Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Idolizing In: New York Blades Series, Book 8

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 573 KB | Release Date: October 2008 | Publisher: Berkley Sensation

"Power Play" [New York Blades Series, Book 8] by Deirdre Martin

My Book Summary : Monica has been the lead actress on her soap opera for 10 years. She loves her job but doesn't always know if what she does is worth the money or not, especially when some of her friends think that to be an actress you need to be working on Broadway or pretty much anything other being on a soap, it's hard not to listen to their criticism.

Eric has just been traded onto the New York Blades, a hockey team, where he's the defenseman, and a team that his twin brother is already a part of. He has also recently been named one of People magazines hottest bachelors! So, when he's asked to do a cameo on a soap opera he has no problem with doing so, especially since it's one that he is a fan of himself. He plans on saying he's lines and hitting it big with the star of the show Roxie, who just happens to be Monica's character.

After his performance, he tries his "playboy" act on Monica and it turns into a disaster. Since, even though Eric is great looking, who would want to be hit on by someone saying corny lines over and over, definitely not Monica. However, soon after they meet Monica learns that her show is gaining a new cast member, and soon she realizes that this cast member would like nothing more than to take her spot light. So, Monica turns to her publicist to see what she can do to keep being noticed by her fans and everyone else. The problem is ... her publicist’s suggestion is to have a fake relationship with Eric for the NY Blades!

She knows that she's a good actress, so faking interest in a man she can't really stand, no problem! But after the good amount of time that they spend together, they become closer, and soon each of them aren't sure which parts the other is faking anymore and which parts are real.

My Book Review : 5 out of 5 stars!!! By reading the book summary on the authors website, at first I wasn't sure that I would be into this book. However, I am very happy that I gave this book a chance!! The banter & chemistry between Monica and Eric is charming and delightful to read!! You can't but route for the two to stay together!! Plus, the secondary characters from both of their lives was great to read about .... from the drama in acting to the male talk in the locker rooms!!


My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 4

Book Teaser(s) :
"Because it's all I have!" Monica cried.
"That's not true," Eric countered fiercely. "You have me!"
The minute the words slipped from his mouth, Eric felt thunder in his head; he'd never said anything like that to any woman in his life. Meanwhile, Monica was looking at him warily.
"What does that mean, Eric?"
Eric struggled to put it into words. "It means I'm here. It means I'm your friend. It means . . . I don't know."
"That's great. Very helpful."
Eric looked away, feeling like an asshole. ~ within Chapter 14

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Deirdre, then please check out her website. Also ... for more information about this series you should check out this website: NYBlades.com.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through Amazon.com, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ M ~ Authors

Monday, October 4, 2010

Feasted On: Hot Shot by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 636 KB | Release Date: January 2010 | Publisher: eBooks

"Hot Shot" by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

My Book Summary : Susannah (Suzie or Suze) grew up with her grandmother after her mother left her there. The only problem was is that her grandmother was crazy, throwing strict rules at her that no one would ever be able to live up to, so when she got into trouble her usual punishment was to be locked into a stuffy closet where the dusty fur coats were held. Which always made her more skittish and scared then really helped her, making her get into trouble for other things that her grandmother might not have liked. So, when a guy finds her one day inside the closet, takes her out of there and her grandmother's house, tells her that he is her mother's husband and that she should call him father, she feels like he is her knight-in-shining-armor and plans to be the best daughter she could be. Over the years though being the best daughter has made her father love her more then his biological child, has made her younger sister resent her, and made her take up the role of coordinating the mansion and her father's schedule for him when her mother doesn't make the effort to do so.

Now, at the age of 25, she is planning on getting married to a guy that her father approves of and is feeling more trapped in her life (and her perfect daughter role) more then ever. Therefore, when Sam steps into her life trying to get a meeting with her father about his brilliant idea he'd like to sell him, she starts to realize that there might be a better life out there for her if only she would let it. However, when she decides to follow her heart, she finds herself cut off from the only family she's known and the only parent that has ever loved her. Then when she gets more involved in Sam and his partner's brilliant idea she realizes she's a women in a man's world, and she is going to have to fight her way to be seen as more then Sam's girl, especially when there are people who seem to want to knock her down every step of the way.

My Book Review : 4.5 out of 5 stars! Okay .... originally this book, in it's hardcover/paperback formats, was written in 1991 so most of the book is based in the 70's and 80's which is when women were just coming into the work force (more so then before) and taking on bigger roles that others might not have been ready for them to do. Plus, this book (based on what the author writes in her 'author's note') is based prominently on fiction, about the IBM's and Apple's of that time period (how they all got started -- etc.) while set in her non-fiction world. It kept me captivated! In addition, I LOVED the relationship Susannah had with Sam, Yank, & Mitch!! However, I will admit throughout this book there are twists that I really didn't expect to see, and I wish I had some tissues with me when they did come around.

