onto my side, mirroring Isaac. I trailed a fingertip over her breast. “I seem to recall you kissed me first.”
“After you started feeling me up,” she said.
“I wasn’t feeling you up.”
“Oh, you were too,” Isaac said.
I rolled my eyes. “If I was feeling her up, I wouldn’t have had my hand on her leg.
“Hmm, he’s got a point,” Isaac said. “Don isn’t exactly known for subtlety when it comes to these things.”
“Don?” She put her hand to her chest in a theatrical gesture. “Not subtle? Oh, I’m stunned.”
“Wonders never cease,” I said.
Isaac rolled his eyes. “Christ, this kid is going to be raised by the Trifecta of Sarcasm. The world is fucked.~ within Chapter 5 - titled 'Donovan'
“So, next item on the list?”
Donovan muttered something and snatched the list from her. He scanned it while we continued walking. “Bibs. Now there’s something completely pointless.”
“As long as you have ample amounts of that worshiped detergent, right?” I asked.
“Fuck no,” he said. “Make sure the room’s warm enough, strip the kid down to a diaper, put an old shower curtain on the floor under the high chair and let him make a mess.”
Someone nearby gasped. Carmen and I looked at each other and snickered. Donovan glanced in the direction from which the horrified sound had come and raised his voice slightly when he continued.
“Then you just take the kid and the shower curtain out to the backyard and hose them off.”
“Or just let the dog clean him off,” I said, struggling to keep a straight face.
Carmen covered her mouth to stifle her laughter. “Oh God, we are so getting thrown out of here.” ~ within Chapter 11 - titled 'Isaac'
If there was one benefit to the stress of my divorce, it was the weight loss. I’d gained about twenty pounds in the last year before I left Paul and lost almost thirty since I walked out the door. Now some of the jeans that he and my mother kindly reminded me were “getting a bit tight, don’t you think?” finally fit comfortably again.
I pulled them on and started to draw the zipper up. Tried to draw it up anyway. Cursing, I sucked in my stomach and managed to get my jeans zipped.
When I tried to inhale, the denim bit into my skin. I couldn’t pull in a full, deep breath, and I could barely move.
I turned sideways and looked in the mirror. It probably wasn’t all that noticeable to anyone else, and I wouldn’t have noticed at all had I not just forced myself into painted-on jeans, but holy crap, there was definitely a difference. Just a hint of a swell, probably enough to make my mother point and scowl.
“Are you effing kidding me?” I was barely out of my first damned trimester and already my clothes didn’t fit? Almost every non-sports bra I owned was already worthless, and now the massacre had begun on my jeans? Son of a bitch. ~ within Chapter 16 - titled 'Carmen'
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Donna, then please check out her website.
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