Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Something Like Fate

  • Today's "Waiting On" Wednesday by Jill - click here

  • "Something Like Fate" by Susane Colasanti
    Publication Released Date: May 4, 2010

    Book Description:
      What if your soul mate is....
    your best friend's boyfriend?
      Lani and Erin are bonded for life. One thing that connects them is their fascination of fate. Lani wonders how much of our lives has already been decided and how much we can actually influence. Since the Unknown can unexpectedly change our lives forever, how much can we really control?

      From the minute Lani meets Jason, she can't deny the intense connection they share. It feels like she's known him forever. She's not sure if he feels it, too. But it doesn't matter. Because Jason is Erin's boyfriend. Lani is determined to ignore her feelings for Jason, no matter how powerful they are, rather than risk hurting her best friend.

      What if the person who is your destiny is the one person you can't have?

    It sounds like such of an intriguing book .... and yes I'm not one that usually likes boyfriend-stealing [depending on who is stealing from whom - just kidding!] but I love the whole play on fate. You never know what could happen. =0)

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    1. Given how good Susane Collasanti's other books are, this one is bound to be great. Her books are very popular at the library where I work, there is already a long waiting list for Something Like Fate.

    2. I'm really excited for this one too!


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