Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blog Tour - Made the Grade: Three River Ranch by Roxanne Snopek | Interview, Review, & Giveaway

Today I'm turning my blog over to Roxanne Snopek, who I interviewed about her latest novel "Three River Ranch," which is the 1st book in her Three River Ranch Series!!

ALSO -- Be sure to check out Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post to be able to sign up for this blog stop's GIVEAWAY!! [Blog Tour will run from October 31 - November 7, 2012]

My Q&A with Roxanne Snopek :

Jess : What books did you enjoy reading while growing up?

Roxanne : I have a complete collection of Agatha Christie novels, mostly salvaged from second-hand book stores. I just loved them. Also, for some reason, I found the 101 Dalmatians books very comforting. Don’t ask me why, but I read and reread them as a tween-ager.

Jess : What sparked the idea for "Three River Ranch?"

Roxanne : I always wanted to write a cowboy story, but I’m not a “western” or “historical” writer. So I needed a contemporary slant; once I learned about wild horses, the ecology slant was a natural.

Jess : Which of your characters would you most & least to invite to dinner, from which book and why?

Roxanne : Oh, I’d definitely invite Bliss and Blythe to dinner, together. Just to watch the sparks fly! Plus, they’re both good cooks – we could do potluck!

Jess : If you had to describe Aurora & Carson (from "Three River Ranch") in one word, what would it be?

Roxanne : Aurora: believer, Carson: cynic

Jess : What appeals to you when writing a romance novel?

Roxanne : I love writing emotional interactions and relationships. I “get” that stuff. Plus, with grim reality all around us, I want to write something that I KNOW will end well.

Jess : Which usually comes first for you, the character(s) story or the idea for the novel?

Roxanne : Character, definitely. I might read something in the paper that twigs an idea, but it doesn’t take root until a person emerges from the mist to embody the situation.

Jess : If "Three River Ranch" were to be made into a film, who do you see playing the main characters and why?

Roxanne : Carson is Josh Holloway, the guy who played Sawyer in LOST. Alpha, so a bit high-handed and rough-around-the-edges sometimes, sexy as all get-out, definitely damaged, but you just can’t help loving him. Did you see Sawyer and Kate kiss? Seriously. Look for it on YouTube (look below). That’s how Carson kisses.

Rory would be played by a grown-up version of Emma Roberts, who played Grace in the movie Valentine’s Day. She has the right mix of innocence, resilience and dogged idealism.

Jess : In regards to "Three River Ranch," if you could write it all over again, would you change anything about it?

Roxanne : Well, I’d probably soften Carson up a bit more. *I* know what a softie he is, and Rory knows, but readers don’t always see it as clearly.

Jess : How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

Roxanne : Including non-fiction and anthologies, I’ve got ten print books out there with my name on it. The e-book "Three River Ranch" makes eleven. However, I’ve written at least another five that have never found publication. My favorite book though? The next one. Always the next one. It’s still perfect, you see.

Jess : Do you have any other projects in the works? If so, can you share a little of your current work with us?

Roxanne : You bet! I’ve always got something in the works. The one I’m finishing up right now is the second in the Three River Ranch series, called "The Reluctant Rancher." It’s the story of Des and Zach and wow, these two have a lot of trouble to overcome. Watch for it in early 2013!

Jess : Do you prefer eBooks, paperbacks or hardcover? Any specific reason why?

Roxanne : I’m loving my Kobo right now. The “buy now” button is the best thing ever! I can browse, sample, buy and start reading, all without getting out of bed!

Jess : What do you normally eat for breakfast, or do you skip it and get straight to work?

Roxanne : You’ll be sorry you asked. My favorite breakfast – toast and peanut butter – is now only a weekend treat, because I’m starting to manifest symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome and have to cut down on bread. (Dang it. I love bread.) So, instead, I make a super-healthy, high-fiber, high-protein, low-fat bowl of: ¼ cup of old-fashioned oatmeal, cooked in the microwave with a Medjool date for sweetness, then mixed with 1/3 cup of NutraCleanse, and skim milk. It keeps my blood sugar stable and easily holds me until late afternoon. Plus, it’s surprisingly delicious.

