Friday, May 4, 2012

Blog Tour - Made the Grade: Darkest Wolf by Rebecca Royce | Guest Post, Review, & Giveaway

Today I'm turning my blog over to Rebecca Royce, who is talking about her biggest challenges while writing!

ALSO -- Be sure to comment on this post to be able to sign up for this tour's GIVEAWAYs (listed below)!! [Blog Tour will run from April 16 - May 11, 2012]

What is the hardest challenge when writing a werewolf/paranormal romance novel?? :

I think that people have a lot of expectations when it comes to their werewolves. I didn’t invent the genre, but I stepped into it. Readers have expectations for their werewolves. In general, they want Alpha males with strong, mission driven stories that are hot and loving. But, I don’t want to write exactly what I’ve written in the past and I don’t want to do what other writers have done.

This puts a lot of pressure on each book to be different, engaging, and well written. Fortunately, I love it. I’m so glad readers seem to love it too.

About the Author :

As a teenager, Rebecca Royce would hide in her room to read her favorite romance novels when she was supposed to be doing her homework. She hopes, these days, that her parents think it was well worth it.

Rebecca is the mother of three adorable boys and is fortunate to be married to her best friend. They live in northern New Jersey and try not to freeze too badly during the winter months.

She's in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and tries to use all of these elements in her writing. She's been told she's a little bloodthirsty so she hopes that when you read her work you'll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. Rebecca loves to write series because she loves to see characters develop over time and it always makes her happy to see her favorite characters make guest appearances in other books.

In Rebecca Royce's world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 243 KB | Expected Release Date: March 2012 | Publisher: Liquid Silver Books | Obtained: Goddess Fish Promotions

"Darkest Wolf" [The Westervelt Wolves Series, Book 7] by Rebecca Royce

My Book Summary : Randolph (Rex) is the youngest of the Kane brothers and was recently branded a traitor (again) by his pack. Now the only way Tristan (his oldest brother and his pack Alpha) will believe him to not be a traitor is to leave the pack and bring back a witch, even if she doesn't want to cooperate with him. However, he never expected to come across his mate along the way. He especially wasn't planning that his mate would be a witch!

Elizabeth (Liz) has been cursed years ago to look horrid by the woman who took over her coven. So, when Rex kidnaps Liz from the twin-witches that she's been serving and informs her that she is his mate, Liz believes that Rex is fooling her. However, it's nice that he looks her in the eye, which is something others haven't done since the curse was put on her (not even her friends and family), and says she's beautiful as he can see her true looks.

Nevertheless, they both have grown up to believe that the other is a natural enemy. Therefore, will they be able to overcome their initial dislike for the other and work together so they can get rid of Liz's curse and then she can help Rex's family? Or will they work against each other and unintentionally hurt the other by not following their own growing feelings??

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars! Follow this world win romance between two characters (Rex and Liz) that seem to have a poor view of their selves and learn with them what they are willing to do for those they care about. This novel has twists in the plot that I never saw coming but they enhanced the plot and this series in ways that make me VERY curious as to what will happen in the next book!! What I also enjoyed was Rex and Liz, how they showed their vulnerabilities without even meaning too and how they got to know each other by slowly proving themselves to each other. It was all very sweet to read about.

I recommend this novel to anyone who already enjoys this series and to those who like paranormal romance novels!

My Previous Interview(s) with this Author or the Author's Characters : February 2012 | April 2012

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Love Beyond Loyalty | Love Beyond Sight

Author's Series Extras : Lets Talk About Westervelt

Book Teaser(s) :
“Tell me about them.”
“The twins? What’s to tell? They are spoiled and bratty. It’s weird to talk about them that way since they are grown women, but dealing with them is like dealing with children. They want what they want. Their mother makes sure they get it.”
He nodded. “And when things go askew they punish you by using their magic since your own was suppressed thanks to the curse.”
“You’ve nailed it.”
She didn’t tell him about the beatings and the emotional abuse. Those were her secrets. The shame she hadn’t been able to protect herself from anything ever would stay with her for the rest of her life. For some reason, it felt pivotal to her Rex never knew that side of her.
Luck was never on her side but maybe, just maybe, this time she’d get to keep her secret shame her own and not have to share it with the world for their ridicule. Of course, given he was Rex, he could probably smell she wasn’t telling him something.
“We’ll stop them, witch. I promise.”
She rolled her eyes. “I hate that you call me witch. Change one letter and it’s a completely hurtful word.”
He laughed, which made her want to deck him. ~ within Chapter 6
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Rebecca, then please check out her website.

Book Excerpt :

Chapter One

The smells of human overindulgence wafted through his nose, making him want to turn on his heel and go out the way he’d gone in.

Rex Kane observed the scene before him with a strange amount of detachment, considering he was currently seeing his mate for the very first time. Two women—no, witches, he corrected—lay in strangely positioned forms frozen on the floor. Twins, he would guess them to be. Possibly even identical. He sniffed the air. Yep, they had matching scents. They were the very rare, but absolutely possible oddity, of identical twins. He would never be able to tell them apart, not by smell anyway.

His gaze moved slowly over the diner’s kitchen. At the moment, the twin witches offered no threat to him. They’d been frozen. He had no idea how long they’d stay immobile and, truth was, he didn’t particularly care. Witches didn’t frighten him. They annoyed the piss out of him—there was a difference.

