Saturday, December 24, 2011

Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Robin Dance

Welcome to the 12 Pearls of Christmas!

Enjoy these Christmas "Pearls of Wisdom" from some of today's most beloved writer's (Tricia Goyer, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, Sibella Giorello and more)! Please follow the series through Christmas day as each contributor shares heartfelt stories of how God has touched a life during this most wonderful time of the year.

AND just for fun ... there's also a giveaway! Fill out this simple {form} and enter for a chance to win a beautiful pearl necklace and earring set ($450 value). Contest runs 12/14 - 12/25 and the winner will on 1/1. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents. You may enter once per day.

If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls products (all GREAT gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

"The Panhandler's Breath" by Robin Dance

He slipped in sideways between the closing elevator doors, as if he were late to a meeting; he pressed the "5" without looking. Instead of suit and tie, though, baggy pants and faded navy hung on his tall, slim frame...and his stealth entry stiffened the hairs on the back of my neck.

I had noticed him a few seconds earlier, just after we had parted a sea of clamorous teens. He was smiling, grandfatherly, standing maybe 30 feet away where the electric shuttle picks up.

I had no idea he had been watching us, studying us, predator patiently awaiting his next prey.

The four of us were sealed in a four- by six-foot metal tomb. Tomb--that thought really scampered across my mind. I wondered if he had a knife in his pocket. I wanted to protect my son. Fight or flight pumped adrenaline but there was nowhere to run.

Extreme and ridiculous, these thoughts - and more - flashed through my mind. The Stranger began speaking.

"Yessir, I see you're a family man with your wife and your son here..." and he nodded in my and my son’s direction.

" see I'm homeless and all I've got..." and on queue, he reached into his left pocket and pulled out two old pennies blackened with age. Two cents to his name?! It was all too contrived, too practiced, and I didn't believe a word he was saying.

It was then I smelled it ~ the small space lent itself to that ~ and I doubted my doubt.

His breath.

It wasn't the scent of alcohol. His eyes weren't red, his voice didn't waver; his wizened face matched his graying hair.

His breath was morning's, zoo breath, the pet name I'd given to the scent inhaled when kissing my children awake when they were little.

He needed to brush his teeth. I wondered how long it had been since he brushed his teeth.

The elevator door opened and I handed him my leftover pizza as my son and I brushed past him. My husband handed him a bill and the Stranger thanked and God blessed him.

The elevator door closed behind us. Conflicted, I was relieved.

We got in the car and blurted first reaction--

"I didn't believe a word he said."

"That made me nervous."

"I wonder if he'll really eat the pizza."

In the quiet, we were left to our own thoughts, contemplating the right thing to do. At the end of the day, this is what I decided: It doesn't matter whether or not his story is true; for an old man to resort to begging, he has to be desperate. The money my husband gave him will never be missed. It was a reminder we've been entrusted with much and given much. Materially, yes, but more so spiritually. Loved, chosen, forgiven, redeemed, graced, lavished--every spiritual blessing. E v e r y.

There's a part of me that wishes I would have been brave enough to ask the man his story, made sure he knew he was loved...and bought him a tooth brush.

Later, it occurred to me he could have been an angel. Doesn’t that mean generosity, kindness and hospitality is always the right response? Then it's not about you or the stranger or the circumstance, it's about a simple, God-glorifying response.

Had we entertained an angel unaware? We'll never know.

But it wouldn't be the first time the Breath of Heaven smelled like a zoo.


In a decades-old, scandalous affair with her husband, Robin also confesses mad crushes on her three teens. As Southern as sugar-shocked tea, she’s a recovering people pleaser who advocates talking to strangers. A memoirist, Compassion International Blogger, and Maker-upper of words, Robin writes for her own site, PENSIEVE, and also for (in)courage by DaySpring (a subsidiary of Hallmark) and Simple Mom. She loves to get to know readers through their blog comments and on Twitter and Pinterest.