My only problem with the book was that even though I loved the relationships that were written between all of the characters, I think there should have been a bit more about Susannah and the man she is with towards the end. Since the story gets them together but you really don't get to see their relationship bloom more so then what is provided already in the book. *shrug* But that could be just me.

Anyway .... I recommend this book for those who like fiction and non-fiction type of books mixed together, along with those whom have read the other books of Susan Elizabeth Phillips before since this one is one of her first books, and is GREAT right along with the rest!!

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : Ain't She Sweet | What I Did for Love | Nobody's Baby But Mine | Honey Moon | Dream a Little Dream | Lady Be Good | Just Imagine

Book Teaser(s) :
She leaned into him just like always and moaned softly against his mouth. Reluctantly, he drew away.
She sighed and looked over at the boxes of parts. "You're going to put me to work now, aren't you?"
"I promise you can take a coffee break sometime next week."
She laughed, and then, together, they settled down to begin the laborious process of assembling forty single-board computers.
The task involved "stuffing" every one of the printed circuit boards by hand. ~ within Chapter 11
"Be honest with me," he said, as he stretched out his legs. "Do you think I'm stuffy?"
"You? Perish the thought."
"I'm not joking. I want to know."
"You're serious?"
He nodded.
"Yes. You're definitely stuffy."
"Well, thank you. Thank you so very much." He glared at her, a picture of offended dignity. ~ within Chapter 21

For more information on this book and/or any other books by Susan, then please check out her website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through Amazon.com, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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Feasted On: Honey Moon by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Made the Grade: Just Imagine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Feasted On: Hot Aussie Heroes Series, Book 2

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My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ P ~ Authors

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 2010 Contest, WIN :: evermore & blue moon

PRIZE :: "evermore" & "blue moon" [Immortals Series, Books 1 & 2] by Alyson Noel

Have you not read this series yet?? Well then you can get started with the first two books!!!

"evermore" [Immortals Series, Book 1]

Format: Paperback | Pages: 320 | Release Date: February 2009 | Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

My Book Summary :
    Ever has recently lost her parents, younger sister, and dog to a terrible car accident which she survived. Yet now she has the ability to hear the thoughts of those around her, except those of Damen the cute new boy in school, who seems to have some interesting abilities of his own, among them he's able to create tulips out of thin air. But as Damen gets closer to Ever someone from Damen's past would like nothing better then to rip them apart for good.

Author Book Trailer :

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.

"blue moon" [Immortals Series, Book 2]

Format: Paperback | Pages: 304 | Release Date: July 2009 | Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

My Book Summary :
    Ever is now learning everything she can in becoming an immortal like Damen. However, as her powers start getting stronger, his own powers are weakening and he starts distancing himself from her. Now the only way she can save him is by going to Summerland and seeing if there is anything to help him. But once she gets there will she choose to still be help save Damen or will she try to rewrite her past and try saving her family instead?

Author Book Trailer :

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it.

  1. Only residents of the US or Canada are eligible to win.
  2. This contest ends on October 31st and the winners will be selected using Random.org.
  3. You must be at least 13 years-old and a follower of my blog to enter.
  4. Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry. Additional entries are possible but links must be provided.
  5. The form below must be filled out to enter.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through Amazon.com, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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Made the Grade: A Serengeti Shifter Novella, Book 3

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 318 KB | Release Date: September 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Serengeti Lightning" [A Serengeti Shifter Novella, Book 3] by Vivi Andrews

My Book Summary : Mara has been wanting a family of her own for some time, and being the only teacher of her pride and dealing with the children (cubs) all day makes that wanting even harder to bare some days. But she is finally determined to get what she wants, now all she needs to do is find her Mr. Forever, a man who will love her, honor her, and protect her and their family for forever instead of running off like most of the men in her pride does. The only problem is that means giving up her relationship with Michael, a younger man then her who make her toes curl whenever she thinks about him.

However, will Michael let her go that easily as she assumes? Or will he try proving to her that she has all she needs right in him?

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars, I did like book 1 more so then this one. However, the relationship between Michael and Mara has great chemistry that I just loved reading about! Plus, add the fact that Michael has problems with his true nature, and it just adds to the drama and intrigue, so I just had to finish the book to see how it ended up.

PS -- I don't like the book cover since she looks too young for the Mara I have pictured in my mind. Especially since Mara is supposed to be almost 35 yrs old.