Jess : If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Roxanne : "Wait! Wait! She’s Still Thinking!" or "Oh, NO! Did I Say That Out Loud?"

Jess : List 3 books you just recently read and would recommend?

Roxanne : "Never Tell a Lie" by Hallie Ephron
"Wild Encounter" by Nikki Logan
"Sworn to Silence" by Linda Castillo

About the Author :

Roxanne gives mostly 5 star reviews because she only forces herself to read books she doesn't like when someone makes her. In which case there's usually a good reason, like expanding her literary comfort zone on the advice of a smart, literate friend.

Roxanne Willems-Snopek is an award-winning freelance writer of everything from corporate newsletters to personal essays. Author of the Amazing Stories series of true life animal adventures, she now focuses on fiction. Snopek grew up in Saskatchewan and now lives in British Columbia.

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Kindle Edition - File Size: 358 KB | Expected Release Date: August 24, 2012 | Publisher: Entangled Publishing : Bliss | Obtained: Entangled Publishing

"Three River Ranch" [Three River Ranch Series, Book 1] by Roxanne Snopek (aka Roxanne Willems-Snopek)

My Book Summary : Trying to start a new life for her and her unborn child, Aurora (Rory) moves into the guesthouse on Three River Ranch sight unseen and finds her life is going to get a lot harder. The same day she finds out that the guesthouse is a mess and she also learns that the son (Carson) of the now diseased ranch owner has plans of his own for the property. Not willing to give in to Carson's demands Rory suggests that that they become roommates and try to help each other out in rebuilding their lives and the ranch.

Now Carson has to deal with finding money to turn the ranch into the Three River Mustang Study Center, a feisty pregnant woman (Rory), and a pregnant wild mustang & dog as well. If only Carson's father didn't make his will, so demanding then he could have everything that he wants as well as giving enough money for Rory to be on her way out of there. Nevertheless, disappointments have a way of changing into wants/needs making Rory & Carson find that what they always wanted could be right around the corner if only they open themselves up to opportunities that await them!!

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! The realization that dreams come in all shapes and sizes is what this novel is all about! I loved the buildup of this story! How both Rory & Carson come from rocky pasts and they learn to love again throughout this novel, even if it takes being knocked on the head to do so. The town seems great too, but my favorite characters were Blythe (The Blight) and Bliss (The Blister)--twins who seem that they cannot stand each other--they are the voice of reason for Rory throughout this story and are good comic relief!

I recommend this novel to anyone who likes cowboy contemporary romances!

Author's Novel Extras : Warm up your Kindle/Nook/Kobo/iPhone/tablet: I SOLD A BOOK! | The Man With the Dragon Tattoo? | 3RR Launch Weekend Report: | And We’re Off... | And We’re Off... | SERENITY NOW!!