12 Pearls of Christmas - Guest Posts : Margaret McSweeney | Suzanne Woods Fisher | Sibella Giorello | Sandy Ralya | Elizabeth Musser | Deborah Raney | Shellie Tomlinson | Tricia Goyer | Susan May Warren | Tracey Eyster | Debora M. Coty | Robin Dance | Rachel Hauck

Related Posts :

Guest Post :: Welcome to the 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas blogging series!

Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Rachel Hauck

Guest Post :: Priceless Treasures by Cindy K. Stiverson | Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl & Giveaway

Sharing My #Genealogy Excitement! | #BookTube: My Christmas "Haul" 2017 Highlights

Friday, December 23, 2011

Blog Tour Review -- Feasted On: On a Dark Wing by Jordan Dane

This review of "On a Dark Wing" by Jordan Dane was through Trisha Wolfe's YA Bound Blog Tour and sponsored by HarlequinTeen. This Blog Tour kicked off on December 19th and it'll end on January 2nd, followed by a live chat with Jordan Dane on January 5th at 7:00 PM EDT!!

GRAND PRIZE : Jordan Dane is giving away a Kindle Fire to one lucky person!!! Contest rules are posted using the Rafflecopter entry form located here. Please click along the form to enter.

PRIZES : Ten blog stops along the tour will be hosting giveaways for signed copies of ON A DARK WING with a secret gift from Abbey Chandler.

WINNERS will be announced at the live chat with Jordan Dane on January 5th, so make sure you're there!

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Paperback - Pages: 312; Kindle Edition - File Size: 465 KB | Expected Release Date: December 20, 2011 | Publisher: HarlequinTEEN | Obtained: NetGalley

"On a Dark Wing" by Jordan Dane

My Book Summary : Abbey was in a major car accident when she was young, it changed her life, and even though she was the "lucky" one, since she cheated death, her mother died. Nevertheless, she can still remember the iridescent blue-eyed shadow of a boy that saved her life, even though no one believed her when she told them after the accident.

Five years later in some ways, it feels like it's her best friend, Tanner, and her against the world (or more correctly their school). They are each other’s consistent companions and always seem to know what each other needs. As summer hits, Abbey goes on her annual trip to her family's cabin with her dad (even though she'd rather stay home and keep an ear out on her secret crush--Nate--mountain climb on Tanner's radio).

Soon, though, Abbey finds Nate is on "her mountain" instead, which couldn't be right since he should be climbing, right? In a strange turn of events, Abbey will find just what it meant to be the "lucky" one from her previous accident all those years ago and what really happened that day. However, what she learns and what she decides to do with that knowledge could put someone else's life to hang in the balance. What will she choose to do??

My Book Review : 4 out of 5 stars, this novel is thought provoking and has a unique take on dealing with near death experiences. When I first started this novel, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy it, as it starts out very dark, gloomy, and it wasn't what I expected at all. Nevertheless, the further I went into the novel the more I got into it. From the intense mystery surrounding the novel, to the friendship between Tanner and Abbey this novel was one that I quickly got very addicted to and was curious to see how it would end!!

In addition, it was cool getting to read about Nate's mountain climb! Then to read from all of those POVs really gives you the full experience of this novel, and makes you really endeared to everyone you read about. You just want to root for them all!

I recommend this novel to those of you who enjoy mysterious YA novels!

Book Teaser(s) :
Teaser #1
He grabbed his flashlight and turned toward Josh. While he'd been passed out, Nate was deathly afraid that he'd lost him. He shined the light onto his friend's slack face. When he saw him still breathing, he heaved a sigh of relief.
"Josh, you've gotta wake up. If you can see me, maybe I'm not dead." ~ within Chapter 8

For more information on this book and/or any other books by Jordan, then please check out her Amazon Page.

Click HERE to sign up for Jordan's giveaway and to check out the other blog tour stops!!

Thank you to Jordan and Trisha for having me to apart of the tour!! =0)

Find Jordan Dane :
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Teaser Tuesdays: On a Dark Wing

Feasted On: Wing Slayer Hunters Series, Book 5

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Spreading the Word: BLACK WINGS by Iryna K. Combs

My Book Reviews & Book Index:
~ D ~ Authors

Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Debora M. Coty

Welcome to the 12 Pearls of Christmas!

