Friday, October 9, 2009

Book Report - the Jessica Darling Series

Okay ... I just finished read the Jessica Darling series, written by Megan McCafferty, which includes 5 books (Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, Fourth Comings, & Perfect Fifths). I started reading the first book sometime last week and then finished reading the last book this morning (with a few days waiting period for the final books to arrive somewhere in between). And all I can say it I LOVED IT/THEM!!!!!!!

Sloppy Firsts - starts out when Jessica is sixteen and has never really had a boyfriend. She's smart and "snarky" ... what's not to love. *hahaa* And in this book she starts seeing Marcus Flutie, who is the all around bad boy! Then it goes from the end of her sophomore year into summer time then into her junior year of high school ... and Marcus is back more so then ever.

Throughout the whole series it shows you Jessica's tale of her romance with Marcus ... through the good times and bad. I also love it because these characters are written as being the same age as me, so I can definitely relate to the pop culture references and what she goes through. Not that my life is exactly like hers but I definitely understand how she feels in the situations she gets thrown in.

Then in Perfect Fifths - you finally get to hear both sides of the romance as the tale goes back and forth between the characters. ♥ I really can't say anymore without giving it all away so I'll just say again ... I LOVED IT!!!!

To find out more info on this series go to Megan McCafferty's website. =0)

Here's an awesome video overview about the series ... check it out:

Perfect Fifths Trailer from Jennifer Rose on Vimeo.

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  1. With those titles I think I would wash my hands afterwards... ha ha but definately they sound very interesting......


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