The unconscious man, who, unless his nose was completely off, would wake up again shortly, also didn’t bother him. No, the elderly gentleman seemed to be temporarily stunned. He was also human. Not a threat.

But Rex did feel nervous and, considering how rarely anxiety bothered him, he was willing to acknowledge the sensation for a few brief seconds before he would deny it had ever happened completely. He raised an eyebrow and forced his attention to stay on the source of his temporary anxiety: his mate.

You’re sure she’s mine? He had to ask his wolf again. Maybe there’d been some kind of mistake. The universe couldn’t be this cruel to him.

Ours. His wolf bristled at the question. His canine half had never liked being questioned over anything.

She’s not even a wolf. Rex crossed his hands over his chest. She’s not even latent. She possesses no wolf blood whatsoever. Wouldn’t you like to make a different choice for us?

Fate has chosen and she is perfect. In another second his inner-canine might start growling at him. Rex couldn’t remember the last time he and his other half had been so at odds with one another. It had been decades at least.

He sighed. She’s a witch.

And therein lay the problem. Rex hated witches. As far as he was concerned, witches were the bane of humanity. All witches should be put to death before they were allowed to cause any more trouble. In fact, he’d been sent out by his brother to find a witch and bring her back—willing or not—to Westervelt in order to help them with a problem they faced because of other witches.

Hell, this sucks.

His wolf made a sound somewhere between a harrumph and a sigh, which seemed a little odd for a canine. Your opinion is noted.

“Witch.” Rex spoke to the woman who would be with him for eternity. “What exactly is going on in this room?”

The little woman glared at him. Her hair fell somewhere between the shades of brown and blonde, hanging low past her shoulders. He had no idea what to call the unusual color but he felt certain she would know how she wanted it referred. Women were particular when it came to their own presentation. She’d either think of herself as being blonde or brunette, and he better not make the mistake of calling it something else or she might turn him into a frog.

Her blue eyes flared with anger and another emotion he didn’t know how to define. She stood up, and even then she barely reached his midsection. His mate was also small.

Wonderful. She’s also breakable. How fantastic.

Sarcasm is beneath you, Randolph. Only his wolf ever used his full name. He hated it.

“Wolf,” she snapped back at him. “What does it look like? They’re frozen, he’s out cold, and I’m going to be dead, dead, dead before the day is over.”

“No you will not.” He scoffed at the idea. No one would harm her. Whatever this—situation—entailed, he would handle it like he did everything else: with just enough violence to ensure it never happened again.

“Oh yes? You’re some kind of prophet? You can read the future?” She fisted her hands, and he had to suppress the smile threatening to take charge of his face. Whoever this witch turned out to be, she had a spine of steel. Confidence seemed incredibly important as a quality for his mate. Things tended to go to hell quickly for his pack.

“Who are you anyway, and what are you doing here? I’ve had enough wolves today to last me a lifetime.”

“Oh yes? Been consorting with a lot of wolves lately?” He sniffed the air. Yes, the witch was correct. There had been wolves here. A female, if he wasn’t mistaken. He didn’t know her but she had a familiar scent to her like a distant memory he couldn’t make surface. The other wolf—male—he knew, and he almost gasped at the familiarity. Parker Lewis. He hadn’t seen or heard from him in almost forty years. He’d vanished right after the world had nearly ended for his pack. They’d thought he’d died with his parents.

What the hell had he been doing in this truck stop diner in New Jersey?

No matter. Both Parker and the she-wolf were gone now. He’d have to inform Tristan and move on. He had an agenda and it didn’t include finding Parker and the mysterious female wolf, at least, not yet.

The unknown human man on the floor groaned. Rex watched him silently for a second before growing bored. He extended his hand to the witch. “Come on. We need to leave.”

She looked at his outstretched offering as if he’d handed her the sharp end of a sword to hold. “You need to leave. I need to decide how the hell I’m getting out of trouble and I need to decide fast. Skedaddle. I can’t deal with you now. Go do whatever wolves do, whoever you are.”

“My name is Rex Kane.”

The woman rolled her eyes. “Oh great. A Kane. Today just became more complete for me. Out on one of your witch-killing expeditions?”

“It is polite when someone gives you their name to give them one back.” He didn’t want to tell her his true mission wasn’t to kill a witch but to kidnap one. His stop at the diner had been fateful. He’d been filling his car up with gas when he’d scented them inside.

“You want to talk to me about manners?” She stomped forward. “I don’t deal with murderers. I certainly don’t give them my name.”

Nodding, he looked around the room. “As far as I can tell, you have two choices. You can stay here with this motley crew.” He pointed to the still frozen witch-sisters. “Or you can come with me and let me fix whatever problem you are having.” Why did no one ever see the simple solutions he did? Why did everyone have to make life so complicated? Things were never nearly as difficult as they first seemed to be.

“Simple, huh?” She shook her head. “Seems like it’s out of the frying pan and into the flame.”

He shook his head. “Are your words some kind of expression I should be familiar with?” Humans and their idiocy...

“You might know it if you ever left your strange island but you wolves don’t travel much, do you? You prefer to stay there and fester in between killing witches everywhere you go.”