Book Teaser(s) :
“Melissa,” said her mother calmly. “Waitresses don’t get tips until the customers have finished their meals. And only if they’re satisfied with the service, honey.”
The girl huffed loudly and turned on her heel. “Stupid job,” she muttered as she stomped back into the kitchen.
Rory eyed her coffee doubtfully.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Blythe said, lifting her own cup to her lips. “Melissa’s the devil’s own spawn but she makes a good cup of coffee.”
“I heard that!” called a faint voice from the kitchen.
“An okay cup of coffee, I meant,” Blythe hollered back, grinning at Rory. Her nose wrinkled up when she smiled. ~ within Chapter 4
She swung both feet over the edge of the couch and sat upright, again feeling the head rush that had sent her to the couch in the first place.
“So this is swooning,” she muttered to herself. “Can’t say I like it.”
The voice came from the dark mass in the corner chair. Rory jumped.
“Carson?” she squeaked, then cleared her throat. “What are you doing?”
The ancient upholstery complained as Carson unfolded his long limbs from their cramped positions.
“Catching a few winks, like you.”
Rory’s eyes had adjusted to the low light, and she could see his mussed hair and hear the gravel in his voice. “You were watching over me!”
“Nah. You don’t need watching. But you kinda fell asleep on the job, so I took over watching Misty here.”
She sat up, pulling the afghan tightly around her shoulders, and leaned over the whelping box. She stroked Mistral and her dozing offspring. Her hand drifted lightly over the tiny bodies, now fluffy and dry, then stopped. She peered in more closely.
“Aha,” Carson said, a smile in his voice. “You noticed.” ~ within Chapter 10
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Roxanne, then please check out her website.

My Giveaway!! :

  • An ARC e-book copy of "Three River Ranch" to one randomly drawn person from Rafflecopter
The Fine Print -- To Enter :
  1. This contest ends on November 7th 2012.
  2. This contest is International!!
  3. It's the author/publisher's responsibility to ensure that the winner gets "Three River Ranch," not mine.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Find Roxanne Snopek :

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Made the Grade: Wives for Hire Series, Book 2

Format: Paperback | Pages: 212 | Release Date: October 2008 | Publisher: Silhouette Books : Special Edition | Obtained: Friends of the Pasquotank-Camden Library - Fall Book Sale

"The Single Dad's Virgin Wife" [Wives for Hire Series, Book 2] by Susan Crosby

My Book Summary : While in the process of selling her mother's home and planning on moving to a new location in a couple of months, Tricia gets a temporary job as a live-in schoolmarm/nanny for Noah's (a widowed father) two sets of twins (Ashley & Zoe are 12-years-old, while Adam & Zach are 9-years-old) to help pay the bills. Other then the family living in the country Tricia instantly falls for Noah's children and Noah too. However, the children have a plan to keep Tricia from leaving but will everything work out for them or will it all fall apart?

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! A very sweet novel that is like an updated version of "The Sound of Music," only with the heroine not about to become a nun and not as many children. I really liked the relationship that Tricia builds with Noah and his family! She brings out the best in them that they haven't been able to be in a long time and she gains a family that she secretly always wanted.

My only complaint was how everything wrapped up in the end. It wasn't that I didn't like how it ended because I did like it but I just wish it wasn't as predictable as it was.

All in all, I recommend this novel to everyone who enjoys short contemporary romance stories.

- On a side note -
I'm curious about Noah & Tricia's relationship now with Cynthia (another woman who liked Noah and worked with them). In truth, I didn't like her at all, which is why I'm so curious. *hahaa*

Author's Novel Extras : Excerpt

Book Teaser(s) :
Tricia McBride was one magical woman.
After the movie ended, Noah waited at the top of the stairs until Tricia had said her good-nights to the kids, then he stopped her on her way to her bedroom.
"Thank you for setting up the movie night," he said. "They---we all enjoyed it."
"Who won the popcorn contest?"
He smiled. "Adam. Or at least he had fewer pieces on the floor than I did. You know, for all that he said it was a movie for babies, he seemed to get pretty interested along the way."
"I was glad to see it. He gets bored fast."
"All his life." Noah didn't know what else to say, but he didn't want to stop talking. ~ within Chapter 8
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Susan, then please check out her website.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Idolizing In: The World of Nightwalkers Series, Book 1

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Paperback - Pages: 352; Kindle Edition - File Size: 1958 KB; Audiobook - Unabridged | Expected Release Date: October 30, 2012 | Publisher: Ballantine Books | Obtained: NetGalley

"Forbidden" [The World of Nightwalkers Series, Book 1] by Jacquelyn Frank

My Book Summary : Ram/Vincent was told that his King and Queen would be coming back soon. Therefore, when he hears about Docia--the miracle "Bridge Girl" who survived falling off of a steel bridge and into the rocky Esopus River--Ram/Vincent knows the only way she could have survived was by becoming a Bodywalker--a person who dies then accepts a powerful spirit into their body so they can live life again in a new way--like him and his people, he sets out to bring her to a local compound so she will be safe and learn of their ways while believing that she is his Queen.