Enjoy these Christmas "Pearls of Wisdom" from some of today's most beloved writer's (Tricia Goyer, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, Sibella Giorello and more)! Please follow the series through Christmas day as each contributor shares heartfelt stories of how God has touched a life during this most wonderful time of the year.

AND just for fun ... there's also a giveaway! Fill out this simple {form} and enter for a chance to win a beautiful pearl necklace and earring set ($450 value). Contest runs 12/14 - 12/25 and the winner will on 1/1. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents. You may enter once per day.

If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls products (all GREAT gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

"Inside Out Christmas" by Debora M. Coty

My veterinarian friend, Dr. Katie, tells the story about the December when a woman brought a very sick black lab into her clinic. The dog was only ten months old, so she was really just a big puppy, but she’d been vomiting incessantly and her worried owner didn’t know what was wrong.

“Why don’t you go on home?” Dr. Katie told the owner. “I’ll need to run tests for about four hours. We’ll give you a call when we’re finished.”

Dr. Katie’s assistant took x-rays and hung them on the light panel for Dr. Katie to examine. Hmm. Something looked a little peculiar. Dr. Katie called her assistant over.

“Is it just me, or does that look like a … a camel to you?” she asked incredulously.

“Matter of fact, it does,” replied the astute assistant. “And look, there’s an angel here, a shepherd there, and down there in the colon, it’s Baby Jesus!”

At that moment the phone rang. It was the dog’s distraught owner. “I can’t believe this! I just got home and glanced at the coffee table where I put my manger scene yesterday. There’s nothing there but an empty stable!”

As I thought about this quite literal technique for internalizing the true meaning of Christmas, it occurred to me that sometimes I have the opposite problem. With all the bustling busyness, my inner joy in celebration of my savior’s birth never really makes it to the outside.

Oh, I have plenty of glittery, festive evidences of the holiday in decorations, baking galore, and gifts under my tree. But those things are for show. They’re merely the pretty wrappings, not the gift itself.

Can people really see the core-deep joy that radiates within me when I think of the true gift that Papa God sent the world in his son, Jesus? Is my immeasurable gratitude for eternal life evident as I dash through this hectic season?

I’m afraid all too often, the answer is no.

I’m just too preoccupied to allow my outside to reflect my inside so that nonbelievers recognize that I rejoice because of the hope that is within me. My joy is obscured by the mounds of clutter. Gratefulness is sucked out of my soul by the vacuum called urgency.

“But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God’s presence. Let them be filled with joy” (Psalm 68:3, NLT).

This verse has become my prayer this Christmas season – that I would make the time to give priority to rejoicing, being glad in God’s presence, and letting my inner joy show for those who may be silently desperate to know the giver of true joy.

Yep, there’s a better way to internalize the gift of Christmas than the black lab technique. We can lodge the Little Lord Jesus in our hearts rather than our colons.


Debora M. Coty is a humorist, inspirational speaker, and award-winning author of twelve books, including "Too Blessed to be Stressed," and coming in March, "More Beauty, Less Beast: Transforming Your Inner Ogre." Debora would love to swap Christmas hugs with you at

12 Pearls of Christmas - Guest Posts : Margaret McSweeney | Suzanne Woods Fisher | Sibella Giorello | Sandy Ralya | Elizabeth Musser | Deborah Raney | Shellie Tomlinson | Tricia Goyer | Susan May Warren | Tracey Eyster | Debora M. Coty | Robin Dance | Rachel Hauck

Related Posts :

Guest Post :: Welcome to the 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas blogging series!

Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Robin Dance

Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Rachel Hauck

Guest Post :: Who is Mr. Carbunkle? by Debora M. Coty | 12 Pearls of Christmas & Giveaway

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Tracey Eyster

Welcome to the 12 Pearls of Christmas!

Enjoy these Christmas "Pearls of Wisdom" from some of today's most beloved writer's (Tricia Goyer, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, Sibella Giorello and more)! Please follow the series through Christmas day as each contributor shares heartfelt stories of how God has touched a life during this most wonderful time of the year.