Seems like she doesn’t like wolves.

Was his wolf just now paying attention? “Let me be clear.” He stepped toward her. Over the stink of grease and fatty foods he could smell her personal aroma. He’d always loved citrus. It made everything seem clean and pure. His mate—whoever she was—smelled like oranges right off the tree. His mouth watered. For the first time ever he had the inclination to grab another being and kiss them—hard—with or without their consent. I crave her.

His wolf sighed. I know. Restrain yourself, won’t you?

“You can come with me willingly or I will take you without your consent. Your choice. Make it, nameless-one.”

She threw her hands in the air. “Why are you even concerning yourself with this? I’m no one to you. Move on.”

“I’m afraid I can’t.” Since he’d found her, he’d have to deal with her regardless of predilection for the dark arts. Was it possible to stop being a witch or was it something where once you started you could never stop?

“Why, by the goddess, can you not?” She covered her mouth. “Now I’m sounding like you. Did anyone ever teach you how to speak so you’d sound more normal?”

“Yes.” He extended his hand again. “I would prefer to have this conversation elsewhere.”

“Why? What conversation are we having?”

He growled at her defiance. His mate defined stubbornness with her pert chin she held high in the air. “You are my mate, witch, and you will come with me wherever I go from now on.”

Silence filled the room. The sound of diners’ complaints from the main restaurant travelled through the double doors to make up the only sound in the area except for the occasional hiss of the fry grill, which he suspected needed to be fiddled with or turned off. The witch had yet to react to his announcement. She stared at him, openmouthed like a landed fish.

“Rex Kane.” Her voice sounded hoarse. “I am not your mate. I could never, would never be a mate to a creature like you. Go find one of your own abominations to play with.”

He’d had enough. With a growl he hadn’t planned and couldn’t control, he picked the tiny woman up over his shoulder. She shrieked and kicked her feet. “Put me down this very instant or I will make you sorry you ever touched me.”

“Try it and I will make you repent.” His sisters-in-law had temporarily warded him from witches. It wouldn’t last forever. Hence the reason why they needed a witch—they could never permanently protect themselves from the evil ministrations of his father’s pet coven.

He couldn’t take her out through the diner. In this day and age, humans had rules about abduction and, if she wanted to, the witch could make his life miserably harder than it need be. He would still get her out of there but he could do without the scene she would cause.

Instead, he carted her out the back door of the kitchen. The smell of restaurant garbage made him want to gag as he hurried with the screaming woman still perched over his shoulder toward his van. “Witch, you will listen.”

She snarled, an impressive sound considering she was not a canine. “Wolf, you will put me down.”

“I will.” He nodded. “Inside my van. I can either tie you up and stick you in the back, or you can behave like a well brought up woman and sit up front with me.”

“You have no idea how I was brought up.”

“I will have your choice.”

She cursed. “The back of the van.”

Fine. So far Rex’s mating was not going the way he might have hoped. None of his brothers had this much trouble with their soul mates. His brother Tristan had been trapped as a wolf, his brother Theo had accidentally managed to take part of the soul of a demon inside of him, Az’s mate had herself been stuck as a wolf, and Michael had mated a latent wolf-shifter who had been horribly abused. And, yet, none of them had found a mate as bad-tempered as his. Hell, he still didn’t know this witch’s name.

Thumping her down on the inside of the van, he grabbed some rope he kept stored there. Also collected were lots of tools and assorted weaponry he might need whenever he left the island. All of his equipment would have to be moved up front because even tied up he suspected his mate-slash-witch would find a way to wound him if she could.

She was going to have to go up front with him whether she liked it or not. He grabbed the rope and tied her wrists. “I really don’t want to do this to you. I have no interest in tying you up.”

Her eyes flared with anger. “I thought you wolves were into all kinds of kinky stuff.”

Rex rolled his eyes. The woman would say anything to get a rise out of him at the moment. “When I have your hands on me sexually, I won’t want you tied.” She gulped, the muscles on her neck stretching slightly. He wondered if he’d made her mouth go dry. “Nothing to say?”

With her wrists fully secured, he heaved her over his shoulder again. “Stop. Right now. I don’t like how you’re holding me. It makes me feel like you’re going to drop me on the ground.”

“Witch, if you weighed twice what you do, I wouldn’t drop you. I’m a wolf-shifter. I can carry three times my own body weight.”

“Good to know.” She kicked again, this time landing a blow on his chest. It stung but he wouldn’t rub it, not in front of her. In their power struggle, he would come up on top. This witch would not be allowed to see him weak, even if she were his mate.

She is.

He wanted to slam his wolf. Shut up. “I would think you would be pleased. You said they were going to kill you. I’ve removed you from the situation, witch.”

“Would you please stop calling me witch?” Her eyes flared as he placed her in the front passenger side of his blue van, bending over to buckle her in like she was a child who needed help.

“What else should I call you since you won’t tell me your name?” He closed the door and used his key remote to lock her in while he walked to the driver’s side. If she managed to escape and run away, he would catch her with no trouble. But the time he spent doing it could be better spent getting back to Maine. If he rushed, he would be there in seven hours.

