Saturday, May 22, 2010

Made the Grade: Maximum Ride Series, Book 1

Format: Paperback | Pages: 413 | Release Date: May 2006 | Publisher: Warner Vision

"The Angel Experiment" [Maximum Ride Series, Book 1] by James Patterson

My Book Summary : Fighting for your life and protecting those around you isn't easy, especially when you are only 14 yrs old and the oldest in your group of misfits.

Max and her friends were genetically engineered so that they are 98% human and 2% other .... which make them possibly look like Angels if they someone saw them flying in the sky. However, they are far from it. They have wings and other abilities that are growing and expanding by the day.
  • "The Flock" :
    • Max - The leader. The 14 yr old mother hen of the group but also built to be the smartest and strongest out of them all. However, she recently learned that she has a "Voice" in her head that helps her out, yet not sure if it is a friend or foe.
    • Fang - 14 yrs old [younger then Max by 4 months]. The tall, dark, brooding, and silent type. Not sure what Fang's strengths are. But he is Max's best friend and she is slowly starting to think of him as more then just a boy.
    • Iggy - 14 yrs old [younger then Max by 6 months I think]. Tall. Strawberry-blonde hair. Blind. Great with creating items or taking them apart [i.e. bombs]. Also, great at breaking into places [i.e. picking locks]. And probably more.
    • Nudge - 10 or 11 yrs old. She's a motormouth! Just learned a new skill about looking into items more in depth.
    • The Gasman - 8 yrs old. Cute and sweet. Not sure what he can do yet...
    • Angel - 6 yrs old. Thinking she is kind of a prodigy since she's the youngest but has the most abilities it seems ... so far.
HOWEVER .... nothing is all hunky-dory in Max-land. The Erasers [other mutants meant to hunt them down and kill them] find them, attack, and kidnap Angel back to the lab they escaped from 4 yrs earlier. So, now its a mission to get her back before anything serious happens to her or worse...

My Book Review : 3.5 out of 5 stars! I really wasn't sure what to expect at first with this book. But once I got started I couldn't stop! Kind of written with the same type of thing as the Darkest Powers Series, but with quite a few unusual twists! I'll be interested what the next book in the series, "School's Out-Forever", entails.

Book Teaser :
Fang and I exchanged a look. This was a little scary. Actually, a lot scary.
"Um, what do you mean, exactly?" I asked Angel. Okay, so she can pick up on most people's thoughts and feelings. But this was the first I'd heard of her sending a thought.
"I just asked her, in my mind," Angel said absently, straightening the bears' small white wings. "And she said okay. And she bought it for me. I'm going to call it Celeste." ~ within Chapter 92

For more information on this book, series and/or any other books by James, then please check out his website.

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