AND just for fun ... there's also a giveaway! Fill out this simple {form} and enter for a chance to win a beautiful pearl necklace and earring set ($450 value). Contest runs 12/14 - 12/25 and the winner will on 1/1. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents. You may enter once per day.

If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls products (all GREAT gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

"Simple or Sparkle?" by Tracey Eyster

It’s a simple ornament made of thin cheap metal and it looks quite out of place on our CHRISTmas tree. But each year I lovingly and safely nestle it amongst its expensive and sparkly peers, without a care as to how unglamorous it appears.

Many of our CHRISTmas ornaments have a story and an uncanny way of welling up emotion in me, but this certain one causes an intense stir.

You see the ornament is engraved with the name of my grandmother, Sara, and was given to me by my mother, who ordered it from Hospice, after Grandmama’s death. Yes, the months leading up to her death carry memories of a frail and failing grandmama, but that ornament carries my thoughts to sweet CHRISTmas memories of the past.

CHRISTmas Eve dinners in her home, laughing, singing, gathering and celebrating a year filled with blessings as we remembered the birth of our Savior. CHRISTmas mornings, she was always there participating with glee, in our raucous CHRISTmas happiness. Her gifts were always bank envelopes gently tucked into the pine needles of our CHRISTmas tree, fresh cut from the property she grew up on.

All memories of my Grandmama make my heart swell. You see she was my Jesus with skin on. She lived her life full of joy, serving others and approached life selflessly with an attitude of, “What can I do for you?”

Just months before she left us, even as the Alzheimer’s was robbing her mind she shared her love of Jesus with a sweet little old lady friend, who came to know the Lord – a divine appointment. The very next day that little old lady silently slipped away to meet in person the One Sara introduced her to just the day before.

At the time I wept, realizing that regardless of our own frailties and failings, God can still use those of us who are willing to do His work and are well practiced at hearing His matter our lack of sparkle in comparison to others.

A simple life lived for Him, a simple ornament in memory of Sara...a simple truth for you to ponder.


Tracey Eyster wife, mom, relationship gatherer and Creator/Editor of FamilyLife’s MomLife Today is a media savvy mom making a difference where moms are, on-line. Through speaking, writing and video interviews Tracey is passionate about encouraging, equipping and advising moms on every facet of momlife. Her first book, "Be The Mom" will be released August 2012. You can connect with Tracey at, her personal site or www.twitter/

12 Pearls of Christmas - Guest Posts : Margaret McSweeney | Suzanne Woods Fisher | Sibella Giorello | Sandy Ralya | Elizabeth Musser | Deborah Raney | Shellie Tomlinson | Tricia Goyer | Susan May Warren | Tracey Eyster | Debora M. Coty | Robin Dance | Rachel Hauck

Related Posts :

Guest Post :: Welcome to the 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas blogging series!

Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Debora M. Coty

Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Robin Dance

Guest Post :: Does it Even Matter? by Tracey Eyster | 12 Pearls of Christmas & Giveaway

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Waiting On" Wednesday: How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back

  • Today's "Waiting On" Wednesday by Jill - click here

  • "How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back" by Sophie Barnes
    Expected Publication Released Date: January 31, 2012

    Author's Book Description:
      Emily Rutherford is having a very bad day.

      Of course, having the man you’ve loved forever announce his engagement to your (now very former) best friend will do that.

      Emily is sure nothing good could possibly come out of this horrid situation. But she lets her sisters—along with Francis Riley, the delectable but brooding Earl of Dunhurst—convince her that a season in London will be just the thing.

      Now Emily has a choice: sulk in a corner while her sisters enjoy the glitter of the ton . . . or become the belle of the ball, dazzling everyone on an earl’s arm. But as Francis helps Emily get back on her feet, she quickly realizes that a childhood crush is nothing compared to the power of true love.

    ** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
    All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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    "Waiting On" Wednesday: A Lady Never Surrenders

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Susan May Warren

    Welcome to the 12 Pearls of Christmas!