In an irony not lost on him, this wasn’t his first time in New Jersey picking up a mate he needed to bring back to Maine. The only difference was the first time Tristan had been with him, stuck in wolf form, and Tristan’s mate Ashlee had at least accepted she was mated to Tristan.

Also, it hadn’t been his fate and soul on the line. Which seemed, he rapidly discovered, to make all the difference. Was he doomed to spar with this woman’s attitude for the rest of eternity?

Not the rest. You will start to age as soon as you take care of the sexual part of mating. Then you’ll live a normal and happy life like the rest of your family.

Only if I can avoid getting murdered by my father. His wolf had left the troubling part out of the happily-ever-after scenario.

Yes, if you can manage to not get killed.

He opened the car door and slipped inside, keys in hand. The witch stared at him through hooded eyes. He didn’t like her quietness, not one bit. Sniffing the air, he tried to get a sense of what her emotions were based on her smell. Most of his brothers couldn’t decipher as well as he could. It had been his gift—and burden—since childhood. Having a really sensitive nose made it impossible to do certain things. Before he’d learned to control it, the faintest aromas could make him physically ill. If something was about to go bad in the refrigerator, he might be sick for days.

The other side of his scent issues was he could easily discern things other wolf-shifters could not: like the moods of those around him. Right now, his orange-scented mate smelled ... perturbed. She wasn’t really angry nor was she confused. The witch radiated a feeling somewhere in between.

“If I tell you my name, will you let me go?”

“No.” He didn’t like her feeling any anger at all. In her position, he might too be annoyed. Still, something inside of him he didn’t want to particularly examine churned at the thought she had displeasure with him.

“I didn’t think so.” She sank down in her seat. “I don’t know why I’m surprised I’m being kidnapped by a psychotic witch-killing wolf. These sorts of things happen to me all the time.”

Really? He started the car and pulled it into traffic, watching where he went to make sure he did so in a safe manner. He wouldn’t risk her by being careless. “It does?”

“Sure. I’m cursed, after all, which doesn’t happen if you have great luck.”

“You’re cursed?” He nearly stuttered on the word. Rex knew something about curses. They’d all lived with one for thirty years until Ashlee had come and the pack had thrown it out. Most of the pack had died because of the blasted thing. “But you’re a witch.”

She shook her head. “Look, Kane.”

He really wished she wouldn’t use his last name to address him. It reminded him too much of his father. But he had no desire to interrupt her when she talked. Her voice had a lyrical, soothing quality he wanted to listen to for a while.

“I wasn’t born this ugly. In my normal form I’m not gorgeous, but I’m not grotesque either. People can look at me without wincing. I appreciate you’ve chosen not to flinch or look away. You’re the second wolf today to do so, which is, actually, incredibly kind considering what you all are. But don’t you want to abduct a better-looking person? Surely, there can’t be much fun in this.”

Rex felt dumbfounded. He’d always prided himself on being a smart man. But he couldn’t make head or tails of what she’d just said to him. “Let me see if I can understand what you are saying.”

She shifted in her seat, and he wished he could trust her so he could untie her wrists. “Okay.”

“People can’t look at you without flinching?”

“Correct.” She motioned to her face. “Can you blame them?”

He ignored her question. “Why is this?”

“Because of the sores, the puss, the misshapen nose, the way my eyes are narrowed, my stringy hair and the other ways in which I now resemble a stereotypical crone.” She swung her head around to look out the window into the sunset. “And by the way, I take it back. You’re an asshole for making me list all the things wrong with me when you can see them perfectly for yourself.”

“Witch, I cannot see any of what you described. Do you need what the humans call a psychiatrist? Are you unwell?” He sniffed at the air. She didn’t smell of mental illness.

Her head turned around, the eyes he could now see had as much gray in them as they did blue stared back at him. “Are you serious or just playing some kind of a game? Because I know the wolf earlier could see how horrendous I looked.”

“You are of petite stature. Your breasts are round and look like they would fill up my hands.” She sucked in her breath as he said his words but he wasn’t done. “You have brownish-blondish hair. I will call it whatever color you would like me to call it. Your eyes are ... beautiful. Blue, gray. Your nose is not askew. By contrast, I would call it pert. Your chin is stubborn. All in all, if you were not a witch, I would call you a pixie.”

She was silent for two seconds before tears slid down her face. Silent, she did not wipe them away. Neither did she slip into hysterics. “I used to look as you described me.”

“It’s how you look to me.”

“How?” She shook her head.

“I’m your mate. I see you as you are, witch.”

“My name is Liz. Stop calling me witch.”

He felt a smile twitch at his mouth. He’d gotten the name. Already, he’d made progress. If only it would be as easy to get her to save his pack.

Giveaway!! :
  • A $50 Amazon Gift Card to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour

To Enter : Please leave a comment on this post, with a valid email address included at the end of it.

Soo .... COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT on this post!! And you could WIN!! =0)

ALSO -- Be sure to follow the tour around the other blog sites! Commenting on the other stops on the tour will also increase your chance of winning!

Find Rebecca Royce :

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Waiting On" Wednesday: All Summer Long

  • Today's "Waiting On" Wednesday by Jill - click here

  • "All Summer Long" [Fools Gold Series, Book 9] by Susan Mallery
    Expected Publication Released Date: July 31, 2012

    Author's Book Description:
      Can a summer fling turn into love that lasts a lifetime?