Over the time that they spend together, an attraction (that has never been between Ram/Vincent and his Queen before) builds into something that is undeniable and strictly ... forbidden. However, can Ram/Vincent make Docia understand the importance of who she is going to become before everything comes crashing down around them and without falling into temptation. Or will all his plans fall apart?

My Book Review : 5 out of 5 stars!! Follow Docia along through her death and new life while learning about the world of Nightwalkers, becoming a Bodywalker, and finding your soul mate in the most unlikely of places. This is a hilarious and thrilling start to The World of Nightwalkers Series!! In addition, this is also a bit of a spin-off from Ms. Frank's Nightwalkers Series (a series that I have yet to read) based on the prolog that I'm not sure how that part of the story really fits into the series but I'm hoping we will find out as this series progresses.

About the Characters:
• Docia: I enjoyed Docia so much! She is quirky, fun, rambles quite a bit, and is the perfect mix of being shy and daring all at once. Also, I think that with her new "Bodywalker" status she will grow to be more formidable than ever, however I do like Docia's attitude more so then the bits I saw of her reserved counterpart so I hope that later on as this series goes we will see her acting more like herself than anything else.

• Ram/Vincent: About 68 years old but doesn't look more than a few years older than 30. Is the second in command to all the Bodywalkers and is anxiously waiting for his King and Queen's return to Earth. He believes that Docia is his Queen, and plans to protect her as much as possible. Has an undeniable connection to Docia that is hard to pull away from.

• Cleo/Desirée: A prophetess who predicted that their King and Queen were coming soon. She tries to portray herself as a ditz but is very knowledgeable and she is very welcoming to Docia when they first meet.

• Jackson: Docia's older brother who is a cop and is very protective of her. He also raised Docia since she was nine years old when their parents died with the help of his friend, Leo, so they are very close.

• Leo: Use to be in the service. Is like a brother to Jackson & Docia, since after their parents died he let them live with him and helped raise Docia. Does what he likes to call himself "private security," he does the not-so-legal side of protecting.

I loved the unique relationships and the fun banter that all of the characters have with one another! Plus, the twists and turns throughout this novel keep you glued to your seat, or should I say your eyes glued to the book. =0) I cannot wait to read "Forever" the 2nd book in this series!!

I recommend this novel to anyone that is a fan of Ms. Frank and to those who like paranormal/fantasy thriller romances!!

Author's Novel Extras : I FINISHED!!!!!

Author's Book Trailer :

Book Teaser(s) :
She lifted her hand and indicated the breathtaking gown Cleo wore so perfectly. Of course, it was probably more the breathtaking body the gown was on that made it look so good. Docia tried to keep from touching her wounded head, but there was no hope for it. She felt like an ugly duckling in the shadow of the most magnificent swan ever.
Cleo smiled kindly at her. Docia would have read it was pity if not for the sparkle of mischief in her eyes.
"Come," she said, reaching to scoop up Docia's hands and pulling her to her feet. "You've had enough of the boring details of what it means to be host to a Bodywalker. It's far past time you get to learn about the fun stuff."
Fun stuff? That kiss had been pretty fun. Yep. Definitely fun. Until it had stopped and Ramses II, great pharaoh of ancient Egyptian history, had stopped it, pushed back from her, and looked at her as if she'd just told him she was a plague carrier.
Not fun. Definitely not fun. ~ within Chapter 7
"Ram, did you do this to me? I'm really starting to not like you, mister. Ever since you showed up, things have just been going to hell in a handbasket for me!"
"Hmm," was the dry reply.
"Hmm? What hmm?" she demanded. "What's that supposed to mean, 'hmm'? It's true!"
"I don't recall being anywhere near New York when you got yourself shoved off a bridge," he said.
She opened her mouth to snap at him but shut it again almost instantly. He kind of had a point there.
"And I wasn't there when you entered the Ether."
Silence seemed the best course of action.
"And I had nothing to do with that nice gentleman trying to gut you with a knife."
"Vincent ..." She sighed. "You must be Vincent." Because Ram had never spoken with such sarcasm and irritability before, so it was the only conclusion she could come to. This was Ram's other half ... but somehow it was undiluted by the Blending. ~ within Chapter 9
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Jacquelyn, then please check out her website.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blog Tour - Made the Grade: The Last Witch by Debbie Dee | Interview & Review