    Enjoy these Christmas "Pearls of Wisdom" from some of today's most beloved writer's (Tricia Goyer, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, Sibella Giorello and more)! Please follow the series through Christmas day as each contributor shares heartfelt stories of how God has touched a life during this most wonderful time of the year.

    AND just for fun ... there's also a giveaway! Fill out this simple {form} and enter for a chance to win a beautiful pearl necklace and earring set ($450 value). Contest runs 12/14 - 12/25 and the winner will on 1/1. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents. You may enter once per day.

    If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls products (all GREAT gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

    ** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
    All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

    "Enjoy the Ride!" by Susan May Warren

    We sit poised on the top of a cliff, a near drop off before us that falls to a rushing river. In the middle, a bridge of snow and ice hints at our destination. My husband guns the snowmobile engine. “Ready?”

    Ready? For a face plant into a tree, maybe reconstructive surgery? To feel my stomach ripped from my body as we plummet down the mountain? Let’s do it!

    We live on five acres of woods in northern Minnesota that butts up to a national forest. Hence, our backyard is about a hundred thousand acres. Aside from harboring deer, lynx, fox, cougar and bear, it also makes excellent snowmobile terrain. And not long ago, Mrs. Claus gave her Santa a snowmobile for two.

    I love snowmobiling. Flying over the snow, catching air over drifts. I love to drive, to be at the helm of the beast as I weave around trees and over hill and dale, my husband sitting behind me. I also love riding behind my husband as he drives, feeling those powerful arms as he’s muscling the snowmobile into the wilds. We follow unknown trails, driven by a Magellan spirit, hoping that we have enough gas to get us back to civilization. I love hanging on, simply trusting him, knowing that wherever he’s taking me, he’s going first.

    But there are times, when I see where he’s taking me, and I just have to bury my head in his back. Like straight down a cliff.

    However, my heart cheers, despite the terror as we gun it down the hill, over the river, up the opposite side. And, if we hadn’t let ourselves go, we would have never discovered the beauty of a winter river, a hidden jewel buried deep in the forest. Nor the exhilaration of facing the challenge together.

    Further on, we find an enchanted forest of towering white pine. Catch a view of Lake Superior, and discover an old cabin in the woods.

    It occurs to me that snowmobiling is much like my spiritual life. Occasionally, I drive, and it’s me setting our course, weaving through the trees, getting us hopelessly lost. But when God takes the “wheel” and I hang on, trusting Him for the speed and destination, I see the scenery. I trust him to keep me safe. I trust him to bring me home, where there is an eternal supply of hot chocolate.

    As Christmas season becomes more hectic, what if I let God drive? Maybe everything doesn’t have to be perfect, and maybe I don’t have to control every tradition, every holiday nuance. What if I just held on for the ride?

    I’ll bet I’ll still get there, and I might even enjoy the scenery along the way.

    How have you let go, and “enjoyed” the scenery of this hectic, exhilarating Christmas season?

    Merry Christmas!


    Susan May Warren is the RITA award-winning author of thirty novels with Tyndale, Barbour, Steeple Hill and Summerside Press. A four-time Christy award finalist, a two-time RITA Finalist, she’s also a multi-winner of the Inspirational Readers Choice award, and the ACFW Carol Award. A seasoned women’s events speaker, she’s a popular writing teacher at conferences around the nation and the author of the beginning writer’s workbook: "From the Inside...Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you!." She is also the founder of, a story-crafting service that helps authors discover their voice.

    12 Pearls of Christmas - Guest Posts : Margaret McSweeney | Suzanne Woods Fisher | Sibella Giorello | Sandy Ralya | Elizabeth Musser | Deborah Raney | Shellie Tomlinson | Tricia Goyer | Susan May Warren | Tracey Eyster | Debora M. Coty | Robin Dance | Rachel Hauck

    Related Posts :

    Guest Post :: Welcome to the 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas blogging series!