      Former underwear model turned entrepreneur Clay Stryker has loved, tragically lost and vowed that he’ll never risk his heart again. After making his fortune, the youngest of the rugged Stryker brothers returns to Fool’s Gold, California, to put down roots on a ranch of his own. But he’s frustrated to discover that even in his hometown, people see him only for his world-famous...assets.

      Firefighter Chantal (Charlie) Dixon grew up an ugly duckling beside her delicately beautiful mother, a feeling reinforced long ago by a man who left soul-deep scars. Now she has good friends, a solid job and the itch to start a family—yet she can’t move toward the future while she’s haunted by painful memories.

      Clay finds an unexpected ally, and unexpected temptation, in tomboyish Charlie, the only person who sees beyond his dazzling good looks to the real man beneath. But when Charlie comes to him with an indecent proposal, will they be able to overcome their pasts and find a love that lasts beyond one incredible summer?

    My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Tempting | Accidentally Yours | Falling For Gracie | Chasing Perfect | Having Her Boss's Baby | Only Mine | Only Yours | Only His | Only Us: A Fool’s Gold Holiday | Barefoot Season

    Made the Grade: Midnight Justice Series, Book 3

    - This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 308 KB | Expected Release Date: May 1, 2012 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing | Obtained: Jodi Redford

    "Breaking Bad" [Midnight Justice Series, Book 3] by Jodi Redford

    My Book Summary : After recently finding out about her true heritage Ruby plans to become the superhero she was always meant to be. However, she soon realizes that being a superhero is a whole lot harder than it looks, especially when she finds herself trapped by her uncle’s minions.

    Teague doesn't have any plans of becoming a superhero. All he wants to do is exact his revenge on the man who murdered his mentor and friend years ago. Nevertheless, when he finds out that Ruby needs his help he can't just turn away. Therefore, he plans to use his powers to help Ruby get out of a jam then they'll be able to go their separate ways, right? Wrong! Especially if Ruby has anything to say about it!

    It doesn't help that they were both caught on tape using their powers. Now Teague feels obligated to protect Ruby, even from her do-gooding-self and even if it means becoming the hero, he never wanted to be. But can they save Earth before they're caught and it's all too late?

    My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars, this is an electric story about two people that are coming to terms with their pasts while they're trying to save the world from an evil overlord's rule. In some ways, this novel reminded me of Marianne Mancusi's "Moongazer." Mostly in the way, that they are both novels about a heroine learning about whom they truly are while trying to protect their world from a corrupt government/overlord.

    I liked the characters and definitely enjoyed the interplay between Teague and Ruby! I just wish the plot was a bit thicker so I could have gotten into it a bit more. Overall, it’s a fun, light, sex heavy novel that was easy to enjoy!

    I recommend it to anyone who is fans of Jodi's other books!

    My Previous Interview(s) with this Author or the Author's Characters : November 2011 | February 2012

    My Previous Review(s) for this Author : That Voodoo You Do | The Naughty List | Maximum Witch | Getting Familiar With Your Demon | Cat Scratch Fever

    Book Teaser(s) :
    Teaser #1
    Teague pressed into her, the firm, muscular planes of his chest and abdomen contouring to her back like the delicious, masculine version of memory foam. “How about now? Feeling anything?”
    She gulped, not entirely certain he wasn’t referring to the thick bulge of his erection prodding the base of her spine. “Err...possibly.”
    “Good.” His hands coasted along her upper arms and over her shoulders. He continued following the slope of her neck, his fingers a maddening butterfly dance along her overheated skin. She shook as he traced the shell of her ears before combing his fingers through her hair, sifting the strands over her shoulders. His deep inhalation stirred the fine hairs at her temple, and she closed her eyes on a shaky breath.
    “Do you feel it, Ruby?” His hands retraced their path, this time moving beneath her arms. “Do you feel our energy weaving?”
    Oh my God. She did. Teague’s power was a sensual caress along her synapses. It licked at her own energy, engaging it in an erotic tango that sex. She bit her lip to stifle a moan. ~ within Chapter 8
    For more information on this book and/or any other books by Jodi, then please check out her website.

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012

    Teaser Tuesdays: Breaking Bad

  • Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

  • "Breaking Bad" [Midnight Justice Series, Book 3] by Jodi Redford

    Book Teaser:
    Teague slammed to a halt, the air gusting from him like a stabbed balloon as he stared at the skintight silver cat suit Ruby was poured into.
    If there’d ever been an outfit designed to send his mind straight into the gutter, he was looking at it. The fact that the woman of his darkest forbidden fantasies was the one wearing it only made it a million times hotter...and more tormenting. ~ within Chapter 1

    My Previous Review(s) for this Author : That Voodoo You Do | The Naughty List | Maximum Witch | Getting Familiar With Your Demon | Cat Scratch Fever

    Made the Grade: Made for Marriage by Helen Lacey

    Format: Paperback | Pages: 216 | Release Date: January 2012 | Publisher: Harlequin Special Edition | Obtained: Elizabeth City Area Convention & Visitors Bureau's Book Exchange

    "Made for Marriage" by Helen Lacey

    My Book Summary : Calliope (Callie) has moved to Australia (the country her father was from) in hopes of escaping her past. She has started an equestrian riding school, something she has wanted to do for a long time, and settles into her new life. A life she is very happy with until a new riding student, Lily (a girl who is trying to sort out some problems of her own), and Lily's father, Noah, come barreling into it. They both make her feel things she'd rather not think about and makes her deal with her past that she really doesn't want to deal with. Can Noah, with the help of his children, breakthrough the barriers that Callie keeps around herself so they all might be able to be together for the long haul or will Callie decide that giving up what she could have be better than letting others get close?