Today I'm turning my blog over to Debbie Dee, who I interviewed about her latest novel "The Last Witch," which is the 1st book in her Incenaga Trilogy!! [Blog Tour will run from October 26 - November 16, 2012]

My Q&A with Debbie Dee :

Jess : Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Debbie : I’m a 30-something mom of three and married to my high school sweetheart. We recently moved to southern Idaho with our three kids. In addition to writing, I play the piano, harp, and violin, and get in frequent fights with my cello. I love to read and play board games – when I’m winning.

Jess : What do you like most about being a writer and being a musician?

Debbie : As a writer, I love that I can write at two in the morning or ten at night. My imagination doesn’t have to clock in and out, so to speak, which is wonderful.

As a musician I love the thrill of making something beautiful, something that will touch someone’s soul in a way that words never will. It is a universal language that both the old and young can enjoy and I love being a part of that.

Jess : Please describe your heroine, from "The Last Witch," in one to two sentences.

Debbie : Other than her father, Emmeline has never met another human being, which has made her very curious about the outside world. It has also made her afraid of change – she puts decision making off, and tends to avoid her problems.

Jess : Which of your characters would you most & least like to invite to dinner, from which book and why?

Debbie : Prince Weldon would be a character I would both love and hate to invite to dinner. I think it would interesting, and maybe a little funny, to watch someone flip from mood to mood so quickly, but at the same time, I’d worry about him getting grumpy and picking at his food.

Jess : Is there one particular scene in "The Last Witch" that you’re dying for readers to read? Can you tell us anything about it?

Debbie : There is a scene in which Erick and Emmeline are spying on a meeting for the rebels. It’s late at night, and dark, and when they are discovered, they get separated. This scene kept me up well past my bedtime because there was no way I was going to sleep before I figured out how to get them out of the mess I’d put them in! It was a ton of fun to write.

Jess : If "The Last Witch" were to be made into a film, who do you see playing the main characters and why?

Debbie : Victoria Justice looks a lot like Emmeline, in my mind. And Justin Clynes reminds me of Erick.

Jess : In regards to "The Last Witch," if you could write it all over again, would you change anything about it?

Debbie : I would be less obvious about a couple of things, I think.

Jess : Out of all of the secondary characters within "The Last Witch," do you have one or two favorites so far? If so, who are they and can you tell us why?

Debbie : The King is one of my favorite characters. He’s an old blind man with a zeal for life and a sense of humor he isn’t afraid to share.

Jess : How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

Debbie : I’ve written two more books that will be released in 2013. One is "THE UNDERGROUND WITCH," the 2nd book in the Incenaga Trilogy, and the other is a stand-alone novel about a young (very young) Pharaoh and his blond-hair, blue-eyed best friend – who is a girl. It was a challenge to write, but is my favorite story.

Jess : Do you have any other projects in the works? If so, can you share a little of your current work with us?

Debbie : I’m in the final editing stages for "THE UNDERGROUND WITCH" and "DESERT GUARDIAN," and am outlining the third and final book in the Incenaga Trilogy – "THE FIRST WITCH." I’m also working on a YA contemporary set in Greece, which I’m excited about.