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Tracey Eyster

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Debora M. Coty

    Guest Post :: God with Us . . . And Us with Him by Susan May Warren | 12 Pearls of Christmas & Giveaway

    Tuesday, December 20, 2011

    Teaser Tuesdays: On a Dark Wing

  • Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

  • "On a Dark Wing" by Jordan Dane

    Book Teaser:
    Being the second to the last day of school, you'd think Mrs. Akkerman would lighten up and cut me some slack, but forget about it. Teachers never had a concept for how bad it felt to single a kid out, especially on Taco Tuesday. I didn't care about much. Most days I felt invisible, totally forgettable with no special talent. But damn it, give me my tacos. ~ within Chapter 1

    ** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
    All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

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    Out of the darkness and into the sun. But I won't forget all the ones that I loved. I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change ... and breakaway

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    Teaser Tuesdays: Prom Nights from Hell

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Tricia Goyer

    Welcome to the 12 Pearls of Christmas!

    Enjoy these Christmas "Pearls of Wisdom" from some of today's most beloved writer's (Tricia Goyer, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, Sibella Giorello and more)! Please follow the series through Christmas day as each contributor shares heartfelt stories of how God has touched a life during this most wonderful time of the year.

    AND just for fun ... there's also a giveaway! Fill out this simple {form} and enter for a chance to win a beautiful pearl necklace and earring set ($450 value). Contest runs 12/14 - 12/25 and the winner will on 1/1. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents. You may enter once per day.

    If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls products (all GREAT gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

    ** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
    All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

    "Family Traditions: A Glimpse into Christmas Future" by Tricia Goyer

    Have you ever thought about family traditions? As I helped my 1-year-old place ornaments on the Christmas tree this year I imagined her doing the same thing with her children—and maybe even grandchildren—one day. Traditions are beliefs and customs handed down through generations. By sharing meaningful moments with your kids you're sending yourself into the future. How amazing is that?

    Sharing family traditions cause us to slow down from the busy, adult world for a while. We ignore the laundry to set out the nativity set with our kids. We set aside time in our schedules to drive around and look at Christmas lights.

    Holiday traditions aren't only fun, they also help strength family bonds. Through traditions kids trust in the security of family unit. They think, “This is our family and this is what I do.” Of course, the most important thing to share isn't just what we do ... but why. Why do we put out a nativity? To remind us the real meaning of the season—Jesus coming to earth. What do the Christmas lights represent displayed on homes and on trees? They represent the Light of the World, Jesus.

    Using traditions to bond our families and share our faith isn't new. I love these two Scriptures that talk about that very thing.

    Exodus 12:25 says, “When you enter the land that the LORD will give you as he promised, observe this ceremony.”

    Psalm 78:4 says, “We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.”

    What are you're traditions? Here are a few of ours:
    • Baking a Birthday cake for Jesus
    • Buying a new ornament every year for each child
    • Acting out the Christmas story (with props!)
    • Praying together before opening presents

    What are your traditions? Write a list and appreciate them in a new way this year. Then ask, “If I could add one new tradition this holiday season, what would it be?” I'd love to hear what you choose! It also makes me smile to think of your children's grandchildren doing the same.


    Tricia Goyer is a CBA best-selling author and the winner of two American Christian Fiction Writers’ Book of the Year Awards ("Night Song" and "Dawn of a Thousand Nights"). She co-wrote "3:16 - The Numbers of Hope" Teen Edition with Max Lucado and contributed to the Women of Faith Study Bible. Also a noted marriage and parenting writer, she lives with her husband and children in Arkansas.

    12 Pearls of Christmas - Guest Posts : Margaret McSweeney | Suzanne Woods Fisher | Sibella Giorello | Sandy Ralya | Elizabeth Musser | Deborah Raney | Shellie Tomlinson | Tricia Goyer | Susan May Warren | Tracey Eyster | Debora M. Coty | Robin Dance | Rachel Hauck

    Related Posts :

    Guest Post :: Welcome to the 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas blogging series!

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Susan May Warren

    Guest Post :: Christmas Mourning by Tricia Goyer | 12 Pearls of Christmas & Giveaway

    Best Book Couples -- Happy Valentine's Day 2013

    Monday, December 19, 2011

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Shellie Tomlinson

    Welcome to the 12 Pearls of Christmas!