    My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars, this dynamic book was one I didn't want to put down!! Callie and Noah's pasts are what keeps them from getting into any type of new relationship, but once they meet each other their chemistry flies off the page and even though Callie really doesn't want to get over her past mistakes/grievances Noah makes her do so without even trying. I really loved them as a couple! Plus, this story has such fun secondary characters! From Lily (a thirteen-year-old girl who still can't get over the mother who abandoned her four years ago) to Evie (Noah's sister who acts like a mother hen when it comes to Noah and his children) and the rest of Noah's family to their friends (Fiona and Cameron), I just couldn't get enough of everyone. Therefore, I cannot WAIT for the next books to come out by this author (Evie's story "Marriage Under The Mistletoe" in November 2012 & Fiona's story in early 2013).

    I recommend this book to everyone who likes contemporary romance novels!!

    Book Teaser(s) :
    "Who is that?" Cameron asked.
    Cameron raised his eyebrows. "I meant her friend with the great legs."
    "Callie Jones," Noah replied quietly.
    Cameron chuckled. "The horse lady? Very nice. No wonder you've been keeping her to yourself."
    "That's not what I've been doing."
    "Sure it is." Cameron smiled. "Shall we go over so you can introduce me?"
    "I just wanna talk to her."
    Noah stood perfectly still. "Hard to talk without teeth."
    Cameron laughed loudly and began walking toward them. "Okay, I get the message," he said once Noah caught up. "But introduce me anyway."
    He did so begrudgingly. ~ within Chapter 4
    "I'm so sorry, Fee."
    Fiona managed a brittle smile. "I guess what I'm saying is that we all have things in our past that can stop us from looking for happiness or make us blind to it when it comes along. The trick is having the courage to take the chance." ~ within Chapter 7
    For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Helen, then please check out her website.

    Sunday, April 29, 2012

    Disappointmentville: The Nanny Bombshell by Michelle Celmer

    Format: Paperback | Pages: 185 | Release Date: January 2012 | Publisher: Harlequin Desire | Obtained: Elizabeth City Area Convention & Visitors Bureau's Book Exchange

    "The Nanny Bombshell" [Billionaires and Babies] by Michelle Celmer

    My Book Summary : Cooper's (Coop) life has just changed, since his older brother (and only living family member) and his sister-in-law recently died in a serious plane crash he now has custody of the couple's adopted five-month-old twin girls (his nieces). His partying days are numbered but he plans to take on this responsibility as well as he can. Especially since he feels like he owes it to his brother. However, he knows he can't take care of them on his own, so he plans to get a live-in nanny to help him out. He hopes he'll find someone who will just care about the girls more so then his hockey star fame.

    But he might get more then he's asking for when it comes to Sierra ...

    Sierra has a secret. She is the biological mother to Coop's nieces. Therefore, once she heard about what the deaths of the twins adopted parents she had to make sure they were going to be safe and loved under Coop's care in any way possible, even if that meant leaving her job as a pediatric nurse and becoming her girl's full-time nanny. She would do anything for them.

    However, after a week of living under Coop's roof she realizes that he's a good person and loves her girls but will her secret stay a forever or will she be found out??

    My Book Review : 2.5 out of 5 stars. I agree with what one of the Goodreads' reviewer said, " doesn't sugarcoat the story by making all the characters perfect. It shows that the characters are imperfect and with flaws." This book is about getting over a loss, protecting the ones you love at all costs, and learning to trust others. I thought this book had a good plot but I got too annoyed with how Sierra kept doubting Coop's motives to her and the twins for at least 3/4s of this book. Because of Sierra's attitude towards Coop, I almost stopped reading the book a few times. However, I wanted to read what happened when Sierra's secret finally came out and I'm glad I did since from that point on it was a good book but then the book was basically over.

    This book wasn't one I really got into so I'm not recommending it. However, on Goodreads there are quite a few good reviews for this book so if you read it hopefully you'll like it too.

    Book Teaser(s) :
    It was that mind-reading thing that he did. So annoying. "To call it 'torment' is an exaggeration. They were just...pranks. And you can't tell me that she didn't deserve it. She's so mean."
    "She just quit."
    She gasped and slapped a hand over her heart. "She didn't!"
    "She did, just now in the kitchen. This is her last day."
    "Oh my gosh, Coop. I'm so sorry. I wanted to annoy her, not make her leave. This is all my fault. Do you want me to talk to her? Promise to behave from now on?"
    He grinned and shook his head. ~ within Chapter 8
    For more information on this book and/or any other books by Michelle, then please check out her website.