Jess : Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover? Any specific reason why?

Debbie : I love the ease of ebooks and the ability to pack thousands of books into my purse, all ready for my every whim. But I love the look of hardcover on my shelves or stacked on my night stand, and the feel of them as I work my way through.

Jess : If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Debbie : Wow! This is a tough question. I’d have to go with "Listed for Life: How a Bucket List Changed Everything"

Jess : Have you ever gone out in public with your shirt on backwards, or your slippers on, and when realizing it, just said screw it?

Debbie : All the time! I’ve left with my clothes on backwards, inside out, both, you name it! But I don’t have the guts to say “screw it.” I always run to the nearest restroom to save myself.

Jess : List 3 books you just recently read and would recommend?

Debbie : "Peter and the Star Catchers" by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
"Austenland" by Shannon Hale
"Fablehaven" by Brandon Mull

About the Author :

Debbie Dee recently moved to southern Idaho with her husband and three children where she is learning how to be a country girl in her favorite pair of blue heels. She adores fairy tales and happy endings, but secretly crushes on the bad guy now and then. As a dedicated musician who practices way too much, she never expected writing would sweep her off her feet until she jotted down a scene from a daydream, which turned into two scenes, which turned into a messy house and her first novel. Since then she hasn’t been able to let a day go by without writing. Her website is

- This is an ARC book - Available Formats through Paperback - Pages: 246; Kindle Edition - File Size: 676 KB | Expected Release Date: September 12, 2012 | Publisher: Dolce Books | Obtained: Sage’s Blog Tours

"The Last Witch" [Incenaga Trilogy, Book 1] by Debbie Dee

My Book Summary : Emmeline has grown up in seclusion with her father on their small farm. She has always had dreams of meeting new people, what they'd be like, and making friends. That is until the day a group of guards show up on her doorstep, demand to have her per some agreement her father made years ago, and start beating him when they realize that she has run away. Too bad, they find her not long afterwards and her whole world changes again...

After Emmeline is captured, she finds out that she's an Incenaga witch (the last known one in fact and something her father never warned her about) and is intend to marry the Crown Prince of Dolmerti for "her safety." However, people she feels she can trust are far and few in between; it is only when she meets Erick (the Palace's gamekeeper) that she feels she can truly be herself. Nevertheless, as the months go by Emmeline finds that not everyone is who they seem and she will have to risk it all to save herself, her people, her father, and the Crown Prince before it's too late.

My Book Review : 3 out of 5 stars!! Follow Emmeline as she finds out what it truly means to be the "last witch standing" while trying to be true to herself and protecting everyone else. This novel is one that if you like reading a fast-paced, full of twists, adventure--with a little bit of romance--novels then this would be the book for you! I thoroughly enjoyed the plot and this unexpected take on what it means to be a witch. Plus, as Emmeline grows throughout this novel, you can see that this series should be intense from beginning to end!

Nevertheless, from about Chapter 8 on it was a struggle for me to get into and stick to completing it. Not because of the plot but mostly because of how naive Emmeline is and how her follow-through when it comes to her intentions always seemed to fall a bit short for me.

With that being said, I am happy that I finished this novel, as I liked how everything ended up even though you are left hanging. It will be very interesting to see where Ms. Dee will take this series!

I recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys YA paranormal/fantasy romances, especially ones about witches!

