Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 2010 Tax Day Tea Party in Elizabeth City, NC

On April 15th 2010 there was a Tax Day Tea Party held at Waterfront Park in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. This is a video showing you the highlights of that event. The MC was Keith Radke, one of the events organizers. The Speakers were: Kory Swanson of the John Locke Foundation, John Woodard - Candidate for the NC House of Representatives, Brian Balfour of the Civitas Institute, and Jerry Grimes - Candidate for US Congress (NC-1).

Here's the Video:

If you can't see/watch the above video then click here to watch it on vimeo or click here to watch it on youtube.

Here's a collage of the photos I took:

Within the next few days I'll be uploading the full speeches of Kory Swanson, John Woodard, Brian Balfour, & Jerry Grimes onto my YouTube acct so keep checking back here to find out if they are viewable yet!

For more info on the Elizabeth City Tea Party click here.

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  1. Thank you for the positive review and for the production of your video of our event. We've linked to you from

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Your welcome! I've uploaded two of the speeches videos today and I'll probably upload the others tomorrow. If you want to check them out go to my YouTube acct.


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