    Friday, April 27, 2012

    Feasted On: Improper Relations by Juliana Ross

    - This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 280 KB; Audiobook - Unabridged | Expected Release Date: April 23, 2012 | Publisher: Carina Press | Obtained: NetGalley

    "Improper Relations" by Juliana Ross

    My Book Summary : Years ago when Hannah's husband died she was left with nothing, no money (once all her husband's debts were paid) and no family (since her relatives were dead too), so she begged her late husband's Aunt Augusta (Lady Dorchester) to take her in. However, even though Aunt Augusta agreed to let Hannah become her lady's companion she knows her place and that is of a just a poor relation living with the Marquess of Dorchester's family. From the years living with them she has become accustom to being looked over and ignored.

    Therefore, one day when she's in the library enjoying a bit of alone time for herself she's not surprised when Leo (Second son of the Marquess of Dorchester) is unaware of her presents. What really surprises her is when she is caught in her spot in the library while Leo has his own relations with one of their maids. Unsure as to what she should do, and curious all the same as to what the twosome is doing, she is surprised to be addressed by Leo once the maid has left the room. Then they get into a very inappropriate conversation that turns both their worlds around. Should Hannah take Leo up on his proposal about teaching her the finer arts of improper relations? Can she risk everything she has for something she's not curtain she'll ever want to give up? Will her heart get lost in the process?

    My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars, this clever and racy novel pulls you into the life of Hannah, a woman who has to be a lady's companion (which isn't much higher in position than a maid) to be sure, she'll have somewhere to live in England during 1858. Even though Hannah is thirty-years-old and is a widow, she's very naive as to the act of "love making" and after she witnesses in the library, between Leo and a maid, Leo seems more then happy to instruct her into the acts she was really unaware. It's intriguing to read about how Hannah really grows into liking herself and about her budding relationship with Leo.

    Leo and Hannah do have a unique relationship. More so because even though Hannah is older than Leo is (I'm very curious as to how many years but the book never says). Leo has more experience then Hannah when it comes to the ways of the world. Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading about them together as they made a good couple.

    I recommend this novel to anyone who likes historical erotic romances! It's definitely a sweet read that will leave you hot under the collar. Plus, I loved how the epilogue wrapped everything up so nicely!

    Book Teaser(s) :
    “Are you certain you’ve never done this before?” he asked, gasping a little, and I could hear how his breathing had quickened. I pulled away for a moment, just long enough to allow myself to look up at him, and was rewarded by the glint of excitement I glimpsed in his eyes.
    In that instant, I felt a spark of power kindle within me. Somehow, despite my inexperience, despite his dauntingly vast store of experience, I was pleasing him. The last of my inhibitions melted away, leaving nothing but a limitless swell of possibilities and pleasure to be captured and savored. ~ within Chapter 4
    For more information on this book and/or any other books by Juliana, then please check out her website.

    Wednesday, April 25, 2012

    Feasted On: Blackberry Island Series, Book 1

    - This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Paperback - Pages: 360; Hardcover (Large Print) - Pages: 360; Kindle Edition - File Size: 565 KB; Audiobook - Unabridged | Expected Release Date: March 27, 2012 | Publisher: Mira Books | Obtained: NetGalley

    "Barefoot Season" [Blackberry Island Series, Book 1] by Susan Mallery

    My Book Summary : Michelle and Carly use to be best friends. That is up until their senior year of high school when a BIG secret came between them. However, the secret made them go from best friends to okay acquaintances, so what made them bitter enemies was when Carly's fiancé decided to sleep with Michelle two days before their wedding day!

    Now its ten years later and things have really changed ....

    Michelle just retired from the army (for which she has been enlisted into for the past ten years) and moves back to her hometown of Blackberry Island with plans of picking back up on her civilian life easily and running her families inn. If only, she didn't have to deal with her hip injury that she receive in Afghanistan not long before she got out of the army. The one thing she never expected was to see so many terrible changes to her inn or to see Carly not only working at the inn as the manager but also living in the owner's suite! Nevertheless, it seems that the troubles keep coming once they begin since not long after Michelle checks the inn's finances she is informed by the bank that her mother overindulged greatly while leaving the inn into an almost foreclosure setup. Therefore, even though Michelle would greatly enjoy in firing Carly from the inn for the sake of the inn she keeps Carly on board in hopes they can turn it around. Will they be able to save the inn before it's too late?

    For Carly, the years that Michelle has been away haven't been the greatest. Now she's a single mother and she worked at the inn with the belief that she was one day going to be made a partner only to find out, when Michelle returns, that Michelle's mother (who said she would become a partner) lied to her. She would love to leave, but she doesn't have enough saved up for her daughter and her to go anywhere good. Plus, she LOVES the inn, which has been hers to improve over the years, and she doesn't want to give it up if she doesn't have too. So, once Michelle and her agreement is made they do what they can to salvage the inn while dealing with their own feelings for each other and their turbulent past. Will they be able to become best friends again or will they both be too stubborn to let past mistakes go?

    My Book Review : 4.5 out of 5 stars, this is an emotional, compelling, and entertaining novel about two women who learn to deal with their past mistakes while trying to accept their current realities and overcome their adversity with each other to become best friends again. I truly got wrapped up in this novel with its multiple twists and intriguing storylines. It made me wish that Book 2 of this series was already written so I could start reading it now! The characters were fabulous!!