    Enjoy these Christmas "Pearls of Wisdom" from some of today's most beloved writer's (Tricia Goyer, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, Sibella Giorello and more)! Please follow the series through Christmas day as each contributor shares heartfelt stories of how God has touched a life during this most wonderful time of the year.

    AND just for fun ... there's also a giveaway! Fill out this simple {form} and enter for a chance to win a beautiful pearl necklace and earring set ($450 value). Contest runs 12/14 - 12/25 and the winner will on 1/1. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents. You may enter once per day.

    If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls products (all GREAT gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

    ** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
    All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

    "Let The Baby Grow Up This Christmas" by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson

    When I was a little girl, Christmas seemed to take forever to make its way back to our little house on the end of a dirt road called Bull Run in northeast Louisiana. We kids started counting down the days before the leaves ever began turning. Sure, the adults said it came once a year but I wasn't so sure. Once Santa Claus left our humble abode it seemed like light years before he found his way back to the Delta.

    That was a child's perspective. I imagine it hasn't changed all that much for today's kids. On the other hand, I'm operating under a completely different time frame these days. It seems like it was just yesterday when I pulled the boxes down from the attic and began pulling out the nativity scene, the miniature lights, and the keepsake ornaments. And now, just that fast--Christmas Day is right around the corner. Soon the tree will be striped naked and the piled up presents will all be distributed. After a few more days, it'll be hard to remember who got what from whom, and once again, I'll start packing all the decorations away for another year.

    I was thinking about how bare and cold the house always looks after the holidays when I realized that, sadly, this scene would play itself out in many hearts as well. A lot of people will have had expectations that weren't filled and many of those same souls will be left with hurts that don't seem to heal. Unless this year is remarkably different from past seasons, my bet is, the New Year will bring magazines full of articles on combating depression and the talk shows will have experts on offering ways to fill the long days ahead and cure the winter blues.

    I'm no expert, dear readers, but I'd like to offer you a suggestion that will go far beyond the creature comforts of a nice warm bath or a delicious bowl of hot soup. Your heart doesn't have to be bare and naked after the holidays. Do you want to know the real secret? It's simple, really. Don't pack up Christ with Christmas! As beautiful and special as the Christmas story is, it's only a part of heaven's miracle. The Christ child grew into a man and the man became a Savior.

    This year, may we be determined to let the babe from Bethlehem live on in our hearts. If we'll allow Him to become the Messiah He was born to be, the joy of Christmas can be ours all year long.


    Shellie Rushing Tomlinson is an author, speaker, and radio host from Louisiana. Her latest release "Sue Ellen's Girl Ain't Fat, She Just Weighs Heavy" was endorsed by Jeff Foxworthy as "laugh out loud funny!" You can find Shellie's weekly southern features, podcasts, video chats and more on her website. Make sure to get by her blog and read about the Super Christmas Giveaway that Shellie is hosting for her readers and secure your chance to win a Mort Kunstler print valued between $700 and $1,400!!

    12 Pearls of Christmas - Guest Posts : Margaret McSweeney | Suzanne Woods Fisher | Sibella Giorello | Sandy Ralya | Elizabeth Musser | Deborah Raney | Shellie Tomlinson | Tricia Goyer | Susan May Warren | Tracey Eyster | Debora M. Coty | Robin Dance | Rachel Hauck

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    Guest Post :: Welcome to the 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas blogging series!

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Tricia Goyer

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Susan May Warren

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Tracey Eyster

    Sunday, December 18, 2011

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Deborah Raney

    Welcome to the 12 Pearls of Christmas!

    Enjoy these Christmas "Pearls of Wisdom" from some of today's most beloved writer's (Tricia Goyer, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, Sibella Giorello and more)! Please follow the series through Christmas day as each contributor shares heartfelt stories of how God has touched a life during this most wonderful time of the year.

    AND just for fun ... there's also a giveaway! Fill out this simple {form} and enter for a chance to win a beautiful pearl necklace and earring set ($450 value). Contest runs 12/14 - 12/25 and the winner will on 1/1. Contest is only open to US and Canadian residents. You may enter once per day.

