Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Teaser Tuesdays: Bite Me

  • Today's Teaser Tuesdays by MizB - click here

  • "Bite Me" [Demon Underground Series, Book 1] by Parker Blue

    My Teaser:
    "The terrier suddenly jerked his head up and sniffed the air. His eyes flashed purple, then he snarled, baring his surprisingly large, sharp teeth, and leapt to meet the form rushing for the darkness." ~ within Chapter 2

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    1. Frightening visual! Great teaser. Mine is here: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/04/teaser-tuesdays-get-lucky.html

    2. whoa. purple-flashing eyed terriers! I don't want to meet one of those. :)

    3. This is really an excellent visual. I love it when an author gives me something to SEE without overdoing it. Great teaser!

      Here's mine.


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