    About the Characters:
    • Michelle: Army vet and owner of her family's inn. Tough. Has PTSD but doesn't want to go to any support group for it. She's Jared's roommate.

    • Carly: Manager of the inn. Very girly. Is scared of water--swimming or getting to close to it--even though she lives on an island. She's Gabby's mother.

    • Gabby: She's 10-years-old and gets along with almost everyone and everything. She's Carly's daughter.

    • Damaris: The cook at the inn. Has worked at the inn and known Michelle since she was 16-years-old. Is more of a mother figure to Michelle than Michelle's own mom is to her.

    • Jared: Rents out a room in his house to Michelle. Use to be a sniper but now he owns his own boat tour company on the island.

    • Sam: Michelle's ex but now her full-time friend. He's interested in dating Carly.

    • Ellen: Works at the bank and is in charge of making sure Michelle pays her mortgage on time. She wants revenge on Carly for something Carly did to her in high school.

    I'm very curious to see where this series will be going especially in comparison with Miss Mallery's Fools Gold Series. I say that since this novel isn't written in the same way as the Fools Gold Series (meaning it's more about the female characters--Michelle and Carly--instead of any romantic entanglements they might get into) making me wonder if Michelle and Carly's story will be continuing in the next book (and if they'll still be the main characters) or if it'll be someone else on Blackberry Island. I can't wait to find out!

    I recommend this novel and series to anyone who's a fan of Susan Mallery or to whoever enjoys dramatic novels that have great female leads that has some romance included.

    My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Tempting | Accidentally Yours | Falling For Gracie | Chasing Perfect | Having Her Boss's Baby | Only Mine | Only Yours | Only His | Only Us: A Fool’s Gold Holiday

    Author's Series Extras : Blackberry Recipes | About Blackberry Island

    Author's Book Trailer :

    Book Teaser(s) :
    Teaser #1
    "You don't know how I feel."
    "I know you've never once even tried to kiss me. While you are quite the gentleman, at some point, shouldn't passion have taken over?"
    He twisted the shop rag he had in his hands. "I wanted to give you time."
    "Ten years?"
    Some of the tension seemed to fade away and he sighed. "Okay, yeah. That's a long time. For a while I thought we'd, you know, go that way, but then it never happened."
    "For a reason. I think we're great friends. I want that. I want you around. But go on a date. Get laid. It's time."
    The corner of his mouth turned up. "Interesting advice coming from you."
    "The virgin slut? Yes, I know." ~ within Chapter 13
    "It was me."
    "I'd wondered who'd massacred the garden."
    "I was pissed and I hate the daisies."
    "They can be annoying."
    Michelle sighed. "This is where you tell me I'm crazy."
    "You're not. Is that disappointing to hear?"
    Michelle considered the question. "I can't decide." ~ within Chapter 24
    For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Susan, then please check out her website. To find out more about the town of Blackberry Island then click here.


    While researching the book, Susan Mallery was incredibly moved by the bravery, heroism, and strong sense of service displayed by the veterans and active duty troops she interviewed. Here are links to three organizations where you can say thank you!

    "Waiting On" Wednesday: Finding Chrissten

  • Today's "Waiting On" Wednesday by Jill - click here

  • "Finding Chrissten" [Legacy Series, Book 5] by N. J. Walters
    Expected Publication Released Date: May 8, 2012

    Author's Book Description:
      For eighteen horrific months, Chrissten Lawton was at the mercy of a crazy doctor and his pureblood werewolf flunky. She was subjected to experiments, beaten, mated against her will...and fading fast.

      Just as she reaches the breaking point, the Haven pack comes to her rescue. Although any strange male makes her nervous, one of her rescuers stays by her side night and day, and something within her responds to this wolf’s gentleness.

      From the moment Hank Brewer picked up Chrissten’s unique scent, he’s been driven to help her overcome her trauma-fed fears. He may be a half-breed, but he never does anything halfway. As he dedicates every waking moment to her healing, their fragile link leads them toward something they both hesitate to name.

      But the danger isn’t past. Chrissten’s mate is still on the loose and he won’t rest until she—and the rest of Haven’s females—are taken for the cruel enjoyment of his rogue pack. Even though Hank would give his life to save her, the biggest challenge lies ahead. Admitting their love to each other.

    My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Alexandra's Legacy

    Tuesday, April 24, 2012

    Teaser Tuesdays: Barefoot Season

  • Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

  • "Barefoot Season" [Blackberry Island Series, Book 1] by Susan Mallery

    Book Teaser:
    "You okay?" he asked.
    She nodded.
    He stepped back and studied her. The dog stayed back, his eyes dark with worry, a low whine indicating his concern.
    She held out her hand to the dog. "It's okay, Buster. I'm fine."
    The dog stepped forward and sniffed her fingers before giving them a quick lick.
    "Hey, I wanted to do that," the kid said, managing a shaky laugh.
    Michelle smiled. "Sorry. He's more my type." ~ within Chapter 1

    My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Tempting | Accidentally Yours | Falling For Gracie | Chasing Perfect | Having Her Boss's Baby | Only Mine | Only Yours | Only His | Only Us: A Fool’s Gold Holiday
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