Book Teaser(s) :
Horses roamed the pasture, each unique and stunning in its own right. One in particular caught Emmeline's eye. With an ebony coat that glistened in the sunlight, it could have been the sister to her horse at home. Its thick mane and long tail were also black and a small diamond of white graced its forehead.
"What is its name?" she asked as she pointed to the black mare. They turned away from the stables and leaned against the fence.
"She doesn't have a name yet. She is a gift from the Crown Prince to his bride. He traveled all the way to Volarcus to select the animal himself. Do you like her?"
"She is breathtaking," Emmeline said. She knew already what she would name her. ~ within Chapter 7 - titled 'Stables'
"Was anyone at the stables when you found your way there?"
"Yes. Well someone helped me find the stables, that is." Emmeline held her breath, afraid he'd ask her who it was. She didn't want Erick to get into any kind of trouble.
"Who is it?"
Her shoulders fell. "Erick, the gamekeeper."
"Erick? A gamekeeper, you say?"
"Yes, he is one of your gamekeepers, or the only one, I don't know. He's the only one I've met. He doesn't know I am an Incenaga. He thinks I am just a guest."
The King let out a laugh. "Just a guest. That is funny." His boisterous laugh filled the room. ~ within Chapter 17 - titled 'Compromise'
For more information on this book, series, and/or any other books by Debbie, then please check out her website.

Praise for The Last Witch :

"The characters kept popping into my head during the day, and I couldn't wait for my nighttime reading. This book will result in late nights and lack of sleep!" - Brenda on
"I was totally sucked into this story and can't wait for more to come out." - Michelle on
"The book is a good read, especially for young adults. The characters are wholesome, but intriguing." - Kimmie from She Really Said It
"A great love story with exciting adventures and unexpected twists and turns." - Marsha on
"I rushed home from work to finish reading The last Witch and was actually sad when I turned the last page. But it was the kind of book where you sigh and say, 'Ah. That was a good book.'" - Rae on
"I love fantasy books and this is one fantasy/fairy tale that anyone would love to read." - Amy on

Find Debbie Dee :

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Teaser Tuesdays: Hollywood Ever After

• Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

"Hollywood Ever After" [The Red-Carpet Series, Book 1] by Sasha Summers

Book Teaser:
I let my eyes wander as Shannon answered several questions effortlessly.
“So excited. Just thrilled,” she was saying. “I’m just so happy to have been a part of this project. This film was such fun! We know it’s going to do well.” Amy barely tapped Shannon’s elbow–I assumed that was the signal to move on. Shannon thanked the reporter and moved a few feet down the carpet, smiling as the camera flashes continued.
I blinked in an attempt to adjust to the rapid bursts of white light.
I stumbled on a cord and tipped back, mortified. To fall, on the red carpet? I’d be forever humiliated.
Two large hands caught me from behind.
“Thank you.” I blushed as I looked back at my rescuer.
“All right?” my savior asked with a clearly enunciated British accent.
Not now, I wasn’t.
I knew without a doubt that I was staring. My heart was already pounding from my almost accident, yet it picked up considerably. There had been air in my lungs, but it was gone now. ~ within Chapter 1

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cover Reveal: Magick by Trish Milburn

"Magick" [The Coven Series, Book 3] by Trish Milburn (aka Tricia Mills)

Imprint : Bell Bridge Books
Audience : Young Adult
Novel length : 166 pages
Format : Paperback
Publication Released Date : September 27, 2012

Author's Book Cover :

Author's Book Description :
    The covens are coming for her.

    But is she a White Witch, or a Dark Witch? In a war for control of the witch world, the answer will save—or doom—everyone she loves.

    In "White Witch," Jax gained friends she’d die for and a staggering power that threatens them all.

    In "Bane," Jax did the unthinkable and killed a supernatural hunter to protect her friends. She found herself lost in darkness and prisoner to the Bane, a secret society of witches sworn to prevent the use of the dark magic.

    Now, in "Magick," the powers of Jax and her friend Egan have been magically bound by the Bane. She must convince the Bane she can learn to control her power and become a White Witch in truth. She’s their only hope now that the dark covens have called a Conclave with one purpose—to kill this generation’s White Witch and anyone who has ever stood with her. If Jax can’t amass an army of her own, rebuild the trust of her friends and boyfriend, and find the White Witch’s elusive weapon against the dark, it may be too late.

