Sunday, May 30, 2010

Feasted On: Vampire Academy Series, Book 5

Format: Hardcover | Pages: 489 | Release Date: May 2010 | Publisher: Penguin/Razorbill Books

"Spirit Bound" [Vampire Academy Series, Book 5] by Richelle Mead

My Book Summary : This story leads off with Rose back at St. Vladimir's with Lissa and her friends getting ready for their last few days of school. With those last few days come the tests to see if she'll be able to become an official guardian. After she does go through the course, came the celebration of it all and then the reality that she is now on her own, officially.

Afterwards, Rose heads to the Royal Court, along with Lissa, Christian, and the rest of her guardian graduating class. However, once there Rose plans on going through with finding a way to save Dimitri (a way that will turn him back from being a Strigoi), but in doing so she needs to find her source which would be Victor Dashkov's half-brother Robert who supposedly had already turned a Strigoi back before. The problem is to do all of that she needs to get to Victor first who just happens to be in a maximum security prison for all of his crimes, among his crimes was trying to control and hurt Lissa, which happened in "Vampire Academy" (Book 1).

Once they return back to Court, Rose gets in trouble for braking them out and is set into a lot of busy work to keep her away from her friends as punishment. But when Lissa goes away to check out the college she plans to attend during her birthday, Dimitri catches up with her and uses her as bait to get to Rose.

Then all hell brakes loose .....

My Book Review : 4.5 out of 5 stars!! This book leaves you with more questions then answers, but it was a great lead up story to what will be the final book in this series "Last Sacrifice." It was heartfelt, funny, intriguing, suspicious, and all-around entertaining! The characters got more developed in this book, with major twists that you don't see coming. I hope that things will turn out well during the last book and answer all of my questions .... I can't wait to find out!

Book Teaser :
His eyes widened, focusing on something just behind Lissa. At that same moment, a hand grabbed Lissa's shoulder and whipped her around. This is it, a small voice inside her whispered. This is where I die.
Then, she understood Christian's astonishment.
She was facing Dimitri. ~ within Chapter 14

My Musings :
  • Adrian is so sweet, I hope things work out for him.
  • With that being said ... I still love Rose & Dimitri as a couple and I hope they are able to work out their "issues" and get back together.
  • I wonder how Abe is going to help Rose out of this mess she's in? Any suggestions?
  • Who do you think the Queen was talking about in her note that Ambrose gave Rose?
    • I think they might be talking about Jill. However, it could be someone new ...
  • Do you remember in the last book, "Blood Promise," how Avery put Rose into that space inside her head, where she was at a home and Dimitri was there and everything was okay, only it was a lie? Well have you ever thought that that could have been the actual future of events to come, instead of some dream that Avery put together. I mean I know it's a long shot, but since we don't really know everything that spirit users can do ... you just never know. So, that's one thing I'm hoping for at least.

For more information on this book, series and/or any other books by Richelle, then please check out her website.

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