Sunday, October 11, 2020

DIY Kids Crafts / Gift Idea from Kids | From My Kids to You #DIYcrafts

Are you ready for your children to give out gifts for your relatives?

Truly ... every year I always feel like I am never ready. But in this post I have one gift idea for your children to give out to a relative, friend, or teacher!

It is garden pots!

I'll admit it isn't an original idea as I got it from my cousin around 2015 when my daughter was getting into school and needing to find a creative yet cheap idea for teachers gifts. And this is what my cousin (who has four kids) said she had all of her kids do every year for their teachers as "goodbye" gifts. Yet this is my take on it ...

    • Find a spot where you have no issues with your child/children being messy with paint.
    • Set your child/children up with the paints they want to use.
    • Let them paint!
    • Once your child is done painting and you have finished assisting with any extras you may want to have included (like hand prints, etc.) than find a spot for the pottery to dry for a period of time.
    • Once the pottery is dry the adults should take an unused paint brush and paint the Elmer's Glue over every bit of the pottery. Mostly just the outside is needed but you can paint the glue on the inside too if you prefer.
    • Once the glue is dry .. your pottery gift is ready to wrap or give out!
    • Optional: Have your child/children create a fake flower to add in the pot when giving your gift to its recipient. Other additions could include seeds, soil, plant an actual flower inside, or purchase a fake flower like the Hallmark ones that I have in the pots you see within the photos that are included in this post.
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