About the Author :
    The first book Trish Milburn ever wrote was a romance. She just didn't know it yet. That book, "Land of the Misty Gems," was a class project way back in the sixth grade. She wrote the text, illustrated the book with colored pencils, even bound it with twine and pasted a fabric cover on her creation. And now -- mumble, mumble -- years later, she still has that book. It was the beginning of her writing career, even if until the early 1990s that writing consisted mainly of research papers and essay test questions and then newspaper articles.

    Trish was born and grew up in Western Kentucky and began reading so long ago she doesn't really remember how it all started. She does remember loving a little book called "The Runaway Pancake," then the regular treasures that would appear in her mailbox from the Weekly Reader Book Club, then books like the Little House on the Prairie series. The library was one of her favorite places. And even though being a bookworm didn't do wonders for her social life when she was in her teens, she wouldn't trade her love of books for the world.

    After college, she worked as a newspaper reporter and magazine editor and still does some freelance writing and copy editing. But most of her writing now is fiction, and no matter what kind of story it is she can't resist putting at least some romance in it alongside the paranormal or suspense elements. Her writing has finaled in Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart Contest eight times, winning twice. "White Witch," her February 2012 release from Bell Bridge Books, was the 2007 Golden Heart winner in the Young Adult category.

    In her free time, she loves watching movies and TV (she bought herself a TiVo when she made her first sale), hiking, reading and road trips.

My Previous Review(s) for this Series : Book 1 | Book 2

** Be sure to add it to your TBR pile on Goodreads! **

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Made the Grade: The Last Princess of the Dream Dragons by Janet MacDonald

Format: Kindle Edition | File Size: ??? KB | Release Date: October 05, 2012 | Publisher: Self-Published | Obtained: Smashwords

"The Last Princess of the Dream Dragons" by Janet MacDonald

My Book Summary : Peeps is the only one of her kind (part-dragon and part-Sylph) but because of that, her only friend is a baby dragon named Marbles. Ever since her adopted mother died Marbles and Peeps have lived together never having a steady place to call home.

Recently Peeps broke one of her wings so while they are waiting to be seen by a healer they are caught in the middle of a raid that Prince Falcore is leading for his brother the King. However, when trying to escape Falcore captures Peeps!

Falcore is intrigued by Peeps almost immediately and knows he wants her more than just what she can do to help him dethrone his brother. Both Peeps and Falcore find that their time together fuels passions in them that they've never felt before. Will they find that they have more in common then they originally thought and work together to become more then captor and slave or will Falcore's determination to dethrone his brother ruin everything between them?

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars, this is a fast-paced short story about a unique girl just trying to get by who falls in love with her captor. Even though some things were a little farfetched, I enjoyed all the twists that came with this novel!

However, I wish the ending had more and didn't leave you hanging. Therefore, I hope there will be another book to take off where this one left off.

I recommend this novel to anyone who likes romances steeped from fantasy!

Book Teaser(s) :
A woman with similar regal bearings and features as the Prince exited and she looked to be close to Peeps age, Graft was carefully holding her hand as he helped her out of the carriage and even from here Peeps could see the shine in the young girls eyes at his touch. Momentarily the Prince was there and the girl gave him a very unceremonious hug, Peeps hissed at the embrace...then caught herself. She had never done that before; the feeling of not wanting another female to touch the Prince rode up inside her and crashed over her in a wave of anxiety. She heard him say her name “Rea” and it was full of love for his obvious family member.
Bewildered she fluttered back down to the itchy bed, her mind stunned by the sudden want to be in Prince Falcore’s arms alarmed her. She wondered if maybe her food had not been drugged or poisoned even, she had been overwhelmed with hunger and had not given it much thought at the time she had eaten it. ~ within Chapter 3
For more information on this book and/or any other books by Janet, then please check her out on the Smashwords' website.
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