    If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls products (all GREAT gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

    ** This site is a participant in various affiliate advertising programs through, Rakuten Marketing, Commission Junction, IndieBound, Smashwords, Book Depository, and more that are designed to provide a means for Jess to earn minimal advertising fees by showcasing the areas you can purchase the corresponding products that Jess discusses within her blog posts.
    All of these affiliate links are obvious as to which ones they are.

    "The Snowflake Party" by Deborah Raney

    The first snow of winter hasn’t fallen yet, but in our kitchen tonight we’re doing a pretty good imitation. The whole family is circled around the huge old oak table. The snip, snip, snip of scissors is background music as tiny scraps of white paper float down, making our floor look like a giant brownie sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    Tonight has turned out to be the night for our annual Snowflake Party, a tradition that began when our children were toddlers. There has never been a date blocked out in red on our calendar, but one day we wake up and the brisk autumn air has turned bitter cold. Naked tree branches trace their stark calligraphy on a dull grey sky and we need a taste of the joyful promises of Christmas and snow. It’s the perfect time for a party.

    On such a day, one of the kids will fly in the back door, fresh home from school, and declare “Hey, Mom! Tonight would be a good night for the Snowflake Party!” First we round up every pair of scissors in the house. This is one time when sharing is not a virtue. While the kids search for scissors, I cut white paper into squares and fold them caddy-corner multiple times. The resulting triangles are artfully arranged in a basket, awaiting the beginning of the party.

    Later, while the supper dishes dry on the counter, I recruit a volunteer to help me stir up a big pot of hot cocoa. For the next hour it will warm on the back burner, tantalizing us with its aroma.

    Now the fun begins with careful cutting and snipping, shaping plain white paper into intricate works of art. Each snowflake we create seems as unique and spectacular as the genuine variety created by God himself. As each masterpiece is unfolded, collective oohs and aahs go up.

    When the last dregs of our creative juices are drained, Dad oversees the vacuum patrol while I pour cocoa into generous mugs. We spread our handiwork on the floor around us and sit, quietly admiring our work while we dunk marshmallows and sip rich chocolate.

    With empty mugs piled up in the sink, it’s time for the judging to begin. There will be awards for ‘prettiest’, ‘most unusual’, and as many other categories as we need for everyone to be a winner. Dad is the judge because he studied art in college. He also usually wins one of the top prizes––because he studied art in college.

    Snowflakes deemed runners-up might be pasted in scrapbooks or hung on the refrigerator. A few even “melt” into the trash that very night. But the winners are taped proudly to the picture windows in the living room for passersby to enjoy while they long for the day when genuine snowflakes will color the world clean and white.

    Our oldest daughter went away to college last September. She called just after Thanksgiving to tell me that her dorm window was covered with snowflakes. No, not the real thing, but the ones she remembers from her childhood––paper ones that she spent an entire evening cutting and snipping while sipping hot cocoa.

    That’s the neat thing about traditions: They go with us no matter how far from home we travel.


    DEBORAH RANEY's first novel, A Vow to Cherish, inspired the World Wide Pictures film of the same title. Her books have since won the RITA Award, ACFW Carol Award, HOLT Medallion, National Readers' Choice Award, Silver Angel, and have twice been Christy Award finalists. After All, third in her Hanover Falls Novels series will release next spring from Howard/Simon & Schuster. Deb and her husband, Ken Raney, enjoy small-town life in Kansas. Their four children are grown now and having snowflake parties with their own children––and they all live much too far away. Visit Deb on the web at

    12 Pearls of Christmas - Guest Posts : Margaret McSweeney | Suzanne Woods Fisher | Sibella Giorello | Sandy Ralya | Elizabeth Musser | Deborah Raney | Shellie Tomlinson | Tricia Goyer | Susan May Warren | Tracey Eyster | Debora M. Coty | Robin Dance | Rachel Hauck

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    Guest Post :: Welcome to the 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas blogging series!

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    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Tricia Goyer

    Guest Post :: 3rd Annual Pearl Girls™ 12 Pearls of Christmas by Susan May Warren
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