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1

Book Teaser(s) :
The idea that young, impetuous and uncontrolled Michael might actually have had feelings for her...it was too ludicrous. But the memory of his rage brought her up short. Could that possibly be the explanation? Was Michael Minor in love with her?
The answer to the question leapt into her mind as another question, harsh but necessary. Did it matter if he was? ~ within Chapter 5

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Vivi, then please check out the book's website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through Amazon.com, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ A ~ Authors

September 2010 Contest Winner!


Congrats Erin!!! You just won a copy of "Before I Fall" by Lauren Oliver!

I have emailed you about this too ... so please respond with your mailing address within 48 hours so I can get that mailed out to you as soon as I can!!

Thank you to all of those who signed up for this contest and who started following my blog recently!! Now don't forget to check out my October Contest, which should be posted by noon today at the latest!!

Thanks again! ♥ Jess

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Made the Grade: Denali Heat Series, Book 1

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 398 KB | Release Date: August 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Arctic Shift" [Denali Heat Series, Book 1] by Lissa Matthews

My Book Summary : Ruby is a city girl and happy to be one, but she gets thrown into the Alaskan wilderness trying to find her sister. What she doesn't know is that her sister has taken up with a local who just happens to be a shifter. But the real reason that Ruby's sister has been MIA is because she knows that if she was after a while Ruby would come looking for her, and in doing so Ruby would meet her new man's brother, named Carson, who happens to feel like Ruby is his mate just like Ruby's sister is his brother's mate. Once the two meet the only thing that Carson has to prove now is his feelings for her, before Ruby decides that she's had enough of nature.

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars. It was better then I hoped but towards the end of the story it kinda dropped off it's good momentum. So, it made me wish it turned out better. Though I really did like Ruby and Carson as a couple. And I thought that the story of Carson's heritage was very unique and creative aspect that the author came up with.

So if you like hot romances --- CHECK IT OUT!

Book Teaser(s) :
"What did your mom mean by ease up?"
"It's not often new people are brought here and we've had two, first Melanie and now you. It always makes the family a little nervous and extra vigilant until we're sure the newcomers are not here to harm or expose us."
She could understand that and expected they weren't very trusting right up front. To let outsiders in meant a risk. It would be a burden on anyone, knowing they had a secret they could never share. ~ within Chapter 6

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Lissa, then please check out the book's website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through Amazon.com, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

Related Posts :

Feasted On: Heat Wave Series, Book 3

Made the Grade: The Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series, Book 10

Disappointmentville: Feeling the Heat Series, Book 3

Disappointmentville: Wolf Rock Shifters Series, Book 2

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ M ~ Authors

Feasted On: Wicked³ Series, Book 2

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: 306 KB | Release Date: September 2010 | Publisher: Samhain Publishing

"Wicked Bad" [Wicked³ Series, Book 2] by R. G. Alexander

My Book Summary : Harrison has wanted to be normal for as long as she could remember, since being the most powerful witch holding onto the Abbot legacy can be too much to live up to sometimes. But when she attends her first Triune (a celebration/party where she is hopefully going to find the matches in her triad), she not only finds her sexy matches but also finds that one of the wishes to have nothing to do with her, after hearing the gossip about her. So, she walks away from them and makes plans to stay out of the Magian world for a while and be human.

Three months later, while working at a dinner she finds being human is harder then it looked, and even though she's happy she did it she finds herself missing her family, friends, and her magic. But going home means the possibility of running into her triad matches and she really doesn't want to take that chance. Yet, later that night it seems fate decides to step in, since she gets attacked by an unseen foe and saved by the ones she was trying to stay away from.

Now that they are in her life, will she be able to escape them again ... or will she even want to leave them?

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars, this book was cute and HOT all rolled up together! Jacob and Ric (the guys in Harrison's triad) are such complete opposites that you cannot help but fall for each of them. Plus the plot worked out well with the first book in this series, while leading up to the following book that I believe will be staring Harrison's younger brother Lorie and their cousin Conway with their mystery girl (hopefully it'll be as good as the first two).

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1

My Previous Review(s) for this Author : My Shifter Showmance | Regina in the Sun | Twilight Guardian

Book Teaser(s) :
"Something did happen to me. I've been attacked, nearly frozen into an ice sculpture by some random Magian psycho, not that anyone seems to care." She glared pointedly at Jacob. "Tricked into taking a morph home and finally kidnapped and taken to South America." And after this last episode, she was getting the distinct impression that her brother was in danger. Maybe from the same person who'd come after her. She needed to talk to Conway. "I need my phone. Please, it's important."
A muscle in Jacob's jaw twitched. "As your match, the issue of your well being is our priority. The person who attacked you will not do so again."
Ric made a noise, as if he had something to add, but a look from Jacob silenced him. ~ within Chapter 4

For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by R. G., then please check out the book's website.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through Amazon.com, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ A ~ Authors
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